perlin noise

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1 comment, last by Rickmeister 18 years, 8 months ago
Let's say you are writing a 3d procedural texture generation function like so: Color texturegen(float u, float v, float w); where Color is defined as such: struct Color { float red, green, blue; }; If you decide to use Perlin noise for the function, is there going to be a steep memory requirement? I saw an example that used an array of size 64x64x64, but I'm not sure if it was really necessary. Mike
Mike C.
A typical, unoptimized perlin implementation does not use more than half of the memory used by the end result.

An optimized perlin noise can theoretically run in constant space (that is, the memory used to create the data does not depend on the size of the result), but is slower than the normal version.
Perlin Noise

Great page

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