Text placement problem for ASCII RPG (simple question)

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12 comments, last by Perost 18 years, 8 months ago
I'm looking to make a very very simple top view ASCII text RPG. It's a console game but I can't figure out how to place the text where I want to. I need a command similar to the Qbasic LOCATION command. Ex: I need to place the player on the screen and be able to manipulate that without having to redraw the whole screen.(I know I can use a simple "blank" mask to do so during movement). I know how to do this in SDL but I want this program simple and not include any outside graphics. Any help would be great! Thanks.
...if you get a penny for your thoughts you're just left w/ a huge pile of useless change.

I'm not sure of your compiler/ environment, so this maybe completely useless to you (hopefully not). Anyway you might want to look into the library curses.

I'd google for it, but to get you started try:



Ok, I tried using Cursers. I'm currently running Slackware Linux 10.0. I downloaded the packages for cursers from sourceforge but I'm having some problems with the install. After running the configuration shell script I get this error:

"checking for location of X headers... configure: error: Cannot find required header file Intrinsic.h; XCursers cannot be configured."

I know you can specify the headers path by using the --x-include=/directoryOfHeaders but I've tried a bunch of directories and still no luck.

Any help?
...if you get a penny for your thoughts you're just left w/ a huge pile of useless change.
Try looking up C or C++ I/O on CPPReference.com... I'm not sure if they have the functions you are looking for though.
Projects:> Thacmus - CMS (PHP 5, MySQL)Paused:> dgi> MegaMan X Crossfire
Its a bit ugly, but it works. On Dos/windows this requires conio2.h and lib, (google it), on Linux it just works.

#ifndef __LCONSOLE_H#define __LCONSOLE_H#include <string.h>#include <stdio.h>#ifdef LINUX    #include <termios.h>    #include <unistd.h>    #ifndef STDIN_FILENO      #define STDIN_FILENO 0    #endif#endif#ifdef DOS    #include <conio2.h>#endif// triggers a code in Linux#define ESC              27// triggers a code in DOS.#define DOSARROW        224#define DOSZERO           0#define ENTER            10// These mimic// /usr/include/X11/keysymdef.h// but I dont want to require that .h#define LC_KEY_UP       0xFF97#define LC_KEY_DOWN     0xFF99#define LC_KEY_LEFT     0xFF96#define LC_KEY_RIGHT    0xFF98#define LC_KEY_HOME     0xFF95#define LC_KEY_END      0xFF9C#define LC_KEY_INSERT   0xFF9E#define LC_KEY_DELETE   0xFF9F#define LC_KEY_PAGEUP   0xFF9A#define LC_KEY_PAGEDOWN 0xFF9B#define CODE_LEN   5typedef struct {    unsigned int  one_code;    unsigned char long_codes[CODE_LEN];    } key_code;#ifdef LINUX#define POS_CODES  11const key_code KEY_CODES[POS_CODES] =    { {ESC,             { ESC,  0,  0,   0, 0 } },      {LC_KEY_UP,       { ESC, 91, 65,   0, 0 } },      {LC_KEY_DOWN,     { ESC, 91, 66,   0, 0 } },      {LC_KEY_LEFT,     { ESC, 91, 68,   0, 0 } },      {LC_KEY_RIGHT,    { ESC, 91, 67,   0, 0 } },      {LC_KEY_HOME,     { ESC, 91, 49, 126, 0 } },      {LC_KEY_INSERT,   { ESC, 91, 50, 126, 0 } },      {LC_KEY_DELETE,   { ESC, 91, 51, 126, 0 } },      {LC_KEY_END,      { ESC, 91, 52, 126, 0 } },      {LC_KEY_PAGEUP,   { ESC, 91, 53, 126, 0 } },      {LC_KEY_PAGEDOWN, { ESC, 91, 54, 126, 0 } }};#endif#ifdef DOS#define POS_CODES  21const key_code KEY_CODES[POS_CODES] =    { {ESC,             { ESC,       0, 0,   0, 0 } },      {LC_KEY_UP,       { DOSARROW, 72, 0,   0, 0 } },  // between keys      {LC_KEY_DOWN,     { DOSARROW, 80, 0,   0, 0 } },      {LC_KEY_LEFT,     { DOSARROW, 75, 0,   0, 0 } },      {LC_KEY_RIGHT,    { DOSARROW, 77, 0,   0, 0 } },      {LC_KEY_HOME,     { DOSARROW, 71, 0,   0, 0 } },      {LC_KEY_INSERT,   { DOSARROW, 82, 0,   0, 0 } },      {LC_KEY_DELETE,   { DOSARROW, 83, 0,   0, 0 } },      {LC_KEY_END,      { DOSARROW, 79, 0,   0, 0 } },      {LC_KEY_PAGEUP,   { DOSARROW, 73, 0,   0, 0 } },      {LC_KEY_PAGEDOWN, { DOSARROW, 81, 0,   0, 0 } },      {LC_KEY_UP,       {  DOSZERO, 72, 0,   0, 0 } }, // The keypad keys      {LC_KEY_DOWN,     {  DOSZERO, 80, 0,   0, 0 } },      {LC_KEY_LEFT,     {  DOSZERO, 75, 0,   0, 0 } },      {LC_KEY_RIGHT,    {  DOSZERO, 77, 0,   0, 0 } },      {LC_KEY_HOME,     {  DOSZERO, 71, 0,   0, 0 } },      {LC_KEY_INSERT,   {  DOSZERO, 82, 0,   0, 0 } },      {LC_KEY_DELETE,   {  DOSZERO, 83, 0,   0, 0 } },      {LC_KEY_END,      {  DOSZERO, 79, 0,   0, 0 } },      {LC_KEY_PAGEUP,   {  DOSZERO, 73, 0,   0, 0 } },      {LC_KEY_PAGEDOWN, {  DOSZERO, 81, 0,   0, 0 } }    };#endif    // Some buttons result in multiple buttons.    // To get them all you have to do another kbhit(), readch() pair.    // UP ARROW    = 27, 91, 65    // DOWN ARROW  = 27, 91, 66    // RIGHT ARROW = 27, 91, 67    // LEFT ARROW  = 27, 91, 68    // ESC = 27    // INSERT = 27, 91, 50, 126    // DELETE = 27, 91, 51, 126const char CURSOR_COLORS_TEXT[][5] =        {"0;30", "0;34", "0;32", "0;36", "0;31", "0;35", "0;33", "0;37",         "1;30", "1;34", "1;32", "1;36", "1;31", "1;35", "1;33", "1;37",           "40",   "44",   "42",   "46",   "41",   "45",   "43",   "47"};enum CURSOR_style_TYPE {    LC_RESET     = 0,    LC_NORMAL    = 0,    LC_BRIGHT    = 1,    LC_DIM       = 2,  // dont work    LC_UNDERLINE = 3, // wont    LC_FOUR      = 4,  // real Underline??    LC_BLINK     = 5,   // Brights background also    LC_SIX       = 6,  // Bright Background?    LC_REVERSE   = 7,    LC_HIDDEN    = 8,    LC_NINE      = 9,    LC_TEN       = 10};const int CURSOR_COLOR_LINUX_CODES[] =    { 30, 34, 32, 36, 31, 35, 33, 37,      30, 34, 32, 36, 31, 35, 33, 37};enum CURSOR_COLOR_TYPE {    LC_BLACK,    LC_BLUE,    LC_GREEN,    LC_CYAN,    LC_RED,    LC_PURPLE,    LC_BROWN,    LC_LIGHT_GRAY,    // named that have the same value, but make more sense when in Bright mode    LC_DARK_GRAY,    LC_LIGHT_BLUE,    LC_LIGHT_GREEN,    LC_LIGHT_CYAN,    LC_LIGHT_RED,    LC_LIGHT_PURPLE,    LC_YELLOW,    LC_WHITE};// These need to exist under both. But under DOS they will// define to empty.// Starts Keyboard nonblocking mode.void SetTTYRaw(bool HideEcho);// ends Keyboard nonblocking modevoid RestoreTTY();// returns 1 on true 0 on false.int IsKBHit();// returns the button hit.int ReadKeyboard();void SetCursorPos(size_t X, size_t Y);void ClearScreen();void ResetColor();void SetColors(CURSOR_style_TYPE style, CURSOR_COLOR_TYPE Fg, CURSOR_COLOR_TYPE Bg);	  	  #endif // end entire header

#include "LConsole.h"#ifdef LINUX// Stores keyboard settingsstatic struct termios new_settings, initial_settings;static int peek_character = -1;#endifvoid SetTTYRaw(bool HideEcho){#ifdef LINUX    tcgetattr(0,&initial_settings);    new_settings = initial_settings;    new_settings.c_lflag &= ~ICANON;    if(HideEcho)        new_settings.c_lflag &= ~ECHO;    new_settings.c_lflag &= ~ISIG;    new_settings.c_cc[VMIN] = 1;    new_settings.c_cc[VTIME] = 0;    tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &new_settings);#endif}void RestoreTTY(){#ifdef LINUX    tcsetattr (STDIN_FILENO, TCSAFLUSH, &initial_settings);#endif}int search_key_codes(unsigned char start_ch){    int PosLoop, FullCodeIndex;    unsigned char FullCodeStr[CODE_LEN+2] = "\0\0\0\0\0\0";//printf(" searching ");    // read in the entire code str    FullCodeStr[0] = start_ch;    FullCodeIndex = 1;//    printf("@%d  ", FullCodeStr[0]);    while(IsKBHit()) {        FullCodeStr[FullCodeIndex] = ReadKeyboard();//        printf("%u ", FullCodeStr[FullCodeIndex]);        FullCodeIndex++;        if(FullCodeIndex >= CODE_LEN) {            printf((char*)FullCodeStr);            return 0;        }    }    FullCodeStr[FullCodeIndex] = '\0';    // FullCodeIndex is the length of the str, including the NULL.//    printf(" *%u ", FullCodeIndex);    for(PosLoop = 0; PosLoop < POS_CODES; PosLoop++)    {        if( strcmp((char*)KEY_CODES[PosLoop].long_codes, (char*)FullCodeStr) == 0)            return KEY_CODES[PosLoop].one_code;    } // end possible codes loop    return 0;}int IsKBHit(){#ifdef LINUX    unsigned char ch;    int nread;    if (peek_character != -1) return 1;    new_settings.c_cc[VMIN]=0;    tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &new_settings);    nread = read(0,&ch,1);    new_settings.c_cc[VMIN]=1;    tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &new_settings);    if(nread == 1)    { //printf("!%d!", ch);        if(ch == ESC)            peek_character = search_key_codes(ch);        else            peek_character = ch;        return 1;    }    return 0;#endif#ifdef DOS		return kbhit();#endif	}int ReadKeyboard(){#ifdef LINUX    int ch;    if(peek_character != -1)    {        ch = peek_character;        peek_character = -1;        return ch;    }    read(0,&ch,1);    return ch;#endif#ifdef DOS    int ch;    ch = getch();    if(ch == DOSARROW || ch == DOSZERO)        return search_key_codes(ch);    else        return ch;#endif}// http://www.linux.com/howtos/Bash-Prompt-HOWTO/x329.shtml// 0,0 is at Top Left.void SetCursorPos(size_t X, size_t Y){  #ifdef LINUX    printf("\033[%d;%df", Y+1, X+1); // yes, that command wants Y,X          // and +1 because this system actually counts from 1          // unlike everything else in all of computer-dom  #endif  #ifdef DOS    gotoxy(X,Y);  // dos conio function  #endif}void ClearScreen(){  #ifdef LINUX    printf("\033[2J");  #endif  #ifdef DOS    clrscr();  #endif}// Resets it to whatever the system wants it to be.void ResetColor(){  #ifdef LINUX    printf("\033[0m");  #endif  #ifdef DOS    normvideo();  #endif}void SetColors(CURSOR_STYLE_TYPE Style, CURSOR_COLOR_TYPE Fg, CURSOR_COLOR_TYPE Bg){  #ifdef LINUX    printf("\033[%d;%d;%dm", Style, CURSOR_COLOR_LINUX_CODES[Fg],                                    CURSOR_COLOR_LINUX_CODES[Bg]+10);  #endif  #ifdef DOS    if(Style == CT_NORMAL)        lowvideo();    else if(Style == CT_BRIGHT)        highvideo();    textbackground(Bg);    textcolor(Fg);  #endif}
Ok, I tried using your code and add it to my project. When I went to compile I got these errors

--------------------Configuration: rpg - Linux Debug--------------------Compiling source file(s)...LConsole.cppLConsole.cpp: In function `int search_key_codes(unsigned char)':LConsole.cpp:61: error: `POS_CODES' undeclared (first use this function)LConsole.cpp:61: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once foreach function it appears in.)LConsole.cpp:63: error: `KEY_CODES' undeclared (first use this function)LConsole.cpp: At global scope:LConsole.cpp:175: error: `CURSOR_style_TYPE' was not declared in this scopeLConsole.cpp:175: error: parse error before `,' tokenLConsole.cpp:192:2: warning: no newline at end of filerpg - 5 error(s), 1 warning(s)

I put the top code into it's header file "LConsole.h" and the bottom code into it's "brother" source file, "LConsole.cpp". Should I just redeclare the gobal constants again in LConsole.cpp?
...if you get a penny for your thoughts you're just left w/ a huge pile of useless change.
Before you include LConsole.h, or commandline as part of the g++ line, throw in a "#define LINUX" or "#define DOS"
it's likely that you alread have "ncurses" installed, especially if you did a full install. at least i know a full install of slack 10.1 has it. i've been told it's very easy to learn and use.
This space for rent.
Before you include LConsole.h, or commandline as part of the g++ line, throw in a "#define LINUX" or "#define DOS"

I tried that, but I'm still getting errors saying that it can't see the global variables in the source file from the header file.

Any other ideas?

About the ncursers thing, I tried that too, it didn't really give me any errors when I included cursers.h but I ran into problems the second I tried using any of the commands found on that reference site listed in an earlier message.

Well, so much for this being the easy question I thought it would be. :P
...if you get a penny for your thoughts you're just left w/ a huge pile of useless change.
-DLINUX (or -DDOS) in the g++ line that makes LConsole.cpp. That .cpp needs to seeyour define as well as your codes .cpp

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