Evaluate my code please

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8 comments, last by first_log 18 years, 8 months ago
I have been programming in Java for about 2.5 years now, and I am trying to teach myself C++. I coded this game in about 2 hours today, plus about 30 minutes to balance the enemies. Can you guys tell me how my coding looks? The game is pretty basic, but I just want to know how to make my coding better. stdafx.h

//Included libraries
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <ctime>
#include <cstdlib>

using namespace std;

class Weapon;
class Armor;
class Hero;
class Monster;

//Weapon Class
class Weapon {
	//Default constructor
	//Create a weapon with its name and power
	Weapon(string weaponName, int attackPower);
	//Return functions
	const int attackPower();
	const string getName();
	//Variables for the weapon class
	string name;
	int attack;	

//Armor class
class Armor {
	//Default Constructor
	//Create a armor with its defense
	Armor(string armorName, int defenseRating);
	//Return functions
	const int defenseRating();
	const string getName();
	//Variables for the weapon class
	string name;
	int defense;

class Hero {
	//Create a hero with a name 
	Hero(string heroName);
	//Returns methods
	const int getLevel();
	const int getAttack();
	const int getDefense();
	const int getMaxHP();
	const string getName();
	//Level up method
	void levelUp();
	//Set weapon or armor
	void setWep(Weapon wep);
	void setArmor(Armor arm);
	//Return weapon and armor
	Weapon getWep();
	Armor getArmor();
	//Variables for Hero class
	string name;
	int attack;
	int defense;
	int level;
	int maxHP;
	Weapon currWeapon;
	Armor currArmor;

//Monster class
class Monster {
	//Default constructor 
	//Create a monster with a name, attack, defense and hp
	Monster(string monsterType, int monsterAttack,
		    int monsterDefense, int monsterHP);
	//Return methods
	const int getAttack();
	const int getDefense();
	const int getMaxHP();
	const string getType();
	//Variables for the monster class
	string type;
	int attack;
	int defense;
	int maxHP;


// stdafx.cpp : source file that includes just the standard includes
// ConRPG.pch will be the pre-compiled header
// stdafx.obj will contain the pre-compiled type information

#include "stdafx.h"

//Empty default constructor
Weapon::Weapon() {


//Set the name to the string parameter and the attack variable
//to the attackPower parameter
Weapon::Weapon(string weaponName, int attackPower) {
	name = weaponName;
	attack = attackPower;

//Return the attack of the weapon
const int Weapon::attackPower() {
	return attack;

//Return the name of the weapon
const string Weapon::getName() {
	return name;

//Empty default constructor
Armor::Armor() {


//Create a armor, set the name and defense
Armor::Armor(string armorName, int defenseRating) {
	name = armorName;
	defense = defenseRating;

//Return the defense of the armor
const int Armor::defenseRating() {
	return defense;

//Return the armor's name
const string Armor::getName() {
	return name;

//Create a hero with a name and set default values
Hero::Hero(string heroName) {
	name = heroName;
	attack = 15;
	defense = 10;
	level = 1;
	maxHP = 20;

//Return the attack of the hero(attack power + weapon power)
const int Hero::getAttack() {
	return attack + Hero::getWep().attackPower();

//Return the defense of the hero(defense + armor rating)
const int Hero::getDefense() {
	return defense + Hero::getArmor().defenseRating();

//Return the hero's level
const int Hero::getLevel() {
	return level;

//Return the hero's Max HP
const int Hero::getMaxHP() {
	return maxHP;

//Return the hero's name
const string Hero::getName() {
	return name;

//Level up the hero, add more attack, defense, hp.
void Hero::levelUp() {
	attack += 5;
	defense += 2;
	maxHP += 5;

//Set the equipped weapon of the hero
void Hero::setWep(Weapon wep) {
	currWeapon = wep;

//Set the equipped armor of the hero
void Hero::setArmor(Armor arm) {
	currArmor = arm;

//Return the weapon the hero has
Weapon Hero::getWep() {
	return currWeapon;

//Return the armor of the hero
Armor Hero::getArmor() {
	return currArmor;

//Empty Default constructor for the monster
Monster::Monster() {


//Create a mosnter with a name, attack, defense and hp
Monster::Monster(string monsterType, int monsterAttack, 
				 int monsterDefense, int monsterHP) {
	type = monsterType;
	defense = monsterDefense;
	attack = monsterAttack;
	maxHP = monsterHP;

//Get the attack of the monster
const int Monster::getAttack() {
	return attack;

//Get the defense of the monster
const int Monster::getDefense() {
	return defense;

//Get the max hp of the monster
const int Monster::getMaxHP() {
	return maxHP;

//Get monsters type
const string Monster::getType() {
	return type;


// ConRPG.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

void initResources();
bool battle(Hero h);

//Used in init resources to keep track of weapons, armor and monsters
Weapon listOfWeps[5];
Armor listOfArmor[5];
Monster listOfMonsters[10];

int main()
	int gold = 0;
	int xp = 0;
	int wepNum = 0;
	int armorNum = 0;
	int currHP = 0;
	int choice = 0;
	int option = 0;
	string heroName;

	//Create all the weapons, armor and monsters

	//Get the name of the hero
	cout << "Welcome hero, can you please give us your name?" << endl;
	cout << "My name is ";
	cin >> heroName;
	cout << endl;

	//Create a hero using the name recieved with cin
	Hero h(heroName);

	//Set hero's weapon and armor to the first in each list

	//Run the game loop
	while(true) {
		//Display the information about the hero
		cout << "Name: " << h.getName()<< endl;
		cout << "XP: " << xp << "   Gold: " << gold << endl;
		cout << "Level: " << h.getLevel() << "   Max HP: " << h.getMaxHP() << endl;
		cout << "Weapon: " << h.getWep().getName() << "   Armor: " << h.getArmor().getName() << endl << endl;
		//Option menu
		cout << "1. Fight Monster" << endl;
		cout << "2. Shop" << endl;
		cout << "3. Stats" << endl;
		cout << "4. Exit" << endl;
		//Get the choice the player wants using cin
		cout << "Choice: ";
		cin >> choice;
		cout << endl;
		//If it is not a valid choice, at least a number one
		//through 4, then tell the user of their error
		//NOTE: A non-integer choice will cause the game to break
		if(choice > 0 && choice < 5) {
			//Start a battle
			if(choice == 1) {
				//Create a battle with the hero
				bool condition = battle(&h);
				//See how the battle went
				if (condition) {
					//If the hero is level 10,and has fought the final monster
					//the game is over
					if(h.getLevel() == 10) {
						cout << "You killed the evil overlord. You win." << endl;
					//Give the player 20 gold if he wins
					gold += 20;
					if(h.getLevel() < 10) {
						//If under level 10 also give 50 xp
						xp += 50;
				} else 
					//If the player lost, end the game loop
				//Check for a level up.
				if(xp >= 250) {
					cout << "Level up!" << endl << endl;
					//If the necessary XP was obtained call the hero level up
					//Remove the 250 XP
					xp -= 250;
				//Go to the shop
			} else if(choice == 2) {
				//Stay in the shop until 3. Leave Shop is chosen
				while(option != 3) {
					//Display the shop menu
					cout << "Welcome to the shop." << endl;
					cout << "Do you wish to upgrade your weapon or armor?" << endl;
					cout << "1. Weapon(100 GP)" << endl;
					cout << "2. Armor(100 GP)" << endl;
					cout << "3. Leave Shop" << endl;
					cout << "Option: ";
					//Get the option for the shop from cin
					cin >> option;
					cout << endl;
					//Make sure the options are valid
					//Note: A non-integer will break the game
					if(option > 0 && option < 4) {
						//If a new weapon is chosen, make sure a 
						//weapon is available and the player has
						//enough gold.
						if(option == 1) {
							if(gold >= 100 && wepNum < 4) {
								gold -= 100;
								cout << "You now have a " << listOfWeps[wepNum].getName() << endl << endl;
							} else if(wepNum == 4) {
								//If there are no more weapons
								cout << "No more weapons left." << endl << endl;
								option = 0;
							} else if(gold < 100) {
								//If gold is the problem
								cout << "Not enough gold." << endl << endl;
								option = 0;
						//If a new armor is chosen, make sure a 
						//armor is available and the player has
						//enough gold.
						} else if(option == 2) {
							if(gold >= 100 && armorNum < 4) {
								gold -= 100;
								cout << "You now have a " << listOfArmor[armorNum].getName() << endl << endl;
							} else if(armorNum == 4) {
								//If there are no more pieces of are to get
								cout << "No more armor left." << endl << endl;
								option = 0;
							} else if(gold < 100) {
								//If gold is the problem
								cout << "Not enough gold." << endl << endl;
								option = 0;
					} else {
						//If the number was not valid
						cout << "Not a valid option.";
						option = 0;
				option = 0;
			//Option 3 just re writes the choices
			} else if(choice == 4) {
				//Exit the loop so the game ends
		} else {
			//Tell the user they made an illegal move
			cout << "Not a valid choice. Choose again.\n" << endl;
			choice = 0;
	//End the game
	cout << "Game over, thank you for playing." << endl;
	//Wait for a button to be pressed
	return 0;

void initResources() {
	//Create the array of weapons the player can use
	listOfWeps[0] = Weapon("Rusty Sword", 4);
	listOfWeps[1] = Weapon("Broad Axe", 7);
	listOfWeps[2] = Weapon("Long Sword", 10);
	listOfWeps[3] = Weapon("Pike", 12);
	listOfWeps[4] = Weapon("Flaming Sword", 15);

	//Create the array of armor the player can wear
	listOfArmor[0] = Armor("Clothes", 1);
	listOfArmor[1] = Armor("Leather Armor", 3);
	listOfArmor[2] = Armor("Chain Mail", 5);
	listOfArmor[3] = Armor("Plate Mail", 7);
	listOfArmor[4] = Armor("God's Suit", 10);

	//Create the array of monsters for the player to fight
	listOfMonsters[0] = Monster("Rabbit", 17, 9, 15);
	listOfMonsters[1] = Monster("Goblin", 22, 11, 25);
	listOfMonsters[2] = Monster("Gnoll", 28, 17, 27);
	listOfMonsters[3] = Monster("Orc", 33, 19, 35);
	listOfMonsters[4] = Monster("Minor Demon", 41, 17, 40);
	listOfMonsters[5] = Monster("Demon", 49, 19, 45);
	listOfMonsters[6] = Monster("Major Demon", 55, 21, 52);
	listOfMonsters[7] = Monster("Vampire", 62, 24, 55);
	listOfMonsters[8] = Monster("Overlord Minion", 65, 25, 63);
	listOfMonsters[9] = Monster("Evil Overlord", 70, 27, 70);

bool battle(Hero h) {
	//Set up the random number
	int randNum = 0;
	//Damage taken and dealt
	int attackDamage;
	int damage;
	//Get the necessary info on the monster the player is about to fight
	string name = (listOfMonsters[h.getLevel()-1]).getType();
	int attack = (listOfMonsters[h.getLevel()-1]).getAttack();
	int defense = (listOfMonsters[h.getLevel()-1]).getDefense();
	int hp = (listOfMonsters[h.getLevel()-1]).getMaxHP();
	//Create the monsters as a pointer, so he can be destoryed when he is done with
	Monster *m = new Monster(name, attack, defense, hp);
	//Get the max hp of the hero and monster, set it to a int that can be edited
	int heroHP = h.getMaxHP();
	int monHP = m->getMaxHP();
	//Battle to the death
	while(heroHP > 0 && monHP > 0) {
		//Display both hero and enemy names and hp
		cout << h.getName() << "\t\t\t" << m->getType() << endl;
		cout << heroHP << "/" << h.getMaxHP() << "\t\t\t" << monHP << "/" << m->getMaxHP() << endl;
		cout << "You atttack each other" << endl;
		//Wait for a button to be hit to display the round result
		//Get a random number
		randNum = rand();
		//Create a number 0-3 for the hero to attack
		randNum = randNum % 3;
		//Damage the hero does to monster opponent
		attackDamage = ((h.getAttack() + randNum) - m->getDefense()) / 2;
		randNum = rand();
		//Createa number 0-4 for the monster attack
		randNum = randNum % 4;
		//Damage the hero takes back
		damage = ((m->getAttack()+ randNum) - h.getDefense()) / 2;
		//Remove the hp from both characters
		heroHP -= damage;
		monHP -= attackDamage;
	//After the battle if the hero had a hp less than 1, the game is over
	if(heroHP < 1) {
		cout << "You have died." << endl << endl;
		//Set the monster to null, then delete them. Return false
		//saying the hero lost
		m = 0;
		delete m;
		return false;
	} else {
		//If the hero had health, show the result of the battle
		cout << h.getName() << "\t\t\t" << m->getType() << endl;
		cout << heroHP << "/" << h.getMaxHP() << "\t\t\t" << monHP << "/" << m->getMaxHP() << endl;
		cout << "Victory" << endl << endl;
		//Set the monster pointer to null, then delete him
		m = 0;
		delete m;
		return true;

Thanks. edit: source tags -SiCrane [Edited by - TriSwords on July 28, 2005 12:45:29 AM]
I havent fully read your code yet but it seems well tabbed.The one thing that sticks out at me is that there are no comments through the whole thing.People like
those apparently.Other than that the first skim through seemed alright.
const-correctness and adequate use of references instead of using all pass-by-value would be nice. Don't worry, those are common faults of people coming from Java. Otherwise than that, it looks OK. [smile]

The use of separate files for classes wouldn't be a bad idea either, but for something that simple, it is by no means mandatory.
I teleported home one night; With Ron and Sid and Meg; Ron stole Meggie's heart away; And I got Sydney's leg. <> I'm blogging, emo style
Alright, thanks for the fast replies guys. Ill keep that in mind.
Quote:Original post by xMcBaiNx
const-correctness and adequate use of references instead of using all pass-by-value would be nice. Don't worry, those are common faults of people coming from Java. Otherwise than that, it looks OK. [smile]

The use of separate files for classes wouldn't be a bad idea either, but for something that simple, it is by no means mandatory.

Are there any books that focus on this topic? Or perhaps some online tutorials I can read?

I also added some comments into my code and posted it above.

Thanks for the replies.
Quote:Original post by TriSwords
Quote:Original post by xMcBaiNx
const-correctness and adequate use of references instead of using all pass-by-value would be nice. Don't worry, those are common faults of people coming from Java. Otherwise than that, it looks OK. [smile]

The use of separate files for classes wouldn't be a bad idea either, but for something that simple, it is by no means mandatory.

Are there any books that focus on this topic? Or perhaps some online tutorials I can read?

I also added some comments into my code and posted it above.

Thanks for the replies.

References (and a lot more)
Quote:Original post by DrunkinCanadian
I havent fully read your code yet but it seems well tabbed.The one thing that sticks out at me is that there are no comments through the whole thing.People like
those apparently.Other than that the first skim through seemed alright.

Heh. Sorry. Couldn't help pointing out your hypocrisy. :P

TriSwords: Looks good to me, but I suck.
---There are 2 kinds of people: those who know hexadecimal, and those who don't.
Quote:Original post by Meagermanx
Quote:Original post by DrunkinCanadian
I havent fully read your code yet but it seems well tabbed.The one thing that sticks out at me is that there are no comments through the whole thing.People like
those apparently.Other than that the first skim through seemed alright.

Heh. Sorry. Couldn't help pointing out your hypocrisy. :P

TriSwords: Looks good to me, but I suck.

You tab after every sentence? I thought everyone used a double space/space.
Quote:Original post by load_bitmap_file
Quote:Original post by TriSwords
Quote:Original post by xMcBaiNx
const-correctness and adequate use of references instead of using all pass-by-value would be nice. Don't worry, those are common faults of people coming from Java. Otherwise than that, it looks OK. [smile]

The use of separate files for classes wouldn't be a bad idea either, but for something that simple, it is by no means mandatory.

Are there any books that focus on this topic? Or perhaps some online tutorials I can read?

I also added some comments into my code and posted it above.

Thanks for the replies.

References (and a lot more)

Thank you for the links, I will read them tommarrow when my mind is more alert.
You'll want to verify this but

const int getArmor(void);

means that the int is constant and cant be modified. That isn't too important since it is returned by value.

int getArmor(void) const;

That means that the function does not modify any class members and calls only const functions. Probably more of what you are looking for.


//Set the monster pointer to null, then delete him		m = 0;		delete m;

This seems like it would cause problems. Deleting null? You should delete first.

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