.OBJ rendering

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2 comments, last by GameDev.net 18 years, 9 months ago
Hello every one. Please excuse me, I know all the questions about .obj files must get annoying. I've read every forum posting on the subject and googled extensively. Still I've found no solution to the problem. I'm working on a c++ class to load and render .obj files. My .obj file is loaded fine but the problem is when I try to render it. It comes out really messed up. It looks like I'm doing every thing correctly. I'm subtracting - 1 from my indices. To render I loop through all faces get the index for each vertex and normal then pass them to glVertex3f and glNormal3f. This is really driving me crazy. I'm developing under debian linux and using blender to export .obj files. If anyone can help me I would be forevor thankfull. Here is my code:
 // deals with loading .obj (lightwave) model format

#include "debug.h"
#include "objloader.h"
#include "common.h"

extern debug debug_object;

//add material support
//add texture stack support
//scale and translatef model when drawing

// opens the file and calls parse_file()
void objloader::load(char *file){

	// load our file
	filep.open(file, ios::in);
	if(filep == NULL){
		debug_object.debug_message(ERROR, "error opening .obj file %s", file);
	// parse the file


// entry point into parsing mechanism
void objloader::parse_file(){
	char buffer[500], line[500], *arg;

	//read the whole file line by line until we hit a null
	while(filep != NULL){
		// get a new line
		filep.getline(buffer, 400);
		// backup the line we just read because strtok will frag the buffer
		// its parsing
		snprintf(line, 400, "%s", buffer);
		// okay pop off the first part of this line

		arg = strtok(line, " ");
		// first make sure we dont have a NULL, then determine what kind of line we have
		if(arg != NULL){
			// if we have a v , then its a vertex
			if(strcmp(arg, "v") == 0)
			// if we have a vt then we have a texture cord, - vt u v
			if(strcmp(arg, "vt") == 0)
			// load normals
			if(strcmp(arg, "vn") == 0)
			// if we have an f then we have a faceheader
			if(strcmp(arg, "f") == 0)
		} // end of null check
	} // end of while

//read in a vertex
void objloader::read_vertex(char *buffer){
	Vector NewVector;
	char *arg;
	if(readface == true)
	// read in the x vertice by poping it off
	arg = strtok(buffer, " ");
	NewVector.x = strtof(arg, NULL);
	// read in the y vertice by popping off the next arg
	arg = strtok(NULL, " ");	
	NewVector.y = strtof(arg, NULL);
	// finally read in the z vertice
	arg = strtok(NULL, " ");
	NewVector.z = strtof(arg, NULL);
	// okay push this data onto our temprorary storage 

// read texture cord
void objloader::read_texture_cord(char *buffer){
	char *arg;
	Vector2d TexCord;
	// read in the first value
	arg = strtok(buffer, " ");
	TexCord.x = strtof(arg, NULL);
	// read in the next value
	arg = strtok(NULL, " ");
	TexCord.y = strtof(arg, NULL);
	// okay now we push this information onto our tmptexture cord stack
	// this object has an uv
	uvflag = true;

// read normals
void objloader::read_normals(char *buffer){
	Vector NewNormals;
	char *arg;

	// read in the first value
	arg = strtok(buffer, " ");
	NewNormals.x = strtof(arg, NULL);
	// read in next value
	arg = strtok(NULL, " ");
	NewNormals.y = strtof(arg, NULL);
	// read in final value
	arg = strtok(NULL, " ");
	NewNormals.z = strtof(arg, NULL);


// read in faces
void objloader::read_faces(char *buffer){
	char *arg;
	face_info NewFace;
	char one[500], two[500], three[500];
	// if the object is texture cords

	//skip over f
	arg = strtok(buffer, " ");
	if(uvflag == true){
		// split each entry up v/u v/u v/u
		arg = strtok(NULL, " ");
		snprintf(one, 400, "%s", arg);
		arg = strtok(NULL, " ");
		snprintf(two, 400, "%s", arg);
		arg = strtok(NULL, " ");
		snprintf(three, 400, "%s", arg);			
		// now we finish parsing these v/u
		// first one
		arg = strtok(one, "/");
		NewFace.vert_index[0] = (atoi(arg));
		arg = strtok(NULL, "/");
		NewFace.cord_index[0] = (atoi(arg));
		arg = strtok(NULL, " ");
		NewFace.normal[0] = (atoi(arg));
		// second one
		arg = strtok(two, "/");
		NewFace.vert_index[1] = (atoi(arg));
		arg = strtok(NULL, "/");
		NewFace.cord_index[1] = (atoi(arg));
		arg = strtok(NULL, " ");
		NewFace.normal[1] = (atoi(arg));
		// third one
		arg = strtok(three, "/");
		NewFace.vert_index[2] = (atoi(arg));
		arg = strtok(NULL, "/");
		NewFace.cord_index[2] = (atoi(arg));
		arg = strtok(NULL, " ");
		NewFace.normal[2] = (atoi(arg));
	// read them in normally
		arg = strtok(NULL, " ");
		NewFace.vert_index[0] = atoi(arg);
		arg = strtok(NULL, " ");
		NewFace.vert_index[1] = atoi(arg);
		arg = strtok(NULL, " ");
		NewFace.vert_index[2] = atoi(arg);
	readface = true;

void objloader::fill_object_info(){
	object_info NewObject;
	int texture_offset, vertex_offset;

	// increase the number of objects in our model

	// fill in some basic information for this object
	 NewObject.faces_num = tmp_faces.size();
	 NewObject.vertices_num = tmp_vertices.size();
	 NewObject.texture_cords_num = tmp_texcords.size();
	 NewObject.normals_num = tmp_normals.size();
	if(NewObject.texture_cords_num > 0)
		NewObject.textured = 1;
	 // loop through all the faces in this object
	 for(int i = 0; i < NewObject.faces_num; i++){
	 // copy all vertices
	 for(int i = 0; i < NewObject.vertices_num; i++){
	 // copy all texture cordinates
	 for(int i = 0; i < NewObject.texture_cords_num; i++){
	 // copy all normals 
	 for(int i = 0; i < NewObject.normals_num; i++){
	 // here we should call add material 
	 //NewObject.material_id = id;
	 // push this object onto our model structure
	 // clear all fields
	 uvflag = false;
	 readface = false;

// draw the model
void objloader::draw(){

	// loop through each object
	for(int i = 0; i < Model.object_num; i++){
		// loop through all faces
		for(int j = 0; j < Model.objects.faces_num; i++){
			// go through all vertexs
			for(int v = 0; v < 3; v++){
				int vertindex = Model.objects.faces[j].vert_index[v];
				int normali = Model.objects.faces[j].normal[v];
				vertindex -= 1;
				normali -= 1;
				glNormal3f(Model.objects.normals[normali].x, Model.objects.normals[normali].y , Model.objects.normals[normali].z);
				glVertex3f(Model.objects.verts[vertindex].x, Model.objects.verts[vertindex].y, Model.objects.verts[vertindex].z);

void objloader::dump_model_info(){

	// print out initial info
	cout << "dumping objstruct ------------" << endl;
	cout << "number of objects " << Model.object_num << endl;
	cout << "number of materials " << Model.material_num << endl;

	// loop through all objects in this model
	for(int i = 0; i < Model.object_num; i++){
		cout << "number of vertices " << Model.objects.vertices_num << endl;
		cout << "number of faces " << Model.objects.faces.size() << endl;
		cout << "number of texture cords " << Model.objects.texture_cords_num << endl;
		if(Model.objects.textured == 1)
			cout << "Material is textured" << endl;
		cout << "outputing vertices:--------" << endl;
		for(int j = 0; j < Model.objects.vertices_num; j++){
			cout << Model.objects.verts[j].x << " " << 
				Model.objects.verts[j].y << " " << 
				Model.objects.verts[j].z << endl;
		cout << "outputting UV cords:------" << endl;
		for(int j = 0; j < Model.objects.texture_cords_num; j++){
			cout << Model.objects.textverts[j].x << " " 
	 		     <<  Model.objects.textverts[j].y << endl;
		cout << "outputing faces:-------" << endl;
		int test = 0;
		for(int j = 0; j < Model.objects.faces.size(); j++){
			cout << "-------------------------" << endl;
			cout << "looped " << test << endl;
			for(int k = 0; k < 3; k++){
				cout << "f " << Model.objects.faces[j].vert_index[k] <<
			    	 " " << Model.objects.faces[j].cord_index[k] << " " <<
			     	Model.objects.faces[j].normal[k] << endl;
		cout << "outputing normals:--------" << endl;
		for(int j = 0; j < Model.objects.normals.size(); j++){
				cout << Model.objects.normals[j].x << " " << 
				Model.objects.normals[j].y << " " << 
				Model.objects.normals[j].z << endl;


// remember to add scaling, position and rotation...

#include "Vector.h"

class objloader{


	// for 3d texture cordinates should put this in our vector class
	struct Vector2d {
		float x;
		float y;
		float z;
	// used to index into texture and vertex arrays, keeps track of which vertices go to which face
	// along with texture cordinates as well
	struct face_info{
		int vert_index[3];	//verts that make up the triangle
		int cord_index[3];	//texture cords
		int normal[3];
	// this keeps track of materials, materials contain textures and uv cords
	struct material_info{
		char texture_name[500];		//texture name 
		char texture_path[500];		//path to texture
		float color[3];			//objects color
		int texture_id;			//offset into texture stack for this texture
		float u_tile;			// u tiling for object
		float v_tile;			// v tiling for object
		float u_offset;			// u offset for texture
		float v_offset;			// v offset for texture
	// contains all information for an object
	// models can have more than one object
	struct object_info{
		int vertices_num;	//number of verts for this object
		int faces_num;		//number of faces for this object
		int normals_num;	//number of normals
		int texture_cords_num;  //numer of texture cords
		int material_id;	//offset for material
		int textured;		//flag if object is textured
		char object_name[500];  //this objects name
		vector &lt;Vector&gt; verts;		//the objects vertices
		vector &lt;Vector&gt; normals;	//the objects normals
		vector &lt;Vector2d&gt; textverts;	//the objects UV cords
		vector &lt;face_info&gt; faces;	//face information for objects
	//contains all the information for the model
	struct model{
		int object_num;		//number of objects
		int material_num;	//number of materials
		vector &lt;material_info&gt; materials; // list of material info
		vector &lt;object_info&gt; objects;	//list of objects in this model
	fstream filep;	//our file stream
	model Model;	//or main model structure
	//the following are for temporary storage
	vector &lt;Vector&gt; tmp_vertices;
	vector &lt;Vector2d&gt; tmp_texcords;
	vector &lt;Vector&gt; tmp_normals;
	vector &lt;face_info&gt; tmp_faces;
	bool uvflag;
	bool readface;
	//loads the file
	void load(char *filename);

	//parses the obj file
	void parse_file();
	void read_vertex(char *buffer);
	void read_texture_cord(char *buffer);
	void read_normals(char *buffer);
	void read_faces(char *buffer);
	//fill in all information for this object
	void fill_object_info();
	void compute_normals();
	//render the model
	void draw();
	//dump model info
	void dump_model_info();

First, did you mean to post the same code? Second, you should glBegin() inside your face loop, not outside it. Also, are you sure that all your faces are triangles? Here's some sample code:

// Loop through the model's data and render the object.   for(int i = 0; i < Model.totalFaces; i++)	   {         // The current face might be a quad, polygon, or a triangle so we must         // begin rendering based on the number of vertex points there are.		   if(Model.polyList.numPoints == 3) glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES);		   else if(Model.polyList.numPoints == 4) glBegin(GL_QUADS);		   else glBegin(GL_POLYGON);		   // Loop through all the points and draw.		   for(int j = 0; j < Model.polyList.numPoints; j++)            {               glNormal3f(Model.polyList.normal.x,                          Model.polyList.normal.y,                          Model.polyList.normal.z);               glVertex3f(Model.vertices[Model.polyList.Indices[j]].x,                          Model.vertices[Model.polyList.Indices[j]].y,                          Model.vertices[Model.polyList.Indices[j]].z);            }		   glEnd();	   }   SwapBuffers(...); // Display the new frame.
I posted my .cpp file twice my accident. I fixed it now. No I'm not sure that all my faces are triangles. I never thought about that. I was wondering why in my .obj file there was 4 fields in the face header -> f 1/1/1 2/2/2 3/3/3 4/4/4 . Does this mean that this is a quad and not a triangle? If so are you using numPoints to count how many there are? E.G. 3 or 4?
Yes, the f 1/1/1 2/2/2 3/3/3 4/4/4 means it's a quad. It's a good idea to make your loader deal with more than triangles to you would need to keep track of the number of points for each face.

Go to http://www.ultimategameprogramming.com/ and check out the OpenGL .obj loading tutorial on page #8.

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