DX and OGL Math

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2 comments, last by Mawww 18 years, 8 months ago
I'm going to 10th grade this year and I think I'm going to have a problem learning DX or OGL because of the math. This year I'm taking Algebra 2, then next year I'm going to take Precalculus(Trigonometry) and then Calculus the next year. How much of DX or OGL do you think I'll be able to learn? I still haven't decided which one I'm going to learn first, probably the one which requires less math knowlege.
You shouldn't have any problems. I was in the same boat when I was first learning OpenGL. You might not already know all of the math involved, but you should be able to get by on some 3D math tutorials, at least for basic stuff.

You'll need a basic understanding of matrix and vector math, but that can be picked up from articles on this site, and once you get it once and learn how to use them, you won't actually see a lot of the math very often.

You'll also need some basic trig, and I mean basic. Given a line with some length at a certain angle, you should be able to find the x and y components using sin and cos. No fancy identities are needed early on.

As far as which language is easier from a math perspective: Neither. OpenGL and Direct3D both let you interface with the graphics hardware, and although they have different styles of doing that, the math will always be the same.

I suggest checking out some of the vector, matrix, and trig articles you can find here or on google, then diving into some basic OpenGL (nehe.gamedev.net) or DirectX tutorials, assuming you already have programming experience. Anything you come across in the near future you shouldn't have trouble understanding.
All I have learned is Algebra 1, and I know OpenGL already...
We should do this the Microsoft way: "WAHOOOO!!! IT COMPILES! SHIP IT!"
I began opengl when I was 15, and at that age, I never had heard of what was a matrix; but I did manage to put things on screen and make them move the way I wanted them to do. Now I am 19 and I have a good level in linear algebra (I do not know to what it correspong in English school system, but I am in enginering school preparation classes) Linear Algebra let me understand why it worked, and to find better solutions than before, but as long as you understand what a vector is, and what a rotation/translation is you can use opengl and enjoy yourself without much troubles;
Tchou kanaky ! tchou !

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