ISO3D Angles and values

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5 comments, last by Programmer16 18 years, 8 months ago
I'm trying to setup a ISO3D world and my angles aren't turning out right. Plus, my movement values don't look right. X Rotation Angle - 61.0f degrees Y Rotation Angle - 0.0f degrees Z Rotation Angle - 45.0f degrees And then to move: UP: -2, 1 DOWN: 2, -1 LEFT: -1, -1 RIGHT: 1, 1 1) Any inaccuracies that I don't know about? 2) Should I along the Z-axis any? Thanks!
I'm not all into this, but... first off

Why do you have different speeds in different directions? Aren't you using 3D (where blocks are e.g. 2x2, and then rotated by a matrix to make it _look_ like 2x1)?

And the rotations, first question, what are you rotating, blocks, the entire world?

Considering that texturing would be a lot better if you didn't rotate anything around Y that is what I suggest... so really, all it boils down to is rotating it around X so that the tiles won't get so high, but more like 2x1. (Instead you would have "prerotated" blocks that are textured as a rectangle (think of the SimCity textures))

(Considering XYZ to be what they usually are, that is, X is horizontally, Y is vertically, Z is depth)
Hmm, why does it do that...
EDIT: If that didn't help so much, try explaining a little more that you are trying to do, as it could be virtually anything.

I'm not rotating around the Y any. I'm rotating the whole world. I was just trying a different speed, I've also tried 1x1 movement.

Thanks for the response.
This is what my grid looks like with x(PI/5) z(PI/4)
You have perspective on it, that's why it doesn't really look isometric I guess, for a first. (unless that is intended)

But it is really hard to make something senseful without having an actual object that has some height as everyone knows a floor could look as what ever you like.

Well, I'm in Florida now, so I can reply (yay!) I've decided that I'm going to make a regular 2D RPG for now and then I'll just make a full-out 3D game when I'm finished. Thanks for the responses guys!

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