Global variables like the device?

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3 comments, last by rjackets 18 years, 9 months ago
Hi all. I've got a decent amount of experience with Directx and whatnot on an amateur level, but I'm very curious as to how I should handle objects that I need to be able to access throughout the program. For instance, the directx device needs to be referenced quite often in subclasses. In the past I have merely passed pointers to the functions so they can refer to it, but this seems a bit of a hastle every time... and especially when you need to pass in a bunch of objects like camera positions, etc. (but from what I understand global variables are often considered bad form) Recently I've just used a single struct that contains pointers to all these objects and I pass that struct into the function, but I still feel as though I could be doing it more efficiently. If anyone could explain to me what the "proper" way to do this is I would be very appreciative. Thanks all.
This is pretty much a question of software design/engineering - there are a variety of ways you could go about "solving" this.

I'm in the camp that global variables aren't a good idea - for simple/closed systems they're ok, but it's just too easy to go breaking things. Or, more importantly, it's extremely difficult to track down the offending code when everything has access to the thing that breaks [smile]

Your idea of grouping them together as a struct, presumably a global one, is a bit tidier but still presents the same problems...

In my experience I've always wrapped things up as a class - making heavy use of encapsulation to hide the real implementation. However, none of my implementations have been great (hindsight is a wonderful thing).

I don't have any links to hand (maybe someone else will!) but you might benefit from digging up some of the classic software design books or articles.


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Jack Hoxley <small>[</small><small> Forum FAQ | Revised FAQ | MVP Profile | Developer Journal ]</small>


I do it in the following way:
have a RenderingView which has the device, and all the things that are relevant for a view (eg. the camera position). It has a TextureFactory, ShaderFactory and a FontFactory, which all receive a pointer to the RenderingView in thei constructor, so they can always get a pointer to the device if needed. They can also have a copy of the pointer if it's needed often (and this is more common case). Then, the rendered objects (I call it GeometryElems) are created from the view, they also get a pointer to the view. The parts of the elements that have the same material will be divided into other entities for simplicity, but don't go into deeper details now. So they don't have to be globals at all. Ok, if eg. a GeomElem needs a texture, then it will need two levels of indirection, but if you need it many times, you cal always get the pointer once, and then use that one many times.

I don't say that this is good, I just say that this is how I do it.
Hope you will find some useful ideas.

------------------------------------------------------------Neo, the Matrix should be 16-byte aligned for better performance!
My engine is structured out in components - for example, the Engine component, Game component, Graphics component, Input component, ect... The Engine components holds all of the other components, and you can access each component through it. For example:


The singleton Engine object is global, so it can be accessed from anywhere. At this point, you can pretty much get into whatever you want - game subsystem, graphics subsystem, whatever. It's very flexible.

For D3D objects that need an IDirect3DDevice9 pointer for any function call other than initialization, I store a pointer to the device in that class. This avoids overhead from calling engine->GetGraphics()->GetD3DDevice() repeatively.
Dustin Franklin ( circlesoft :: KBase :: Mystic GD :: ApolloNL )
Thanks everyone for the help. I had implemented a system like circlesoft suggested in a previous program. It seemed to work but I wasn't sure if it was considered sloppy or something, but it did work quite well so I think I will go with that idea.

Thanks again.

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