is this how you multiply a matrix with a vector?

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0 comments, last by nmi 18 years, 9 months ago
Hi, i want to multiply a vector with a matrix. I am curious if this is how to do it.

           m11 m12 m13          x         m11*x + m12*y + m13*z
M * v =    m21 m22 m23    *     y    =    m21*x + m22*y + m23*z
           m31 m32 m33          z         m31*x + m32*y + m33*z

And if thats so, does anyone know where i can get some precalculated answers to test? Thanks
Yes, its correct.

Always multiply a row of the first with a column of the second vector/matrix.

For an example of a rotation matrix see here.

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