Game Engine API Support

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1 comment, last by Saruman 18 years, 10 months ago
Hello All I have been working on a game engine that currently supports directX. I have a macro that allows support for directx 8 and directx 9. I am currently interested in learning/using opengl. I guess my question is can i do a macro or some kind of check to use directx or opengl. I want to add this to the current code base instead of keeping 2 copies of the same project (one in DirectX one in OpenGL). Also if you could give me insight as to how bigger compaines/ support both api's in there game engines
They usually abstract away all Render calls into 1 class.


class Renderer()
virtual void drawModel() = 0;
virtual void bindTexture() = 0;

class OpenGLRenderer : public Renderer
overload the base class functions and implement them in opengl


class DX9Renderer : public Renderer
overload the base class functions and implement them in opengl


In your main code, once user has chosen the api of choice,

if(choice == OPENGL)
Renderer* r = new OpenGLRenderer();
Renderer* r = new DX9Renderer();

That is exactly what you want to do, in my engine I need the renderers abstracted and in their own seperate DLLs so I only load the one that I need to use.

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