Using a stack for the gamestate

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33 comments, last by Seriema 18 years, 8 months ago
I experimented with the idea of holding gamestates in a stack and possibly having multiple gamestates active at the same time.

The top gamestate would be updated and would then be able to update the next game state (if it wished to).

Same with rendering (the top render state decides if the state below it gets rendered etc, then they are rnedered from the bottom up).

It produced some interesting results, but it was difficult to maintain which seems to have been, on reflection, caused by the fact that the game state system was also tasked with performing several responsibilities - part gui, part flow control etc.

I still think it has potential, it just needs to be properly designed and implemented (when I was experiementing with it I was just adding code and features ad hoc to see how it turned out).


As an example, I had a pause state which would have the state beneath it render, but not update. It would also absorb any input.
In my system I have gamestates and a Kernel/Task system (actually a gamestate is updated via the Kernel as well but with some special rules). This keeps me from wanting multiple gamestates active at once (like Nitage's suggestion) which I have found isn't always the best solution.

Also, the link that ogracian posted had a fairly decent idea as far as a state based system that allows popping (which I think is important to avoid the problems joanusdmentia brings up).

In addition what I always prefer to do is to have my base State class resemble the following:
class State{public:    State();    virtual ~State();    virtual void update();    virtual void render();    virtual void onPause();    virtual void onResume();};typedef shared_ptr<State> StatePtr;...template<class StateT>StateManager::pushState(){    stateStack_.push(new StateT);}

I like not having to manage the actual instances of my states. Of course Toolmaker's question was about C# and I'm not sure how well this transfers to C# (resource cleanup isn't as much of a problem so many of the benefits are lost I'd assume).
I too use a stack-based state system. Unlike the other state systems posted in this discussion, my system does not use a base state class from which other states are derived. Instead, I use a class which contains delegates (for people who aren't familiar with .Net, delegates are essentially function pointers and can point to multiple methods) to the appropriate methods to be called (Draw, Update, Input, etc...). The advantage of this system is that, if desired, you can peek the current state on the stack, clone it, and then override the particular method calls.

For example, my gui system has a message box class, which when shown, clones the current state, redirects the input to the message box, ADDS the message box's drawing code (such that both the box's code is called after that of the previous state), removes any update calls, and pushes the newly-created state onto the stack. When the box closes, it simply pops its state off the stack, returning to whatever was being shown underneath.

EDIT: I like Nitage's system alot too. It seems to offer all the functionality of mine plus it's a little bit simpler. I'll have to consider something like that.

[Edited by - Holy Fuzz on August 10, 2005 4:43:35 PM]
Niteage's system is pretty similar to what I had in thought, except he allows multiple gamestates to be active, something I consider bad.

The problem with multiple gamestates being active, is that you have NO idea of the outcome, as the various states could interfere with eachother.

The idea of using delegates is only implemented for the disposing, because it basicly just prevents a dead-state from being active.

The stack allows states to push new states and pop themselfs. Even in the case of a LoadGame state, it would first call stack.Pop(); and then call stack.Push(playState);

Also, preventing the stack from having references to any DirectX/Game Engine related code will make it more reusable. One small modification is to make the GameState itself a stack, so a gamestate can contain substates.

AOE had a system with trading/diplomacy/load/saving while you were playing, that would pause the game and show the menu full-screen. This would be a perfect example on it's usage. And in the case of a multi-player game, you could just update the sub-states, aswell as the main state(But for instance, not render)


I use a system of Tasks, where a game state is just another task. Tasks are registered by name with a TaskManager. Each task has a lifecycle: init, activate, deactivate, shutdown. A task is initialized by the task manager when it is registered. At any time, a task can be activated/deactivated by name through the task manager. Activated tasks are added to the task manager's active task list. Because multiple tasks can be active at any given time, each task has a priority and the list is sorted accordingly. The task manager implements the game loop, and each frame it iterates the task list, calling a tick method on each task. When a task is deactivated, it is removed from the active task list. A task is shutdown when it is deregistered from the task manager.

Tasks can be anything. If you wanted to break the game state into layers, you could do so by using different tasks. As an example, when the LoadMenu exits and starts the game, pressing escape later could add the LoadMenu onto the task list behind the game task, and it would be displayed with the game in the background rahter than changing screens entirely. Background threads can also be used as tasks - the first tick starts the thread and each successive tick checks if it is finished.

Becauses tasks can be activated and deactivated at any time, even in the middle of iterating the task list, there's a bit of complexity involved. But it's not too difficult to solve. My solution was to maintain a copy of the active task list. The original list isn't sorted. Anytime a task is activated or deactivated I set a dirty flag which I check at the top of the game loop. When the dirty flas is set, I update and sort the copy. I haven't run in to any problems with this system so far.
How would you handle multiplayer games?

If you're the server (and a client playing), when you pause the game, the server shouldn't neccessarily stop. Do you keep updating states below it, just not rendering them?

I find your stack based approach interesting.
What's the point?
To me, all posible GameStates are:
  • Game
  • Meny
  • InGame meny
  • Game w/ console
  • Meny w/ console
  • Paused game
This translates to a FSM that could look something like this.
The meny can (and should) contain a stack of previous meny-states. The current game-class, that is controlled in the game-state, should have a hierchal(sp?) structure(ie SingleplayerGame, ClientGame, ServerGame etc). (I have focused only at sp-games so far, so I am unsure of the lower parts of mp-games, but I am sure I would to it with a thread or two.)

I plan on using this design in my next game. My current game is basicly lots of unstructured code(the game state is a integer w/ *cough* switchs *cough* ;) ).
Quote:Original post by sirGustav
What's the point?
To me, all posible GameStates are:
  • Game
  • Meny
  • InGame meny
  • Game w/ console
  • Meny w/ console
  • Paused game
This translates to a FSM that could look something like this.
The meny can (and should) contain a stack of previous meny-states. The current game-class, that is controlled in the game-state, should have a hierchal(sp?) structure(ie SingleplayerGame, ClientGame, ServerGame etc). (I have focused only at sp-games so far, so I am unsure of the lower parts of mp-games, but I am sure I would to it with a thread or two.)

I plan on using this design in my next game. My current game is basicly lots of unstructured code(the game state is a integer w/ *cough* switchs *cough* ;) ).

That doesn't look very extensible - just because you can't currently envisage any other possible gamestates doesn't mean you won't need one in the future.

Redesigning now to provide easy extensibility will be much less effort than refactoring your code later.
Why use a "stack" or a state manager when using states. The point of the Finite State Machine is that the individual states know which states can possibly come next that includes the states that it came from. So you don't need a separate data structure to contain that information. I believe xSKOTTIEx had the right idea. A separate manager is like putting more gas on the flames.
i have created a very similar design. except there is no stack. each game state has the standard render update etc methods. but there is also a GameState* changeState() method. which, when the game state is ready to change, this method will return the next game state to be used (whatever it may be, the manager doesnt care). if this method returns a non-null value, it calls the clean up method for the current state, deletes it, and sets the current state to the one that was returned. if you want the states to pause / run again without recreating, you can add a temp game state map and add the state to that before deleting.
The only problem I see with xSKOTIEx's method is that when the individual GameState wants to change states it would call ChangeState which he stated above would return GameState* with the new implementation but that means that the AbstractGame object or whatever is holding the current state has to be polling or somehow know that the state has been changed. You could give each gamestate a reference to the Game class or engine class that actually has the current state and that class would have the method void ChangeState( GameState* newGameState) and that would be called with the new or old instance of the state to be run.

Another problem comes to mind if you want to keep old states that you might have to go back to say with a GUI system where you move through a set of screens. So like Main Screen-> Option Screen -> Font Option Screen and you wanted to keep the state of those system intact at the time the user moved to the next state. The Font Option State would then have a reference to the previous Option State and if the user presses done on the Font Option Screen then the next state would be the Reference to the Option State object. Furthermore, the Option State Object would still have its Reference to Main Screen and the state. Of course it would be very beneficial if you used smart pointers if implementing this in C/C++. But I think that that eliminates the need for a "stack" and implementing a system of popping and pushing elements off and on much like a Kernal task system which is more of what is being discussed rather than an actual state machine.

I dunno I could be wrong its just my observation here.

Quote:Original post by Nitage
Quote:Original post by sirGustav
What's the point?
To me, all posible GameStates are...

That doesn't look very extensible - just because you can't currently envisage any other possible gamestates doesn't mean you won't need one in the future.

Redesigning now to provide easy extensibility will be much less effort than refactoring your code later.

Take a look at this design. IMHO that shows a pretty easily expandable FSM(p2-p3), besides there is a difference (IMHO) between designing for the future, and implementing code that might come in handy in the future.
If I wanted to code for the future, I could throw in a stack, a hash-table(for some indexing) and some cool tree(for some unknown reason), but what's the point if I don't need it?
If all this mashine does is delegate it's duties to other classes I can't see any design that can't be applied to this one without too much hassle.

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