FPS Counter

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3 comments, last by Daggett 18 years, 9 months ago
Anyone know how to implement an FPS Counter? Thanks!

Or use something like this (This will show up in the title bar of the window):
//Calculate Framerate::http://www.gametutorials.net/void CalculateFrameRate(){	static float framesPerSecond = 0.0f;    static float lastTime = 0.0f;    float currentTime = GetTickCount()*0.001f;    ++framesPerSecond;    if( currentTime - lastTime > 1.0f )    {	    lastTime = currentTime;	    if(!Option.fullscreen)	    {		    sprintf(strFrameRate, "Program Title | FPS: %d", int(framesPerSecond));		    SetWindowText(hwnd, strFrameRate);            }        else        {            //Display in Game        }        framesPerSecond = 0;    }}
using QueryPerformanceFrequency() and QueryPerformanceCounter() declared as a LONG_INTEGER in direct x is a way, the long integer is used as you may be dealing with a lot of numbers

then you would need something like

Delta.QuadPart = Timer.QuadPart - LastQuery.QuadPart;
LastQuery.QuadPart = Timer.QuadPart;

then a getfucntion could be called which divides the resulting delta and freq quad parts

Thanks for the help. Here is what I've come up with:

#define FPSUPDATETIME 50 // Number of ms until FPS is updatedDWORD StartTime = 0;DWORD DeltaTime = 0;DWORD LastTime = 0;DWORD FPS_Time = 0;DWORD FPS_Frames = 0;DWORD FPS_FinalFrames = 0;while(true){    // Setup RTS    StartTime = GetTickCount();    DeltaTime = StartTime - LastTime;    if(DeltaTime > SAFETIME)        DeltaTime = SAFETIME;    LastTime = StartTime;    // Calculate FPS    FPS_Time += DeltaTime;    ++FPS_Frames;    if(FPS_Time >= FPSUPDATETIME)    {        FPS_FinalFrames = FPS_Frames * (1000 / FPSUPDATETIME);        FPS_Time        -= FPSUPDATETIME;        FPS_Frames      = 0;    }    /* Display FPS_FinalFrames here */    /* Perform other game-related processes below this */}

How's it look? The timer seems to be extremely innaccurate at a 50ms update time.
I wouldn't use GetTickCount if I were you, it can be off by up to 55ms.

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