[SDL] Tileset Blitting Problems

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0 comments, last by TravisWells 18 years, 9 months ago
I am trying to load a .GIF image using SDL_image, then blit the image into seperate tiles, which I store in an array of SDL_Surfaces*. I keep getting an error from the SDL_BlitSurface function. Here is the code:

// The Tile array is a member of the CDisplay class.  I have tried setting it 
// to NULL in the constructor as well as just leaving it out of the constructor.

void CDisplay::LoadTiles()
	SDL_Surface* Tiles;
	SDL_Rect dstRect;
	SDL_Rect srcRect;
	int iTileNumber = 0;
	dstRect.x = 0;
	dstRect.y = 0;
	dstRect.h = dstRect.w = 100;
	srcRect.y = srcRect.y = 1;
	srcRect.h = srcRect.w = 100;
	if ((Tiles = IMG_Load("gfx/tiles1.gif")) == NULL)
		cout << "Could not open tileset." << endl;
	} else
		for (int y = 1; y <= 132; y += 33)
			for (int x = 1; x <= 132; x += 33)
				srcRect.x = x;
				srcRect.y = y;
				if (SDL_BlitSurface(Tiles, &srcRect, Tile[iTileNumber], &dstRect)==-1)
					cout << "Tile Blit Failed! Error -1." << endl;
					fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", SDL_GetError());
				} else
					cout << "Blitting Succeeded." << endl;

The output I am getting is: Tile Blit Failed! Error -1. SDL_UpperBlit: passed a NULL surface I tried creating a 2D program using SDL last summer and I got it to display the tiles, but I do not think I did anything except create the array of SDL_Surfaces to hold the tiles in. Unless there is something I forgot. Do I have to initialize the SDL_Surfaces to something before I can blit something else on them? Thanks, Chris (edit: Source formatting)
You don't have an array of "SDL_Surface*"s, you have one.
So you can't index into it here:

instead of trying to do multiple SDL_Surfaces, it's almost always better to put your tiles into one image, then manipulate the srcrect to only blit parts of it.
For example, if your tiles are 100x100 and you have 5 tiles, you'd put them horizontaly on the image
Then for srcrect, you'd set it up like this:

An example drawing function:
srcRect.y=0;srcRect.w=srcRect.h=100;for(int y=0;y<map_height;y++){  for(int x=0;x<map_width;x++){    srcRect.x=map[x][y]*100;        dstRect.x=x*100;    detRect.y=y*100;    SDL_BlitSurface(Tiles, &srcRect, screen, &dstRect);  }}

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