fstream problem

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8 comments, last by bkt 18 years, 9 months ago
I have been trying to solve this problem for about an hour now, and I have run out of steam. In the engine I am making, levels are saved as .txt files, with variables saved in a certain order. In all my other games, this worked great, and I could load up levels by creating an ifstream to the the text file, and reading in my variables. However, with my new project, I have a problem. I created a text filewith the variables in it, and I created a ifstream to it, but when I try to read in all my variables, they aren't being read. I know that my program is accessing the text file because I am testing it by doing this: if(leveldata.is_open()) { .... } Even though it accesses the file, the variables aren't being set, for example I have a mapwidth variable that , even though in the text file it says 100, is being set for 0 every time I load up the game. Can anyone help me with this? Here is a code snippet of what I am doing.
[source lang = "cpp"]
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>

ifstream levdata (filename);


  levdata > mapname;
  levdata >> mapwidth;
  levdata >> mapheight;
  levdata >> tileset;
  levdata >> playerx;
  levdata >> playery;
  levdata >> timeofday;
  levdata >> numberofswitches;
  levdata >> numberofenemygroups;
  levdata >> numberofgenerators;


Thanks in advance.
My Current Project Angels 22 (4E5)
Perhaps it's because your first ">>" is really a ">"?
mapname is a char *

does having that > change anything.
My Current Project Angels 22 (4E5)
Sir Sapo, are you sure all your variables are in the same page and alterable by this function? You could do a printf and check what the variables are inside of the function itself. If they are correctly changed, then you may have problems regarding scope and stuff. You should keep everything in a class and pass the class name as reference to the function. Always the way to go.

Glad if I could help.
I printf'd after a variable should have been initialized, but the value was still 0(its default), so I think it either has something to do with the textfile or something like that, I dont think scope is the problem here.
My Current Project Angels 22 (4E5)
Fixed it. I guess you can >> strings from a txt file. Thanks guys.
My Current Project Angels 22 (4E5)
Quote:Original post by Sir Sapo
Fixed it. I guess you can >> strings from a txt file. Thanks guys.

You can, but it will only read one "word" (i.e. up until the next whitespace, which is considered a delimiter between "items" by default when using formatted IO). To read a whole line, you probably want:

#include <string>#include <fstream>#include <iostream>//...std::string line; // or just use any existing variable of that typestd::getline(levdata, line);

Its just me, but I find it easier to use the C-style file reading/writing for anything binary that I need to write. The insertion and extraction operators just get a bit hectic for me. I'm not saying that its bad to use, but that's just me! I'm also used to using that more than the latter.
-John "bKT" Bellone [homepage] [[email=j.bellone@flipsidesoftware.com]email[/email]]
Quote:Original post by bkt
Its just me, but I find it easier to use the C-style file reading/writing for anything binary that I need to write. The insertion and extraction operators just get a bit hectic for me. I'm not saying that its bad to use, but that's just me! I'm also used to using that more than the latter.

It's not difficult to write generic C++ functions to simplify reading and writing binary data with streams. Here's a version I quickly hacked together:

#include <fstream>#include <iostream>#include <string>template < typename TYPE >class BinaryHelper;template < typename TYPE >std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & stream, BinaryHelper< TYPE > const & value);template < typename TYPE >std::istream & operator>>(std::istream & stream, BinaryHelper< TYPE > const & value);template < typename TYPE >class BinaryHelper{	public:		explicit BinaryHelper(TYPE & value);	private:		TYPE & value_;		friend std::ostream & operator<< <>(std::ostream & stream, BinaryHelper< TYPE > const & value);		friend std::istream & operator>> <>(std::istream & stream, BinaryHelper< TYPE > const & value);};template < typename TYPE >BinaryHelper< TYPE >::BinaryHelper(TYPE & value)	:	value_(value){}template < typename TYPE >BinaryHelper< TYPE > binary(TYPE & value){	return BinaryHelper< TYPE >(value);}template < typename TYPE >std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & stream, BinaryHelper< TYPE > const & value){	stream.write(reinterpret_cast< char * >(&value.value_), sizeof(TYPE));	return stream;}template < typename TYPE >std::istream & operator>>(std::istream & stream, BinaryHelper< TYPE > const & value){	stream.read(reinterpret_cast< char * >(&value.value_), sizeof(TYPE));	return stream;}struct PodType{	PodType();	PodType(float floatValue_, int intValue_, double doubleValue_, char charArray_[4]);	float floatValue;	int intValue;	double doubleValue;	char charArray[4];};PodType::PodType()	:	floatValue(),	intValue(),	doubleValue(){	std::strncpy(charArray, "", 4);}PodType::PodType(float floatValue_, int intValue_, double doubleValue_, char charArray_[4])	:	floatValue(floatValue_),	intValue(intValue_),	doubleValue(doubleValue_){	std::strncpy(charArray, charArray_, 4);}std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & stream, PodType const & podType){	stream << "PodType:\n\tfloatValue: " << podType.floatValue << "\n\tintValue: " << podType.intValue << "\n\tdoubleValue: " << podType.doubleValue << "\n\tcharArray: " << podType.charArray << '\n';	return stream;}void writeFile(std::string filename){	std::ofstream writer(filename.c_str());	int intValue = 707;	float floatValue = 7.07;	double doubleValue = 707.0707;	short shortValue = -7;	unsigned short unsignedShortValue = 7;	PodType podType(543.21, 987, 97531.248, "Hi!");	writer << intValue << ' ' << binary(intValue) << floatValue << ' ' << binary(floatValue) << doubleValue << ' ' << binary(doubleValue) << shortValue << ' ' << binary(shortValue) << unsignedShortValue << ' ' << binary(unsignedShortValue) << binary(podType);}void readFile(std::string filename){	std::ifstream reader(filename.c_str());	int intValue;	int intValueBinary;	float floatValue;	float floatValueBinary;	double doubleValue;	double doubleValueBinary;	short shortValue;	short shortValueBinary;	unsigned short unsignedShortValue;	unsigned short unsignedShortValueBinary;	PodType podTypeBinary;	reader >> intValue >> std::ws >> binary(intValueBinary) >> floatValue >> std::ws >> binary(floatValueBinary) >> doubleValue >> std::ws >> binary(doubleValueBinary) >> shortValue >> std::ws >> binary(shortValueBinary) >> unsignedShortValue >> std::ws >> binary(unsignedShortValueBinary) >> binary(podTypeBinary);	std::cout << "intValue: " << intValue << "\nfloatValue: " << floatValue << "\ndoubleValue: " << doubleValue << "\nshortValue: " << shortValue << "\nunsignedShortValue: " << unsignedShortValue << '\n';	std::cout << "intValueBinary: " << intValueBinary << "\nfloatValueBinary: " << floatValueBinary << "\ndoubleValueBinary: " << doubleValueBinary << "\nshortValueBinary: " << shortValueBinary << "\nunsignedShortValueBinary: " << unsignedShortValueBinary << '\n';	std::cout << "podTypeBinary:\n" << podTypeBinary;}int main(){	std::string filename = "binaryFile.dat";	writeFile(filename);	readFile(filename);}

That's actually very interesting, and I've never thought of doing that! I'm now considering writing that same type of wrapper for when I create my pakfile-like format. Hmm, thanks.
-John "bKT" Bellone [homepage] [[email=j.bellone@flipsidesoftware.com]email[/email]]

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