Running a program

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7 comments, last by otakuidoru 18 years, 9 months ago
I'm a real beginner and I'm sorry for the level of question this is, but I have a problem running some code. I copied the code from a website that said this: "...we have included a small program written in "C". If you have a C compiler, try it out. It is a complete working program." I've tried running the code and just can't get it to work? Can somebody please help? I've put the code below. Thanks. #include "stdio.h" #define MaxIters 200 #define SIZE 80 #define BLACK -1 #define LEFT -2.0 #define RIGHT 1.0 #define TOP 1.0 #define BOTTOM -1.0 main(int argc, char *argv[]) { short x, y, count; long double zr, zi, cr, ci; long double rsquared, isquared; for (y = 0; y < SIZE; y++) { for (x = 0; x < SIZE; x++) { zr = 0.0; zi = 0.0; cr = LEFT + x * (RIGHT - LEFT) / SIZE; ci = TOP + y * (BOTTOM - TOP) / SIZE; rsquared = zr * zr; isquared = zi * zi; for (count = 0; rsquared + isquared <= 4.0 && count < MaxIters; count++) { zi = zr * zi * 2; zi += ci; zr = rsquared - isquared; zr += cr; rsquared = zr * zr; isquared = zi * zi; } if (rsquared + isquared <= 4.0) printf("*"); else printf(" "); } printf("\n"); } return 0; }
What compiler are you using? The message almost looks likie it says it wrote it to your C drive and now you need a C compiler to finish it. Knowing the compiler your using would be great. [grin]
I can't really see anything wrong with the syntax. Can you give us the errors your getting? Or does the program just crash?

I'm running it in Visual Studio.

The errors are:

LIBCD.lib(wincrt0.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _WinMain@16


Debug/fractal2.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals
Error executing link.exe.
Sounds to me like your trying to compile it as a Win32 application, try copying the following code to a differen't project and make it console based.
Yeah that is what I've done. I had no idea which one to choose so I just guessed. I'll try the console based one.

Thanks a lot for the help.
Looks like you're trying to compile a Win32 app, when what you've written is a console application.

The compiler is looking for an entry into a WinMain function that doesn't exist.
Try starting a "new" project and specifying that it will be of a Win32 console type (not Win32) to avoid that linking error.

I think you've created a Windows application, when you meant to create a console application. If you're using Visual Studio, try creating a new project, then for the project type, use 'Win32 Console Application'. Then you'll be set. BTW: You may want to have a return type for the main function (see below).

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {


return 0;

Hope that helps.

-Otakuidoru"Programming is an art form that fights back."
D'oh! You beat me to it, Julian Spillane. :)

-Otakuidoru"Programming is an art form that fights back."

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