rotate a camera

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1 comment, last by xsirxx 18 years, 9 months ago
I've my cam focused on a mesh on the front. I would rotate the cam so i can what the mesh on the right. What is the matrix i have to multiplicate?
Depends on yer camera setup.

This is not the fastest, just works. In reality you should be able to just do a:

        D3DXQUATERNION	        QUAT;	D3DXMATRIX		matAT;	D3DXMATRIX		matRot;	D3DXMATRIX		matView;        D3DXQuaternionRotationYawPitchRoll(&QUAT, vecRot.x, vecRot.y,vecRot.z);	D3DXMatrixAffineTransformation(&matAT, 1.00f, NULL, &QUAT, &vecPosition);	D3DXMatrixInverse(&matView, NULL, &matAT);	matCameraView = matView * matRot;	pd3dDevice->SetTransform(D3DTS_VIEW, &matCameraView);

That uses quaternions, also not in degrees, they are in Radians. So should be immune to gimbal lock, although the Z always gets messed for me, I can show ya a way around it still if need be. vecPostion is hte position of the camera, vecRot is the new rotation(not added rotation).

Also you should pickup a good book on beginning directx programming, this sorta thing is one of the first things taught usually (NO OFFENSE PLEASE). Of course some books do suck :).



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