Changes from Dec DX to April DX

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2 comments, last by DrGUI 18 years, 9 months ago
Hi! I've now got an XP computer so I can upgrade DirectX! Can people please tell me of the changes; the first thing I noticed was the addition of the skipConstant parameter when loading an effect, but I'm sure they'll be other changes too. Oooo- perhaps they've fixed that bug in skeletal animation by now!!! The docs say of skipConstant 'A string of effect parameters that will be ignored by the effect system. The string must be NULL terminated and needs to contain the name of each application-managed constant separated by a semicolon.' I'm not sure what that means as I have to set all needed effect parameters in code anyway, one way or another. Cheers

Here is a vrief description of what have changed from one version to another:

Here is another from Microsoft, which is much more detailed:
Features added in the ... version of DirectX SDK

------------------------------------------------------------Neo, the Matrix should be 16-byte aligned for better performance!

Is SAS done by DirectX or are the annotations just standardized?
Hmmm...I used to call:
m_ScoreFont.FontResource.DrawText(null, m_ScoreString1, ref m_ScoreRect1, Direct3D.DrawTextFormat.NoClip | Direct3D.DrawTextFormat.CalculateRect, 0);

And now they seem to have wrapped that function in Font.MeasureString so it returns the rectangle, but forgot to take out the colour parameter! Am I wrong or does the colour alter the size of the string :P hehe

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