Getting color data from a loaded texture

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9 comments, last by QuadMV 18 years, 9 months ago
I have a texture loaded from a file using: D3DXCreateTextureFromFile It works fine. However, I want to get the color buffer comprising the texture out of the LPDIRECT3DVERTEXBUFFER9 variable How do I do this? I assume I need some combination of getsurface and getprivatedata? I'm not sure of the exact code. If anyone could provide a snipet of what I need to do I'd appreciate it. Thanks
3DMUVE is an amateur game development team, and the designer and developer of a new gaming technology “MUVE” for the gaming industry.
First of all you want to get the texture data out of LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9 not LPDIRECT3DVERTEXBUFFER9, hah.

The method is simple, lock a portion of the texture and it will give you a pointer to the pixel data. If you specify NULL for the selected RECT it will lock the entire texture.

	DWORD	m_pixelbytes;	DWORD*	m_ptr;	bool cTexture::Lock(LPRECT rect, bool ReadOnly)	{		D3DLOCKED_RECT data;		if(FAILED(texture->LockRect(0, &data, rect, 0)))			return false;		m_ptr = (DWORD*)data.pBits;		m_pixelbytes = data.Pitch / sizeof(DWORD);		return true;			};	void cTexture::Unlock()	{		texture->UnlockRect(0);	};// Basic use	DWORD cTexture::GetPixel(long x, long y)	{		return m_ptr[m_pixelbytes*y+x];	};
I knew it was texture, not vertex. That was a cut/paste mistake, but thanks for keeping me honest.

I almost got what you showed working, but does the opposite work? If I modify the data can I write the changed data back to the texture? I'm not getting errors doing so, but the texture isn't changing, so I'm sure I'm missing something.

I have the RECT set to NULL which I think means the entire rect, right?


Also, the texture I loaded was 320x320, but data.Pitch / sizeof(DWORD); comes back as 128, not 320. Does DirectX auto resize the texture?

Thanks again

3DMUVE is an amateur game development team, and the designer and developer of a new gaming technology “MUVE” for the gaming industry.
Quote:I almost got what you showed working, but does the opposite work? If I modify the data can I write the changed data back to the texture? I'm not getting errors doing so, but the texture isn't changing, so I'm sure I'm missing something.

What might be happening is that the texture is being modified, but only the base-level mipmap. If you're using mipmaps, and only the base-level mipmap is being modified, the changes won't be apparent unless you're really close to the object. What you can do is use the D3DUSAGE_AUTOGENMIPMAPS flag when creating the texture. For that matter, why don't you post the code that creates the texture? The problem might be there.

Quote:I have the RECT set to NULL which I think means the entire rect, right?


Quote:Also, the texture I loaded was 320x320, but data.Pitch / sizeof(DWORD); comes back as 128, not 320. Does DirectX auto resize the texture?

Yes. It will be resized to the next-largest power of two, in your case a 512x512 texture.

..Wait a second. Why is it 128? The pitch should be 2048, giving you a image pixel width of 512. Are you using a DXT compressed texture?
It may also depend on the colour format the texture was created in as well.

The pitch for DXTn formats is different from what was returned in Microsoft DirectX 7.0. It now refers to the number of bytes in a row of blocks. For example, if you have a width of 16, then you will have a pitch of 4 blocks (4*8 for DXT1, 4*16 for DXT2-5.)

Try using unsigned short instead of a DWORD and see if it makes any differece.

I'm really not sure otherwise.
The image is a greyscale, so would I need to use char instead of DWORD or short?

When I sue char I get 2048, wich I think makes sence if the image is 320, you said it rounds it to 512, then I assume it gets converted to an ARGB image, so it's 512*4 or 2048. Is that right?

Therefore, to copy the image with memcpy, would it be 2048*2048?

3DMUVE is an amateur game development team, and the designer and developer of a new gaming technology “MUVE” for the gaming industry.
I forgot to mention, I'm getting an access violation reading the data via memcpy when I use 2048*2048

3DMUVE is an amateur game development team, and the designer and developer of a new gaming technology “MUVE” for the gaming industry.
For what it's worth, I changed it from char to sizeof(D3DCOLOR) and it's giving me 512, and the copy seems to be working ok.

However, when I modify, I'm still not seeing the modified contents.

I'm going to try D3DUSAGE_AUTOGENMIPMAPS and see if it makes a difference
3DMUVE is an amateur game development team, and the designer and developer of a new gaming technology “MUVE” for the gaming industry.
I changed my code from

//D3DXCreateTextureFromFile(pd3dDevice, map, &mTerrainTexture[97]);


D3DXCreateTextureFromFileExW(pd3dDevice, map, D3DX_DEFAULT, D3DX_DEFAULT, D3DX_DEFAULT, 0, D3DFMT_UNKNOWN, D3DPOOL_MANAGED, D3DX_DEFAULT, D3DX_DEFAULT, 0, NULL, NULL, &mTerrainTexture[97] );

But, I'm not sure how/where to specify D3DUSAGE_AUTOGENMIPMAPS, I tried to put it on MipFilter, but then I found D3DUSAGE_AUTOGENMIPMAPS is unknown/undeclared identifier.

Any suggestions?

3DMUVE is an amateur game development team, and the designer and developer of a new gaming technology “MUVE” for the gaming industry.
Put it in the Usage parameter, the 6th one. The one you have set to 0. And I messed up - it's AUTOGENMIPMAP, no S.

Hey, try this, and tell us what number comes out:

D3DXCreateTextureFromFileExW(pd3dDevice, map, D3DX_DEFAULT, D3DX_DEFAULT, D3DX_DEFAULT, D3DUSAGE_AUTOGENMIPMAP, D3DFMT_UNKNOWN, D3DPOOL_MANAGED, D3DX_DEFAULT, D3DX_DEFAULT, 0, NULL, NULL, &mTerrainTexture[97] );IDirect3DSurface9* sfc;mTerrainTexture[97]->GetSurfaceLevel(0,&sfc);D3DSURFACE_DESC desc;sfc->GetDesc(&desc);// output the desc.Format member somehow, with a messagebox or log or whatever you usesfc->Release();

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