[.net] Boo!

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5 comments, last by Rob Loach 18 years, 8 months ago
I found out about this .NET language while googling. I thought that perhaps a few other people could benefit from it as well. The language is called Boo (Home Page) and it resembles Python, but is for the .NET Framework. Read the Boo Manifesto for more information on the reasons for creating the language. After having worked in C# for a few years now, there are some pieces of the language that could be made easier. Type inference, automatic conversions, and multiple return values are a few. Boo allows you to do these and many more things that make coding a bit more enjoyable. Check out the full list of language features for more information. One of my favorites is string interpolation (i.e. print("${myvar} is a ${myvar2}") instead of string.Format("{0} is a {1}", myvar, myvar2) ) There is currently a plugin for SharpDevelop that works fairly well. I'd love to get my hands on a Visual Studio plugin, but there doesn't seem to be one. I've looked into creating my own, but haven't had much luck finding information. I'm curious what other people think of Boo!
I've seen it before but never realized it was a .NET language. One of the things I dislike about Python is its lack of type enforcement (is this the proper term?), but boo's ability to explicity type variables seems quite interesting. It seems like an awesome language; going to try it out now.

Here are some pages comparing boo with other languages:
boo for Python users
boo for C# users

if it won't work with IntelliSense (because there's no VS plugin) then it cannot possibly be easier to write than C#. Half the code I write is with the up arrow and enter key.

[Formerly "capn_midnight". See some of my projects. Find me on twitter tumblr G+ Github.]

I'm actually imagining it functioning as a scripting language. The binary distribution comes with an interactive interpreter, and from a quick glance at the documentation they support programmatic interpreted execution. It seems like it'd work quite well with a .NET host application.

Has anyone had experience with creating a Visual Studio plugin? I'd have no problem with creating a plugin to work with Intellisense, but I need to know where to begin.

I downloaded the VSIP and saw that the "My Editor" sample is a basic RichTextBox control. After some tinkering, I got Visual Studio to host a SharpDevelop TextEditor. I haven't a clue how to get Intellisense (at least SharpDevelop's version) to work in that.

Anyone know if there's a way to use the built-in C# or VB.NET code editor? I'm sure Microsoft has them locked away, but maybe they were nice for once.
Someone linked me to this guy (http://geekninja.blogspot.com), who is apparently working on VS integration.
For those of you who are too lazy to create your own CodeDom compiler for your scripts, I made a wrapper for it named GakScript.

It's a small library that reads C#, Visual Basic, JScript and J# scripts for compilation and execution during runtime. I was thinking of implementing Boo, but decided it wouldn't be worth it as compiling it into GakScript would just make the compilation huge. It's pretty much just a large library made to wrap the (in my opinion) confusing .NET CodeDom.

Right now it's being released as a closed source license, but I'm thinking of making it open source so that people can improve it and possibly add capabilities like having Boo support.
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