Managing my objects

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6 comments, last by Basic 18 years, 8 months ago
Hello, I'm working on creating my first game with Delphi+OpenGL. Right now I've gone through some tutorials about translations,rotations, and of course, creating primitives with OpenGL. I want to start working on a pong game, but carry things a little further. I'd like to be able to define my objects, in a similar way as done in BlitzBasic. For Example: If I wanted to make a cube, I'd do something like this. MyCube = MakeCubeFunctionHere() Then, whenever I want to rotate my object, I just use MyCube to identify which vertices I want to move. Maybe something like this? RotateObject MyCube,x,x,z I'm just having trouble figuring out a way to package everything together. So when I'm creating my vertices for the cube in my function, how do I ensure that those verts are unique to the name "MyCube"? I've read about SceneGraph's, and other things like that, but I'm still a little confused. Thanks for any help you may provide. Mike
I ask for help and you give me a book? I hate book. Book is stupid.Also known as Yellow at the Dark Basic forums.
I code using straight C++, and I could offer you some ideas and not code. You could have a class like this:

class MyObject
GLuint dlist; // make a display list and store a cube here
GLfloat theta_x, theta_y, theta_z; // the current angles by which it is rotated
GLfloat pos_x, pos_y, pos_z; // the current position coords (or use vectors)

// constructor / destructor - use to make display list
void draw(); // translate, rotate, and then glCallList

I hope this helps you - all the best porting to whatever works for you. And if you have questions just ask!
Hi thanks for the quick response deavik. Right now I'm working on writting a class to store the information for my objects based on what you've posted. If there are any other ways you can think of that'd be more efficient, please post.

Thanks for your help.

I ask for help and you give me a book? I hate book. Book is stupid.Also known as Yellow at the Dark Basic forums.
Oh I forgot to add that you can write member functions to change the rotation angles and position easily. So you could have some simple code to do stuff in your program:

// If MyCube is your class,
MyCube cubo;
cubo.translate (1, 2, 3); // sort out vectors
cubo.rotate_x (60.0f);
// and so on

This is what you wanted right? I can't think of anything better, I admit. In the class you can add scale factors. Use glScalef to scale your object.

All the best on your project! Let me know how it comes along.
Thanks deavik, that will help me out a lot! I'm going to spend this afternoon implementing the member functions, and I'll be sure to post my progress.

I ask for help and you give me a book? I hate book. Book is stupid.Also known as Yellow at the Dark Basic forums.
Okay, I bundled up my class into its own object handling unit.

 unit objecthandle;interface// External Dependenciesuses  SysUtils,  OpenGL,  glfw;// [ ===== Entity =====]// The entity class which handles object translation,rotation, and scaling.type        entity = class        xpos,ypos,zpos:single;        angle,xrot,yrot,zrot:single;        xscale,yscale,zscale:single;                procedure position(xpos,ypos,zpos:single);                procedure rotation(angle,xrot,yrot,zrot:single);                procedure scale(xscale,yscale,zscale:single);end;// [ ===== Entity =====]implementation// [ = Position the entity = ]procedure entity.position(xpos,ypos,zpos:single);begin  gltranslatef( xpos,ypos,zpos);end;// [ = Rotate the entity = ]procedure entity.rotation(angle,xrot,yrot,zrot:single);begin  glrotatef(angle, xrot,yrot,zrot);end;// [ = Scale the entity = ]procedure entity.scale(xscale,yscale,zscale:single);begin  glscalef(xscale,yscale,zscale);end;end. 

I've been looking at BlitzBasic3D(B3D), and I admire the entity system that's in place. The genius of it is how they control every type of entity(lights, camera, sprites,terrains,and objects) with the same commands.

I'm curious to know how something like this is done. For example, with what I have now, surely I couldn't use the same scale command on an object that I'd use on a light. You can't truly scale the size of a light right?

So what would be the best way to solve this problem. Perhaps if I added a variable where you defined what kind of object you're creating, and based on that, have a flag in each procedure that said whether or not that object can do this or that(For I don't think it's possible to scale a light).

Here's the B3D manual which I'm gathering my ideas from.
BlitzBasic 3D manual

Thanks for your help.
I ask for help and you give me a book? I hate book. Book is stupid.Also known as Yellow at the Dark Basic forums.
Sorry for being so very late, but unfortunately I have little to help you this time. What I suggested went with everything that has a display list. It could handle textures, but you may have to prebuild the textures (Get back to me on that if you're really interested and I'll try to help you out). But lights are a total no-go. Alright, you could may be change position, but that's about it. Why not have a different light class? You could have member fuctions to change position, control brightness, etc etc
Hi deavik, don't worry about the late response.

I'm going to look into display lists today for organizing everything. The lights will definitly have to have there own class I suppose, that'll make things much more simple.

Thanks for your help.

I ask for help and you give me a book? I hate book. Book is stupid.Also known as Yellow at the Dark Basic forums.

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