SDL and updating keyboard

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12 comments, last by Cocalus 18 years, 10 months ago
Hello. I'm having trouble. When I use SDL the way I get the keystate is by updating the keys every frame and then testing the key value by using a simple if statement: if(keys[SDLK_RETURN]) { }. The problem is that if I hit the keys it makes it appear like I hit it more then once due to the speed of which it is looping. Ideas? Thanks.
look into the function :

SDL_EnableKeyRepeat(X, Y)


It didn't appear to work.

I set the value of delay to 0 to disable key repeat and the interval at 300 but it still was repeating.
All you really need to do is clear the key after you press it if you want a 'one action per press'
if( keys[SDLK_RETURN] ){   ...   keys[SDLK_RETURN] = 0;}
For when you need to do something on key-press, just handle a SDL_KEYDOWN event.

key-state arrays better for when you need to know something like "Is the G key being held down right now?"
Hi! I don't know if people are still looking at this thread, but I have a similar issue, so ...

I am making atop-down car sim game with openGL. I want the car-move-forward action while the 'up' key is pressed, car-turn action when the left/right keys are pressed. Now if the left/right keys are pressed and released while the up key is down, the car-move-forward action is stopped! And I don't want that - anyone who has played a car sim must know what I want, can you help me? My code:

SDL_EnableKeyRepeat(10, 10);// .....Uint8 *keys = SDL_GetKeyState(NULL);SDL_PumpEvents();      if (keys[SDLK_LEFT]) turn();if (keys[SDLK_RIGHT]) turn();if (keys[SDLK_UP]) carmoveforward();
Quote:Original post by deavik
Hi! I don't know if people are still looking at this thread, but I have a similar issue, so ...

I am making atop-down car sim game with openGL. I want the car-move-forward action while the 'up' key is pressed, car-turn action when the left/right keys are pressed. Now if the left/right keys are pressed and released while the up key is down, the car-move-forward action is stopped! And I don't want that - anyone who has played a car sim must know what I want, can you help me? My code:

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I would guess (completely unverified) that the event queue is filling up since from what you've posted you don't seem to remove anything from it (I'm assuming it has a max size).

I would suggest
replacingSDL_PumpEvents();withSDL_Event event;while(SDL_PollEvent(&event)); //this will clear out the buffer

This isn't the best solution since there a several event's that you shouldn't be ignoring, (like SDL_QUIT). But you put the stuff for handling that into the while loop. Also I don't think you need SDL_EnableKeyRepeat.
Hi Cocalus! Thanks for writing in! I tried what you said + disabled SDL_EnableKeyRepeat, but that just works to move stuff one time. But I need the effect while the key is pressed. Also I tried SDL_PRESSED instead of SDL_KEYDOWN, didn't work. Enabling SDL_EnableKeyRepeat and trying the same results in the same problem as I had at first. Have you any more ideas?

while (SDL_PollEvent(&event))     {       switch (event.type)       {            case SDL_KEYDOWN:               if(event.key.keysym.sym==SDLK_LEFT)                  keyPresses(R_z, 0.5f);               if(event.key.keysym.sym==SDLK_RIGHT)                  keyPresses(R_z, -0.5f);          break;                         case SDL_QUIT:            done=1;      }    }
If you want something to happen continuously while the key is depressed, SDL_GetKeyState is what you want. If you only want something to happen at the precise moment that the key is depressed or released, then you use the event queue.
Hi Kylotan, SDL_GetKeyState is what I did use initially (check a couple of posts back). The problem was the same - it seems to not be able to handle multiple keypresses ... any ideas?

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