Scalable Sim Framework?

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0 comments, last by hplus0603 18 years, 9 months ago
I came across the Scalable Simulation Framework - "...what is this thing?" I wondered. "Scalable Simulation Framework (SSF) is a discrete-event simulation framework providing a unified programming interface geared towards network simulation. Dartmouth SSF (DaSSF) is a C++ implementation of SSF, designed for simulating very large-scale multi-protocol communication networks." Oh, ok. Then I realized, "Hmmm...I wonder if game programmers use this to test their multiplayer games?" Has anyone done that or do people just get beta testers and test on small scale. SSF seems like it would be great for those companies building MMORPG games who insist on having players betatest on openning day. Darrell Bircsak (My first post here. GREAT website! Like no other.)
SSF is a toolkit to build distributed simulations, rather than test them. However, SSF seems designed to provide correctness in simulation, rather than prioritize real-time response to interactive participants. As such, it's much better for academic research, than for computer games.

Another simulation framework that you can buy, and that's also not very good for games, is the High-Level Architecture (HLA, or IEEE-1516). The only people I've seen attempt to run games on HLA are at

Btw: Most MMO companies actually do run synthetic load testing before even starting regular beta test. The problem is that players aren't synthetic ;-)

enum Bool { True, False, FileNotFound };

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