Help "shaking" the camera...

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4 comments, last by ogracian 18 years, 8 months ago
Hello, I am coding a game but I want to "shake" the camera when a explosion ocurrs, I have implemented a simple test but I am not really happy with it, because my current method is not frameTime sync, and show some image "tear" so I appreciate if someone could help me with about it. Here is my current code:

void ShakeCamera(void)
	if (!m_iShakeCam)

	CEngine * pEngine   = CEngine::GetInst();
	float	  frameTime = 0.001f * pEngine->GetFrameTime();
	CCamera * pCamera   = pEngine->GetCamera();

	// Do shake
	int shakeDir  = 2 - (rand() % 5);
	pCamera->Pos  = m_InitialCamPos + pCamera->GetRight() * shakeDir * m_fShakePower;
	pCamera->Pos += pCamera->GetUp() * shakeDir * m_fShakePower;

	// Update shake duration time
	m_fShakeDuration -= frameTime;
	if (m_fShakeDuration < 0.0f)
		// Shake done, reset data
		m_iShakeCam = 0;

Thanks in advance, Oscar [Edited by - ogracian on August 9, 2005 2:25:22 AM]
maybe its because you got VSync disabled?

turn vsync on, if it doesn't disappear, try using sin functions to translate the camera... <- works great! :)

"Game Maker For Life, probably never professional thou." =)
vsync disabled = tear, regardless of how you move the camera.

Thanks for your help, I have turned on vsync and no more tears : ). But my
current method is not frame time sync so I am not very happy with it.

About the SIN methdo you suggest, could you develop a little about it?

I've implemented screen shakes in two ways in the past, one is better then the other, but I don't have the code in front of me so pseudo code will have to work.

void shakeCamera(){    shaking = true;}void updateShake( float timeDelta ){    if ( !shaking )        return;    //accumulate time    timePassed += timeDelta; // timeDelta is between frames    if ( !(timePassed >= timeToUpdateShake) ) //the smaller timetoupdateshake is, the faster it will shake    {          return;    }    timePassed = 0;        //keep count of number of shakes    numShakes++;    //random x offset    float xoff = rnd( range of offsets, shakeMagnitude or power );    //same for y    float yoff = rnd(...);    //maybe create these points as a vector? depends on how your camer is set up.    camera->setView( xoff, yoff );    //only shake for a certain amount of time (timePassed * numShakes)    if ( numShakes >= shakeNumber )    {       shaking = false;       camera->setView( 0,0 );    }}
---------Coming soon! Microcosm II.

Thank you all people for your help, I finally got it working!.


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