Problem linking two triangle strips into one

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3 comments, last by QuadMV 18 years, 10 months ago
I have multiple triangle strips which are straight parallel rows of my terrain height map. The below code snippet is where I copy the vertices from my in-memory height map to a vertex buffer. You’ll notice the “if” check between each ROW where I try to seam the two rows together. This is using a technique I read about where I do the following: To join A C and E G B D F H You create a dummy set of triangles between them to perform the join, but since its an invalid set of tris it isn’t suppose to render, but it allows drawprimitive to render all the strips in a single call. Ie: The strip looks like: ABCD DEEF EFGH If I call “DrawPrimitive( D3DPT_TRIANGLESTRIP … “ on the below strip the dummy tris between each row are drawing, but I don’t want them to. If I draw the exact same strips as separate drawprimitive calls (excluding the two extra dummy tris and the end of each row) it draws perfect. But, it requires multiple calls to drawprimitive, which I’m trying to eliminate. Can someone suggest what I might be doing wrong with the dummy tris below? (the tris are drawn counter clockwise) Thanks. for ( x=0, tricounter=0; x < gDepth-1; x++ ) { for ( y=0; y < gWidth; y++ ) { memcpy(&(v[(tricounter++)]),&(Tobj[objid].v[x][y]), sizeof(TERRAINVERTEX) ); memcpy(&(v[(tricounter++)]),&(Tobj[objid].v[x+1][y]), sizeof(TERRAINVERTEX) ); } // SEAM THE TWO STRIPS HERE, BETWEEN EACH ROW if ( x < gDepth-2 ) { memcpy(&(v[(tricounter++)]),&(Tobj[objid].v[x+1][y-1]), sizeof(TERRAINVERTEX) ); memcpy(&(v[(tricounter++)]),&(Tobj[objid].v[x+1][0]), sizeof(TERRAINVERTEX) ); memcpy(&(v[(tricounter++)]),&(Tobj[objid].v[x+1][0]), sizeof(TERRAINVERTEX) ); memcpy(&(v[(tricounter++)]),&(Tobj[objid].v[x+2][0]), sizeof(TERRAINVERTEX) ); } }
3DMUVE is an amateur game development team, and the designer and developer of a new gaming technology “MUVE” for the gaming industry.
I'm too tired to parse the code snippet right now, but can you elaborate on what you mean by the dummy tris drawing? What do they look like? You want connector triangles to be degenerate, i.e. to have two of each triangle's vertices be identical, reducing it to a line. Such a triangle can't be rendered because it has no area--so if your connector triangles are showing up somehow, you may want to make sure each one has the same vertex repeated twice.

Hope that makes sense. :)
Orin Tresnjak | Graphics ProgrammerBethesda Game StudiosStandard Disclaimer: My posts represent my opinions and not those of Bethesda/Zenimax, etc.
Check the section 'Connecting strips' near the bottom.
I'd recommend using an index buffer instead of copying vertex data around like that.

But anyway, your example (ABCD DEEF EFGH) is correct; I can't figure out the code right now though.

Richard "Superpig" Fine - saving pigs from untimely fates - Microsoft DirectX MVP 2006/2007/2008/2009
"Shaders are not meant to do everything. Of course you can try to use it for everything, but it's like playing football using cabbage." - MickeyMouse

Thanks to all, I figured it out. Some of the responses triggered an idea, and when I sat to map it I realized the following:

I don't think it should be:


What I want as a final set of VALID triangles is:


Therefore, I think it should be:


Which I believe would produce the following tris:


Note: The middle 4 shouldn't render since 2 of the 3 vertices have the same vertex.

When I was using:


The tri list was:


This still seems valid looking at it, but it increases my vertices by an extra 2 per row, and increases the triangles an additional 2 per row, which seems like a waste?

In either case, my mistake was that I underestimated the increase in the # of tris. I thought it was only an additional 2 tris per row, not 6 (as in my original vertex list) or 4 (in my revised vertex list)

Thanks for all the suggestions

3DMUVE is an amateur game development team, and the designer and developer of a new gaming technology “MUVE” for the gaming industry.

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