Transformation from 3D space to screen space

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1 comment, last by TheQuixotiC 18 years, 10 months ago
How can I transform a 3d coordinate to screen space?
//Multiply the vertex by the world matrix://Vtx is of type D3DXVECTOR3D3DXVec3Transform(&Vtx, &Vtx, &WorldMatrix);//Multiply it by the view matrixD3DXVec3Transform(&Vtx, &Vtx, &ViewMatrix);//Multiply by the projection matrix:D3DXVec3Transform(&Vtx, &Vtx, &ProjMatrix);//Convert it:Vtx.x = Vtx.x * ViewWidth/2 + ViewX + ViewWidth/2;Vtx.y = -Vtx.y * ViewHeight/2 + ViewY + ViewHeight/2;
Thanks for your help!

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