C# as game development tool

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3 comments, last by Rob Loach 18 years, 9 months ago
I'm just getting started in game development and I guess the starting point is the programming language. While I have worked with computers and programming for about 15 years (I'm a tech writer) I have done very little programming other than HTML and &#106avascript. For a variety of reasons, I'm going to be using C#. I already have the standard version and a couple of recommended books on the subject. While not the easiest language to learn to program in, I'm determined to succeed! What are the opinions of the group on using C#? As good as any, better, or worse? Is it close enough to visual C++ to be able to use some of the works on C++ as references? Thanks
This is a great thread on game development with C# versus standard C++:


I personally wouldn't trade C# for any other language.
Thanks! That site did provide exactly the information that I was looking to find.
Ever since I learned C#, I loved it! It has all the good things(tm) a programming language should have(Properties is one of them), garbage collection so no more tedious memory leak hunting and an excellent DirectX extension.

C# can get around 96%-98% of the speed of C++ so it's excellent for gamedev. Although the avaliable resources on MDX are scarse at the moment, the amount of documentation for it grows every day.

I recently order Managed DirectX 9 Kickstart by Tom Miller, and lots of people say it's an excellent book. I'm still waiting for it to arrive.


I've been playing with C# for a while now and am convinced that it is amazing. If you're looking to getting into simple 2D graphic programming, I'd definately recommend checking out SDL.NET. The main developer (jendave) is very active with the community and it successfully ports all main SDL libraries for use with C#, very easily I might add.

I've been working on a simple 2D game engine using SDL.NET and C# codenamed kEngine. You can monitor its progress in my journal (mainly this entry). Currently working on encorporating a tile engine of some sort.
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