Geomorphing and Geomipmaps

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0 comments, last by JohnBolton 18 years, 9 months ago
does anyone know of any resources for Geomorphing and Geomipmaps except the article here i've done search on google and i just find the same article has anyone implemented geomorphing ? if so how long did it take and was it an absolute knightmare to do so? i would be grateful of any resources andrew
Andrew Wardrobe
Geomorphing with geomipmapping is pretty easy if you are comfortable with programming vertex shaders. Basically, each vertex contains the lowest LOD in which it is present (if the LODs share vertexes) and its height in the next lower resolution LOD. Then in the vertex shader, if the vertex's LOD value is the same as the current LOD, you interpolate between the two heights.

Here's an example. Suppose the LOD is 5 but halfway to 6 (the higher the value, the lower the resolution). You pass 5.5 to a shader constant (Lod). For each vertex: compute an interpolation factor (clamping to 0 instead of using if): f = max( 0.0, Lod - lodvertex ). Then simply compute the interpolated height: h = f * ( hnext_lod-hvertex ) + hvertex.
John BoltonLocomotive Games (THQ)Current Project: Destroy All Humans (Wii). IN STORES NOW!

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