VB6 RPG Movement

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5 comments, last by jbadams 18 years, 8 months ago
What is the VB6 RPG movement code, Ive tried numourus of times but i jus can't find a way, no animations or anything, just the movement, thank you
You'll have to give more details about what you're trying to achieve, because VB6 isn't a "game making" tool, so its not aware of what a RPG might be, even less of what "movement codes" might mean.

Tell us more about your problem :)

I don't now how to make the charecter move, if i knew this, i could go from there, i need the arrow keys for movement, and it to move up down lrft right, i cant figure out movement, see, the key events are easy, i just but the whole script would help
You are still giving us really little info. What type of rpg are you making? Tilebase? One using shapes or images? Well here is a simple thing if you are doing a tilebased

Private Type Player    int x as integer    int y as integerend typePrivate player as PlayerPrivate Sub Form_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)    if KeyCode = vbkeyleft then       player.xpos = player.xpos - 1    else if ....End Sub

If you are using images do something like this.
Private Sub Form_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)    if KeyCode = vbkeyleft then       image1.left = image1.left - 1    else if ....End Sub

I hope that helps but you don't give us too much to work with.
Sorry, I dont know what tile based or image is
Then I suggest learning vb before you start making an rpg. Grab a book or find some tutorials. Just do a search for vb tutorials on google. Then once you learn about vb then start with something like pong and then move from there.
Are you using DirectX, GDI, objects on the form?

You havn't given nearly enough information for us to help you. We need to know how you're drawing your game (or if it's text-based), and we need to know how you're storing the information for the character.

VB(6) Gaming Tutorials.

- Jason Astle-Adams

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