Fastest way to render 2D sprites

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67 comments, last by 2dcoder 18 years, 9 months ago
"85-90 fps on a P4 3.2Ghz with a GeForce 4200Ti graphics card."

Thanks for running the demo, much appreciated!

hmm... this is obviously 2-3 times faster compared to my system, but I'd still like to see how a DX9 D3DXSprite system would compare to the DX8 system, and then ultimately a Quad/Batched system that doesn't use the D3DXSprite interface.
Quote:Original post by 2dcoder
"where i pushed around 250 888 sprites at 30fps in 1024 * 768 * D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8, and YES, those were textured sprites..."

250,888 sprites????? On what hardware? I would love to run that demo on my test box. Would you consider releasing that as a demo? Puhlease!! LOL...

It was on my A64 2.8Ghz, 1Gb of ram and an nVidia GF6600GT
Metus, I've been researching DirectX sprite rendering the past few days, and that number seems almost impossible. Even a non alpha Direct Draw engine would be hard pressed to pump 250,000 sprites at 30fps. So until I see an actual demo from you I'm just a little skeptical. ;)
hmm.. perhaps i have to review my code.. but i was just curious for one of my game project ( a tiled-based multilayer game ) so i quickly hacked this thing together:

resolution: 1024 * 768
spritesize: 8 * 8
layers 10

1024 / 8 * 768 / 8 = 128 * 96 = 12288 sprites per layer * 10 layers = 122880 tiles per 10 layers.

soo.. it was my mistake.. on 122880 sprites there are twice the amount of polygons.. that is wat nvPerfHud reports :P

so the correct number of sprites are 122 800
Even 122800 8x8 sprites at 30fps in 32bit color seems unlikely. ;) And if you were drawing 10 layers, then to get the full 122800 sprites on screen at one time EVERY tile in EVERY layer would have to be filled. Perhaps you had a few (thousand or so) empty tiles? ;)
Well.. you got me even mor curious now... i will review my code even more tonight and find a place to upload my code.. so.. stay tuned
Hi Metus - Sounds good, I'm very curious as well. I will watch this thread!
Metus - you still there? ;)
hmm....this thread has had over 500 views and no one else is putting up a sprite demo? C'mon... if you have something faster, let's see it! You don't have to share your code unless you want to, but let's at least see the demo. ;)
Final bump to see if there's anymore input from anyone on the subject, thanks!

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