Arithmetic Coding for Images

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-1 comments, last by JonW 18 years, 8 months ago
Hi, I'm working on a custom lossless image for my game using an arithmetic coder. Here is the code that I have so far:

Uint16 m_nCode;					// The present input code value
Uint16 m_nLow;					// Start of the current code range
Uint16 m_nHigh;					// End of the current code range
Uint32 m_nUnderflowBits;		// Number of underflow bits pending

#define BUFFER_SIZE 256
Uint8 buffer[BUFFER_SIZE + 2];	// This is the i/o buffer
Uint8 *m_pCurrentByte;			// Pointer to current byte

Sint32 m_nOutputMask;

Sint32 input_bytes_left;
Sint32 input_bits_left;
Bool m_bPastEof;

Uint16 HiVal[256];
Uint16 LoVal[256];
Uint16 m_nScale;

// When decoding, this routine is called to figure out which symbol
// is presently waiting to be decoded.
Uint16 get_current_count (void)
	Uint32 range;
	Uint16 count;

	range = (Uint32)(m_nHigh - m_nLow) + 1;
	count = (Uint16)((((Uint32)(m_nCode - m_nLow) + 1) * m_nScale-1) / range);

	return count;

// This routine reads bits in from a file.  This routine is set up to
// allow for two dummy bytes to be read in after the end of file is
// reached.  This is because we have to keep feeding bits into the
// pipeline to be decoded so that the old stuff that is 16 bits upstream
// can be pushed out.
Uint16 input_bit (CFile *stream)
	if (input_bits_left == 0)
		input_bits_left = 8;

		if (input_bytes_left == 0)
			input_bytes_left = stream->Read(buffer, BUFFER_SIZE);

			if (input_bytes_left == 0)
				if (m_bPastEof)
					fprintf(stderr, "Bad input file\n");

					m_bPastEof = 1;

					// Read two past, since two bits need to be shifted out
					// of high and low to complete word
					input_bytes_left = 2;

			m_pCurrentByte = buffer;


	// Return the lowest bit
	return ((*m_pCurrentByte >> input_bits_left) & 1);

 * Just figuring out what the present symbol is doesn't remove
 * it from the input bit stream.  After the character has been
 * decoded, this routine has to be called to remove it from the
 * input stream.
void remove_symbol_from_stream (CFile *stream, Uint16 low_count, Uint16 high_count)
	Uint32 nRange;

	nRange = (m_nHigh - m_nLow) + 1;
	m_nHigh = m_nLow + (Uint16)((nRange * high_count) / m_nScale - 1);
	m_nLow = m_nLow + (Uint16)((nRange * low_count) / m_nScale);

	while (True)
		// The most significant bits match, so shift them out
		if ((m_nHigh & 0x8000) == (m_nLow & 0x8000))

		// If underflow is threatining, shift out the 2nd most significant
		else if ((m_nLow & 0x4000) && !(m_nHigh & 0x4000))
			// Flip second most significant of code
			m_nCode ^= 0x4000;

			// Clear 2 upper bits of low
			m_nLow &= 0x3fff;

			// Change second most significant of high to 1
			m_nHigh |= 0x4000;

		m_nLow <<= 1;
		m_nHigh <<= 1;
		m_nCode <<= 1;

		// Bring in a new high bit
		m_nHigh |= 1;

		// Bring in a new input bit
		m_nCode += input_bit(stream);

Uint8 ReadNextVal (CFile *pFile)
	short int count = get_current_count();

	// Find the range the value is in
	for (Uint8 i = 0; i < 256; i++)
		if ( count >= LoVal && count < HiVal)
			remove_symbol_from_stream(pFile, LoVal, HiVal);
			return i;

	return 0;

// Create the minimum and maximum probability tables for each color value
void CreateTables (void)
	m_nScale = 0;

	for (Sint32 i = 0; i < 256; i++)
		LoVal = m_nScale;

		// Because of filtering, low values are common, and so are
		// high values which represent negative. Give them a higher
		// probability.
		if (i <= 10 || i >= 245)
			HiVal = m_nScale+10;
			m_nScale += 10;

		else if (i <= 20 || i >= 235)
			HiVal = m_nScale+5;
			m_nScale += 5;

			HiVal = m_nScale+1;
			m_nScale += 1;

// Loads image from given file into pBuffer.
Bool LoadIgf (Uint8 **pBuffer, CFile *pFile, Sint32 &nWidth, Sint32 &nHeight)

	m_nCode = 0;

	for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
		m_nCode <<= 1;
		m_nCode += input_bit(pFile);

	m_nLow = 0;
	m_nHigh = 0xffff;

	input_bits_left = 0;
	input_bytes_left = 1;
	m_bPastEof = False;

	nWidth = pFile->ReadWord();
	nHeight = pFile->ReadWord();

	*pBuffer = new Uint8[nWidth*nHeight*3];
	Uint8 *pColor = *pBuffer;

	for (int y = 0; y < nHeight; y++)
		// First pixel in each row is not filtered
		*pColor = ReadNextVal(pFile);
		*pColor = ReadNextVal(pFile);
		*pColor = ReadNextVal(pFile);

		// Read rest of row, filtering as we go
		for (int x = 1; x < nWidth; x++)
			*pColor = (Uint8)(((Uint)*(pColor-3) + ReadNextVal(pFile)) & 0xff);
			*pColor = (Uint8)(((Uint)*(pColor-3) + ReadNextVal(pFile)) & 0xff);
			*pColor = (Uint8)(((Uint)*(pColor-3) + ReadNextVal(pFile)) & 0xff);

	return True;

 * The output bit routine just has to set a bit in the current byte
 * if requested to.  After that, it updates the mask.  If the mask
 * shows that the current byte is filled up, it is time to go to the
 * next character in the buffer.  If the next character is past the
 * end of the buffer, it is time to flush the buffer.
void output_bit (CFile *stream, int bit)
	// Write the bit if it's a 1 to the next bit position
	if (bit)
		*m_pCurrentByte |= m_nOutputMask;

	// Increase the bit position
	m_nOutputMask >>= 1;

	// We filled this byte
	if (m_nOutputMask == 0)
		m_nOutputMask = 0x80;

		// Buffer is full, so write it
		if (m_pCurrentByte == (buffer + BUFFER_SIZE))
			stream->Write(buffer, BUFFER_SIZE);
			m_pCurrentByte = buffer;

		// Initialize next byte to 0
		*m_pCurrentByte = 0;

// This routine uses a low count, a high count, and a range,
// instead of the more conventional probability ranges.  The encoding
// process takes two steps.  First, the values of high and low are
// updated to take into account the range restriction created by the
// new symbol.  Then, as many bits as possible are shifted out to
// the output stream.  Finally, high and low are stable again and
// the routine returns.
void encode(CFile *stream, Uint16 low_count, Uint16 high_count)
	Uint32 range;

	// Add one because high is one under
    range = (m_nHigh-m_nLow) + 1;

	// Make high one under so it continues forever
	m_nHigh = m_nLow + (Uint16)((range * high_count) / m_nScale - 1);

	m_nLow = m_nLow + (Uint16)((range * low_count) / m_nScale);

	// Output common bits between high and low
    while (True)
		// The most significant digit matches, output it
		if ((m_nHigh & 0x8000) == (m_nLow & 0x8000))
			output_bit(stream, m_nHigh & 0x8000);

			while (m_nUnderflowBits > 0)
				output_bit(stream, (~m_nHigh) & 0x8000);

		// Test if the numbers are in danger of underflow.
		// The significant bits don't match, and low is approaching high, ex:
		// high = 10000000 low = 01111111
		else if ((m_nLow & 0x4000) && !(m_nHigh & 0x4000))
			m_nUnderflowBits += 1;

			// Clear 2 upper bits of low
			m_nLow &= 0x3fff;

			// Change second most significant of high to 1
			m_nHigh |= 0x4000;


		m_nLow <<= 1;
		m_nHigh <<= 1;

		// Insert a new one (high continues forever)
		m_nHigh |= 1;

 * At the end of the encoding process, there are still significant
 * bits left in the high and low registers.  We output two bits,
 * plus as many underflow bits as are necessary.
void flush_arithmetic_encoder (CFile *stream)
	output_bit(stream, m_nLow & 0x4000);
	while (m_nUnderflowBits-- > 0)
		output_bit(stream, (~m_nLow) & 0x4000);

void flush_output_bitstream (CFile *stream)
    stream->Write(buffer, (m_pCurrentByte - buffer) + 1);
    m_pCurrentByte = buffer;

// Write the given image buffer to file
Bool SaveIgf (Uint8 *pBuffer, CFile *pFile, Sint32 &nWidth, Sint32 &nHeight)
	m_nLow = 0;
	m_nHigh = 0xffff;
	m_nUnderflowBits = 0;
	m_pCurrentByte = buffer;
	*m_pCurrentByte = 0;
	m_nOutputMask = 0x80;



	Uint8 val;

	for (int y = 0; y < nHeight; y++)
		// Write the first pixel plainly, because there is no pixel to the left
		// to filter from

		val = *pBuffer;
		encode_symbol(pFile, LoVal[val], HiVal[val]);
		val = *pBuffer;
		encode_symbol(pFile, LoVal[val], HiVal[val]);
		val = *pBuffer;
		encode_symbol(pFile, LoVal[val], HiVal[val]);

		// Write rest of row
		for (int x = 1; x < nWidth; x++)
			// Filter each channel as its written (subtract value from prior pixel)

			// Write the red channel
			val = ((Sint)*pBuffer - (Sint)*(pBuffer-3)) & 0xff;
			encode(pFile, LoVal[val], HiVal[val]);

			// Write the blue channel
			val = ((Sint)*pBuffer - (Sint)*(pBuffer-3)) & 0xff;
			encode(pFile, LoVal[val], HiVal[val]);

			// Write the green channel
			val = ((Sint)*pBuffer - (Sint)*(pBuffer-3)) & 0xff;
			encode(pFile, LoVal[val], HiVal[val]);


	return True;

As you can probably see, I'm filtering each row by subtracting each pixel channel color from the previous pixel's corresponding color, which gives me a value around -10 to 10 that is translated to about 245-255 and 0-10. I then pass the values to a coder, and set the probabilities higher for the usual filtered values. However the program always reaches the exit() call and closes. If I set the probabilities equally (x for the low, x+1 for the high, 256 for the scale) I obviously don't get any compression, but the program doesn't reach the exit line. I have found that although the equal probabilities don't cause the program to close, the images has a strong greenish tinge. This is not from the filtering, as I have tested the filtering without the coding and the coding without the filtering. Any ideas on why this code is acting up is appreciated. I am using the arithmetic coding method from . Thanks! Jon

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