Problems setting up VC++ 2005 Beta w/ Platform SDK

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10 comments, last by Stevieboy 18 years, 9 months ago
Hi, I've got the MS Visual C++ 2005 Express Beta 2 downloaded and installed. I've got the platform SDK installed, but when I follow MS's instructions about setting it all up, I get to the point of running the sample Win32 program to check it's all working (the final step). Thing is, it isn't. I get the following errors:

1>Command line warning D4002 : ignoring unknown option '/errorReport:prompt'
1>Command line warning D4024 : unrecognized source file type ' ■/', object file assumed
1>LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file " ■/.obj"

The &9632; appears as a black square in the VC++ output window - it just gets parsed here for some reason. Here's my VCProjectEngine.Dll.Express XML config file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
			Include="$(VCInstallDir)include;$(VCInstallDir)PlatformSDK\include;$(FrameworkSDKDir)include;$"C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDK\include";"
			Library="$(VCInstallDir)lib;$(VCInstallDir)PlatformSDK\lib;$(FrameworkSDKDir)lib;$(VSInstallDir);$(VSInstallDir)lib;$"C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDK\lib";"
			Path="$(VCInstallDir)bin;$(VCInstallDir)PlatformSDK\bin;$(VSInstallDir)Common7\Tools\bin;$(VSInstallDir)Common7\tools;$(VSInstallDir)Common7\ide;$(ProgramFiles)\HTML Help Workshop;$(FrameworkSDKDir)bin;$(FrameworkDir)$(FrameworkVersion);$(VSInstallDir);$(PATH);$"C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDK\Bin";"

I suspect the problem is in there, but I'm not too sure. Thanks in advance for your help, my ultimate aim is to get SDL/Direct X working with it (I'll probably post here again asking for help with that :D). Thanks, ukdeveloper.
UPDATE: I've reinstalled this and the Platform SDK, and now I get the same error when compiling Hello World as a Win32 Console project.

What is happening??!
Quote:$"C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDK\Bin";

should be
Quote:C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDK\Bin;


The $ sign is for variable expansion, and an absolute path is no variable, also, AFAIK, the quotation marks aren't neccessary since the paths are separated by semicolons.
My God.

It works beautifully now!

Rating+=infinity for you, you had NO idea how frustrated I've been today.


please would you post your fixed VCProjectEngine.Dll.Express, (see my post in the directx forum), I've been having trouble with finding windows.h.

Thanks in advance
This works for me:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><VCPlatformConfigurationFile 	Version="8.00"	>    <Platform 		Name="VCProjectEngine.dll" 		Identifier="Win32"		>		<Directories 			Include="$(VCInstallDir)include;$(VCInstallDir)PlatformSDK\include;$(FrameworkSDKDir)include;C:\Program Files\Microsoft Platform SDK\Include"			Library="$(VCInstallDir)lib;$(VCInstallDir)PlatformSDK\lib;$(FrameworkSDKDir)lib;$(VSInstallDir);$(VSInstallDir)lib;C:\Program Files\Microsoft Platform SDK\Lib"			Path="$(VCInstallDir)bin;$(VCInstallDir)PlatformSDK\bin;$(VSInstallDir)Common7\Tools\bin;$(VSInstallDir)Common7\tools;$(VSInstallDir)Common7\ide;$(ProgramFiles)\HTML Help Workshop;$(FrameworkSDKDir)bin;$(FrameworkDir)$(FrameworkVersion);$(VSInstallDir);$(PATH);C:\Program Files\Microsoft Platform SDK\Bin"			Reference="$(FrameworkDir)$(FrameworkVersion)"			Source="$(VCInstallDir)crt\src"		/>    </Platform></VCPlatformConfigurationFile>

Bugger to set up, isn't it?
Hi, thanks for that, it's still not working though? I was just doing a reinstallation of vc as well.
OK, what errors are you getting?
I had to copy the platform directory into the /VC directory and rename it to 'PlatformSDK'. That worked for me, unfortunately I can't get it to link properly whenever I need to add an external library. Oh well.
I can't use any windows stuff, this is the sdame for any windows libs, like user32 or winspool etc. The only lib I seem to be able to use is kernel32.lib, with $(NOINHERIT) (thats in properties > linker. I can use <iostream> (#include), and things like stdio.h cstdlib etc, so I guess its just no windows stuff.

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