Single Link List help......plz!...its killn me.

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8 comments, last by BeerNutts 18 years, 8 months ago
hello all. Currently i am "trying" to create a linked list, but alas have failed, i have the insert node peice working and can add elements into the list. The thing is i cant seem 2 delete these nodes, i'm tring to have a function where u can move through the emlements of the list and delete them at point. Also i am trying to modify the values of the objects once created. I have been working on this for about 30 hours and am really stuck. I have read numerous tutorials but failed at every attepmt. If you could please look at the code and tell me where i can acheive the above and how i could do it. Pleas help me as i have really given this my best shot and think i would understand link lists alot better with the code. Thankz very much. here is main.cpp:


							purpose: Main.
////Header Files://////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

#include <iostream>
#include "Soldier.h"
#include "Node.h"
#include <string>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "windows.h"

using namespace std;

void award_Sack();
//		Main Menu branch
//		After the heading loads, you are presendented with a choice, 1 to recurite team members
//		and 2 to sack team members, this is the main part of the program and all other
//		functions are dervived and accessed through the main function.
int main()

	cout << "*********************************************************************" << "\n";
	cout << "               ****************************************" << "\n";
	cout << "                         *******************" << "\n";
	cout << "                               *******" << "\n";
	cout << "\t \t \t\       Welcome.. " << "\n"<< "\n";
	cout << "*/\*		 Welcome To The Soldier Clan Manager.             */\*" << "\n";
	cout << "*********************************************************************" << "\n";
	cout << "\n";	
	system("Color 81");
	cout << "What Would You Like to Do?\n\n";
	cout << "Press 1 to recurite a team member:\n\n";
	cout << "Press 2 to Distribute Awards and Sack team members:\n\n";
	cout << "Press 3 to exit this program\n\n";
	cout << "Please make a selection: ";

	int choice;
	cin >> choice;
	switch(choice){																				// Switch statement to receive  order.
		case 1:
				cout << "You have choosen to recruite a team member." << "\n";
				cout << "Launching Request";
				cout << ".......";
				cout << ".......";
				cout << ".....Done!" << "\n";
				goto recurite;
				// please note that i couldnt place this inside a function because it kept comming up with with a 
				//"non static error", and i couldnt fix it so this was the last restort.
				// The reson for the static error is that i wasnt creating a new object, because an object shouldnt be created ;/
		case 2:
				cout << "You have choosen to Awards and Sacking." << "\n";
				cout << "Launching Request";
				cout << ".......";
				cout << ".......";
				cout << ".....Done!" << "\n";
		case 3:
				cout << "You have choosen to Exit." << "\n";
				cout << "Launching Request";
				cout << ".......";
				cout << ".......";
				cout << ".....Done!" << "\n";

				cout << "Please make a selection from the menu.\n";
				putchar (7);							//makes a beeping sound to reiterate a wrong button has been pressed
				//goto start;								//goto the start of the switch statement and get users input again.

	Node *pNode = 0;									// create a pointer and initalize it to 0, or NULL
	Soldier * pSoldier = new Soldier();					// initalizes pSoldier as pointer and stores enough memory for soldier to be created
//		Create tempory varibles that store users input and then pass these on to thier corrosponding functions
//		The current soldier that is being created needs to have its member data initalized
//		to do this we need to create temporary local varibles that hold the users input and pass them
//		onto thier corresponding functions in the soldier class

	short int Kills = 0;								// creates a short int for players kills
	unsigned int Cash = 0;
	string Name;										// string for NAme Name
	string EmailAddress;								// string for email address
//		This is the create soldier part, all soldiers are initalized here and passed onto the Node and created as
//		a linked list.
//		The user gets asked how many soldiers that they want to add this month, and a series of questions
//		are displayed so that the user can enter in thier corresponding data.
	Node *pHead = new Node(pSoldier);					// creates a new Node and stores enough memory on the heap
	system("cls");										// clears the screen, and clears the constructor message, that appears when creating pHead
	cout << "*********************************************************************" << "\n";
	cout << "               ****************************************" << "\n";
	cout << "                         *******************" << "\n";
	cout << "                               *******" << "\n";
	cout << "\t \t \t\       Welcome.. " << "\n"<< "\n";

	cout << "*/\*		 Welcome To The Soldier Recurite Screen             */\*" << "\n";
	cout << "*********************************************************************" << "\n";
	int choicer = 1;									// initalize choicer to 1, *i find its always good, and makes
														// it easier to understand when you decalre something
														// always initalize it to something, whether it be NULL or something else.


	while(choicer == 1)									// while the user still wants to recurite team members.
		cout << "How many soldiers do you want to create?: ";	// simple question that initalizes how many soldier are to be created
															    // this number is then passed along to the for loop and repeats
																// the process for as many soldiers that they wanted to create.
		cin >> choicer;											// stores the users choice for amount of soldiers to recurite.
		for(int counter = 1; counter <= choicer; counter ++)		// a for loop that repeats the process how ever many times choicer has been initalized to
			//////// Soldiers Input://////////
			//Soldiers Name
			cout << "\nPlease Input Soldier Number " << counter << "'s Nickname: ";	// counter is used to display what number the current soldier is.
			cin >> Name;										// stores Name in the tempory varible
			cin.ignore(50,'\n');								// allows for a maximum of fifty characters to be entered and the space bar to be used, without stuffing up
																// space bar is in a dos application the same as a return "\n", so if the user enters a space,without this
																// then what ever is after the space gets passed on to the next varible, thus resulting
																// in total chaos!!!!

			pSoldier->SetNickame(Name);							// Sets the current soldiers NickName, by passing on the tempory Name varible to it.
			//Soldiers Email Address
			cout << "Please Input " << Name << "'s EmailAddress: ";	//input soldiers email address, also the tempory varibles created
																	// come into use here as we actually state the name of the soldiers's email address
																	// to be created
																	// this greatly improves the user friendlyness. :/
			cin >> EmailAddress;									// stores in the temporary local varible
			pSoldier->setEmailAddress(EmailAddress);				// passes the local varible to be initalized as the soldiers email address.

			//Soldiers TotalAmount of Kils
			cout << "Please Input " << Name << "'s Kills: ";		// input soldiers kills question, temporary varible comes into play once again.
			cin >> Kills;											// Stores users input in the temporary varible.
			pSoldier->SetKills(Kills);								// passes temorary varible onto the soldiers setKills function.

			//Soldiers Rank:
			pSoldier->setRank(Kills);								//passes soldiers total kills onto setRankFunction

			//Solsiers Cash:
			// If a soldier has already been given money.
			// Ie the team paid the soldier to join thier team
			cout << "Has " << Name << " been paid any money to join clan?\n";
			cout << "If no money has been paid, please inset 0.\n";
			cout << "If money has been paid then please enter in the amount: $";
			cin >> Cash;

			//////Soldier creation in the list.

			pSoldier = new Soldier();								// initalizes the pointer pSoldier's memory capacity 
																	// to be able to store enough memory from the heap
																	// to accomadate a new Soldier object.
			pNode = new Node(pSoldier);								// passes the pointer soldier onto the Node
		}															// End of the for loop.

		cout << "Do you wish to insert more soldiers?\n";		// Asks user if they want to insert any more soldiers
		cout << " Press 1 to enter more soldiers.\n";
		cout << " Press 2 to return to the main menu.\n";
		cin >> choicer;											//inputs users choice, and if choice ==1 then the loop gos again
																// if two then the loop ends and code below gets complied.

		goto start;												//gotos start
	pHead->Display();											//Display Soldiers that have been created.

	delete pHead;												// When program is finished then free up memory used and displays the deconstructor text
	cout << "Exiting";
				cout << ".......";
				cout << ".......";
				cout << ".....Done!" << "\n";

here is Node.cpp:


							purpose: Main.
////Header Files://////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

#include <iostream>
#include "Soldier.h"
#include "Node.h"

using namespace std;			//saves us from typing std::x where x is the function, good idea to use this is theres many instances where an std function is requried

//		Constructor: & Deconstructor
//		Everytime an instance of the soldier object is created then the constrcutor is called,
//		everytime an object is destroyed then the deconstructor is hailed. 
Node::Node(Soldier * pSoldier):itsSoldier(pSoldier),itsNext(0)
	cout << "Deleting Node..." << endl;
	delete itsSoldier;
	itsSoldier = 0;
	delete itsNext;
	itsNext = 0;
//		Insert a new Node;
//		This is the code that inserts the soldier object into the list,
//		Also the code to sort the soldiers by rank is in here aswell.
//		I was originally going to write a bubble sort function to sort the
//		soldiers by rank but upon closer examination of some of the homework questions.
//		it became evident that you can arrange them wheb insertig them.,
//		We get the next soldiers Kills, the current soldiers kills and the new soldiers kills
//		and we compare them and insert the new node in thier corresponding order.
void Node::Insert(Node * newNode)						//insert function,  where the pointerNewNode is passed as a parramater.

	// If there is no elements in the list then:
		itsNext = newNode;								// the reason we need this peice of code is that because when we 
														// are placeing an object in the list we want to insert it in order
														// and as you can see below we initalize a few temporary varibles
														// that go and get other soldiers kills.
														// if there is no soldiers and these local varibles are initalized
														// then the program will crash because the data doesnt exist.
														// so by using this simple if statement we can check if there is a next node
														// and if there isnt then create one, and omit the sorting code below
														// because this will be the first node.
	else												// If this new node isnt the first then:
		//Sorting Code local varibles;
		int NextSoldiersKills = itsNext->GetSoldier()->GetKills();	// Stores the next soldiers kills
		int NewKills = newNode->GetSoldier()->GetKills();			// gets the current soldiers kills
		int ThisNodeKills = itsSoldier->GetKills();					// stroes the new soldiers kills

		// The above local varibles are initalized so that they may go into the for loop below,
		// This will insert the soldier in a sorted position and there is no need for any bubble sort functions.
		// in the end this saves alot of time, you think a little at the start alot of time ;).

		if(NewKills > ThisNodeKills && NewKills < NextSoldiersKills) // if the current soldiers kills, is greater than the new soldiers kills and 
																	 // the current soldiers kills is lower than the next soldiers kills then:
			newNode->setNext(itsNext);								// set the newnode to next
			itsNext = newNode;										// initalize its next to newNode;
			itsNext->Insert(newNode);								//If the soldier doesnt need to be ranked and is allready in order then:
																	// insert the object into the current position
	}//end if
//		Display Link List;
//		This function is used to display all objects in the linked list
//		This function is the one that we use to see that all our hard work and
//		effort has paid off.

void Node::Display()								//Display function is from Node class so instance it.

			if(itsSoldier->GetKills() > 0  && GetNext())	// stops the pHead from showing and gets the nextSoldier
				cout << "**************************************\n";

				cout << "Soldiers Nickname: " << itsSoldier->GetNickname() << "\n";
				cout << "Soldiers Email Adddress: " << itsSoldier->getEmailAddress() << "\n";
				cout << "Soldiers Total Kills: " << itsSoldier->GetKills() << "\n";
				cout << "Soldiers Cash  Balance: " << "$" << itsSoldier->getCash() << "\n";
				cout << "Soldiers Rank: " << itsSoldier->getRank() << "\n";
				cout << "**************************************\n\n";


Node * Node::GetNext() const
Soldier * Node::GetSoldier() const
void Node::setNext(Node *node)
	Node::itsNext = node;
here is soldier.cpp:


							purpose: Node Header File.

//	Header Files:

#include <iostream>
#include "Soldier.h"
#include "Node.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "windows.h"
#include <string>
using namespace std;

//		Definition for Soldier Class
//		Get And Set Solders Kills

short int Soldier::GetKills() const

void Soldier::SetKills(short int Kills)
	Soldier::m_itsKills = Kills;
//		Get And Set Solders NickName

std::string Soldier::GetNickname() const	// const so it doesnt change
	return(m_itsName);						// returns the name

void Soldier::SetNickame(std::string Name)
	m_itsName = Name;				// initalize Soldier class's nickname with the Name parameter passed on
//		Get And Set Solders Email Adddress

std::string Soldier::getEmailAddress() const

void Soldier::setEmailAddress(std::string eAddress)
	m_emailAddress = eAddress;
//		Get And Set Solders Money

short int Soldier::getCash() const

void Soldier::setCash(unsigned int przMoney)
	m_Cash = przMoney;
//		Get And Set Solders Rank

std::string Soldier::getRank() const

void Soldier::setRank(int totalKills)
	if (totalKills >= 1000)
		m_Rank = "General";
	else if (totalKills >= 500)
		m_Rank = "Captain";
	else if (totalKills >= 100)
		m_Rank = "Soldier";
		m_Rank = "Trainee";

//		Construcot & Deconstructor for Soldier Class

	cout << "A soldier has been created.\n\n";

	cout << "A soldier has been deleted.\n\n" << endl;

void Soldier::Sack_Award()
	system("cls");										// clears the screen, and clears the constructor message, that appears when creating pHead
	cout << "*********************************************************************" << "\n";
	cout << "               ****************************************" << "\n";
	cout << "                         *******************" << "\n";
	cout << "                               *******" << "\n";
	cout << "\t \t \t\       Welcome.. " << "\n"<< "\n";
	cout << "*/\*		 Welcome To The Awards and Sacking Menu           */\*" << "\n";
	cout << "*********************************************************************" << "\n";
	int decision;
	cout << "Do you want to distribute awards or Sack team Members?\n\n";
	cout << "Please press 1 to Distribute awards.\n\n";
	cout << "Please press 2 to Sack team member(s).\n\n";
	cout << "Press 3 to return to main menu.\n";
	cin >> decision;
	switch (decision)
		case 1:
			cout << "You have choosen to Distribute awards.\n";
				cout << "Launching Request";
				cout << ".......";
				cout << ".......";
				cout << ".....Done!" << "\n";
		case 2:

		case 3:
				cout << "Please make a selection from the menu.\n";
				putchar (7);							//makes a beeping sound to reiterate a wrong button has been pressed
here is Node.h:


							purpose: Node Header File.
//		Class Node set up.
//		here is the class for the Node definition, all functions are prototyped here
//		and two private varbibles are created.
class Node
	//Constructor & Deconstructor::
	Node(Soldier*);									// constructor that passes a pointer to Soldier as a parameter

	~Node();										// deconstruct0r
	// member functions 
	void setNext(Node * node);						// sets the next node along the list, accepts a pointer to node as a parameter

	Node * GetNext()const;							// gets the next soldier

	Soldier* GetSoldier()const;						// initalizes the getSoldier function to the pointer of soldier

	void Insert(Node *);							// insert function where a pointer to Node is accepted as a parramtrer

	void Display();							// the display function
	Soldier *itsSoldier;							// pointer to currentsoldier

	Node * itsNext;									// pointer to next soldier
here is soldier.h:


							purpose: Node Header File.

////Header Files://////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
#include <string>


////Class Soldier///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
class Soldier
	//////// Constructor & Deconstructor
	Soldier();																	// constructor
	~Soldier();																	// deconstructor

	////////Mutator & accessor for Set & get Kills:
	void SetKills(short int Kills);
	 short int GetKills() const;

	///////Mutator & accessor for Set & Get Name
	void SetNickame(std::string Name);
	 std::string GetNickname() const;

	///////Mutator & accessor for Set & Get Email Address
	void setEmailAddress(std::string eAddress);
	 std::string getEmailAddress() const;

	///////Mutator & accessor for Set & Get Money
	void setCash(unsigned int przMoney);
	short int getCash() const;

	///////Mutator for Set & Get Rank
	void setRank(int totalKills);
	 std::string getRank() const;

	void recuriteSoldier();

	///// Sack&Award
	void Sack_Award();

	////Temporary Member data Accessor & Mutator

	//////Private Member Data:
	short int  m_itsKills;								// current soldiers kills
	std::string m_itsName;							// current soldiers NickName
	std::string m_emailAddress;						// current soldiers email address
	std::string m_Rank;								// gets players rank
	short int m_Cash;								// cash current player has.

If you could pleas help me finish this code i would be really thankful becuase its killn me. I cant seem 2 go forward past this point. thankz
my eyes!!! please use the [ source] at the start of your code, and [ /source] at the end, without the spaces.
I program in my sleep,but when I sleep I use the partition in my head that doesnt have g++ or the .net library, so im kinda screwed.
What exactly is it that youre trying to achieve that is failing? From a quick glance over (3 times) I didn't see any glaring errors, short of incomplete pieces of code. I don't see any place wherein you are steping through the list and giving the player the option to delete the soldier - but maybe I'm blind?
Quote:Original post by xanin
What exactly is it that youre trying to achieve that is failing? From a quick glance over (3 times) I didn't see any glaring errors, short of incomplete pieces of code. I don't see any place wherein you are steping through the list and giving the player the option to delete the soldier - but maybe I'm blind?

Yo man thats wat i'm having trouble with.

I cant delete a soldier....i cant.....tried looking at other linked lists but this is crazy.

Thats wat i want 2 try and implement a thing where u can go through the soldiers created and then choose 2 delete or either edit them.
i can do the edit part but going through the objects and deleteing ones you want it the thing that stumps em
Use a doubly linked list. Deletion will be a lot easier, since you need to update the link in the previous item, which will be direcly available in a doubly linked list
Quote:Original post by FlowingOoze
Use a doubly linked list. Deletion will be a lot easier, since you need to update the link in the previous item, which will be direcly available in a doubly linked list

* soz about no source tags but it wont let me change it, keeps comming up with 503 error

cheerz man, yeah doubly linked lists i can do, but i specifically need a single linked list.
And for the traversing of the list in only need to go one way.
To delete an element from a singly linked list, you need to iterate through the elements from the beginning and keep track of the previous item, which will need to be updated when the next item is deleted. I do not see why bother, when a doubly linked list doesn't take significantly more memory or degrade performance.
But if you really need it, it's just as easy to program as a doubly linked list. Just think about it for a while.
I mocked up some quick code that more or less addresses your query regarding moving through the list.

Its not something you can just drop in (i'm sure theres an error or two in there) but I hope itll point you in the right direction.

char choice = '\0';Node *pPrev = 0;Node *pCurr = pHead; //get a temp node pointer pointing to the head nodewhile(pCurr != 0){		cout << "\n\r(n)ext entry, (d)elete entry, (e)dit entry ";	cin >> choice;	pCurr->Display();	while (choice != 'n' && choice != 'd' && choice != 'e')	{		cout << "\n\rSorry, that is not a valid choice.";		cout << "\n\r(n)ext entry, (d)elete entry, (e)dit entry ";		cin >> choice;	}	switch choice	{		case 'n':			pPrev = pCurr;			pCurr = pCurr->getNext();							break;		case 'd':			if(pPrev == 0) //Current node is head;			{				pHead = pCurr->getNext();				pCurr->setNext(0) //Set the next pointer to null of the old head				delete pCurr; //Get rid of the old head node							pCurr = pHead;			}			else			{				pPrev->setNext(pCurr->getNext());				pCurr->setNext(0);				delete pCurr;				pCurr = pPrev->getNext();			}						break;			case 'e':			//for each value you want to be able to edit, ask the user for a new value			//check that the new value is legit and then set the values in your Node's Soldier object						break;	}}cout <<"\n\rNo Nodes Remain in list to examine";return;	
Quote:Original post by xanin
I mocked up some quick code that more or less addresses your query regarding moving through the list.

Its not something you can just drop in (i'm sure theres an error or two in there) but I hope itll point you in the right direction.

char choice = '\0';Node *pPrev = 0;Node *pCurr = pHead; //get a temp node pointer pointing to the head nodewhile(pCurr != 0){		cout << "\n\r(n)ext entry, (d)elete entry, (e)dit entry ";	cin >> choice;	pCurr->Display();	while (choice != 'n' && choice != 'd' && choice != 'e')	{		cout << "\n\rSorry, that is not a valid choice.";		cout << "\n\r(n)ext entry, (d)elete entry, (e)dit entry ";		cin >> choice;	}	switch choice	{		case 'n':			pPrev = pCurr;			pCurr = pCurr->getNext();							break;		case 'd':			if(pPrev == 0) //Current node is head;			{				pHead = pCurr->getNext();				pCurr->setNext(0) //Set the next pointer to null of the old head				delete pCurr; //Get rid of the old head node							pCurr = pHead;			}			else			{				pPrev->setNext(pCurr->getNext());				pCurr->setNext(0);				delete pCurr;				pCurr = pPrev->getNext();			}						break;			case 'e':			//for each value you want to be able to edit, ask the user for a new value			//check that the new value is legit and then set the values in your Node's Soldier object						break;	}}cout <<"\n\rNo Nodes Remain in list to examine";return;	

Yo dude ur 100% right ;), been stuck trying 2 do that 4 abour 7 have very little hair left.

Thankz a million dude :)
Boy that's some really rough code. Good luck.

For more info on linked lists, see this:

My Gamedev Journal: 2D Game Making, the Easy Way

---(Old Blog, still has good info): 2dGameMaking
"No one ever posts on that message board; it's too crowded." - Yoga Berra (sorta)

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