Final no hardware acceleration post!

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9 comments, last by kontrolkl 18 years, 8 months ago
Ok, I am going to type this up from scratch instead of copying from a text file. I am querying the video information using SDL_GetVideoInfo to see what is supported, and I am a little confused by the results. It says basically that I have no hardware acceleration and no video memory! I tested both before and after calling SDL_SetVideoMode because according to he documentation:
Quote: This (read-only) structure is returned by SDL_GetVideoInfo. It contains information on either the 'best' available mode (if called before SDL_SetVideoMode) or the current video mode.
this is the result of my program. (Before SDL_SetVideoMode) Is it possible to create hardware surfaces? N Is there a window manager available? Y Are hardware to hardware blits accelerated? N Are hardware to hardware colorkey blits accelerated? N Are hardware to hardware alpha blits accelerated? N Are software to hardware blits accelerated? N Are software to hardware colorkey blits accelerated? N Are software to hardware alpha blits accelerated? N Are color fills accelerated? N Total amount of video memory in Kilobytes: 0 (After SDL_SetVideoMode) Is it possible to create hardware surfaces? N Is there a window manager available? Y Are hardware to hardware blits accelerated? N Are hardware to hardware colorkey blits accelerated? N Are hardware to hardware alpha blits accelerated? N Are software to hardware blits accelerated? N Are software to hardware colorkey blits accelerated? N Are software to hardware alpha blits accelerated? N Are color fills accelerated? N Total amount of video memory in Kilobytes: 0
It worked! I was able to post!
Wow, congrats.... that's been awhile in coming. You may want to delete your cookies, clear your cache, and restart your browser.
Ok, I did that. I think it has something to do with the source code I was trying to post. After I posted the top two messages, I tried using a [ source ] [ /source ] block and pasting my code... no good. Is it possible that the code could have messed up the post?

Who knows. A good programmer will approach the problem methodically, posting part of the code to see if it's the problem, repeating with more code, eventually working up to a full post or finding the source of the difficulty...

I'm interested in what you're passing to SDL_SetVideoMode.

  const int VIDEO_HEIGHT  = 768;  const int VIDEO_WIDTH   = 1024;  const int BPP           = 32;  SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO | SDL_INIT_TIMER);  print_vid_info();  SDL_GL_SetAttribute( SDL_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER, 1 );  Uint32 video_flags;  video_flags =  SDL_OPENGL;  video_flags |= SDL_HWPALETTE;  video_flags |= SDL_HWSURFACE;  video_flags |= SDL_HWACCEL;  video_flags |= SDL_FULLSCREEN;  SDL_Surface *sdl_win = SDL_SetVideoMode(VIDEO_WIDTH,                                          VIDEO_HEIGHT,                                          BPP,                                          video_flags);  print_vid_info();

And the code for print_vid_info()
void print_vid_info(void){  const SDL_VideoInfo *vid_info = SDL_GetVideoInfo();  printf("Is it possible to create hardware surfaces? ");  vid_info->hw_available == 1 ? printf("Y\n") : printf("N\n");  printf("Is there a window manager available? ");  vid_info->wm_available == 1 ? printf("Y\n") : printf("N\n");  printf("Are hardware to hardware blits accelerated? ");  vid_info->blit_hw == 1 ? printf("Y\n") : printf("N\n");  printf("Are hardware to hardware colorkey blits accelerated? ");  vid_info->blit_hw_CC == 1? printf("Y\n") : printf("N\n");  printf("Are hardware to hardware alpha blits accelerated? ");  vid_info->blit_hw_A == 1? printf("Y\n") : printf("N\n");  printf("Are software to hardware blits accelerated? ");  vid_info->blit_sw  == 1 ? printf("Y\n") : printf("N\n");  printf("Are software to hardware colorkey blits accelerated? ");  vid_info->blit_sw_CC == 1? printf("Y\n") : printf("N\n");  printf("Are software to hardware alpha blits accelerated? ");  vid_info->blit_sw_A == 1? printf("Y\n") : printf("N\n");  printf("Are color fills accelerated? ");  vid_info->blit_fill == 1? printf("Y\n") : printf("N\n");  printf("Total amount of video memory in Kilobytes: %u\n", vid_info->video_mem);  return;}
Don't worry about it: if you're using OpenGL then those values are probably invalid anyway. I believe they refer to the blit performance, not the OpenGL performance. Hardware acceleration of 2D blits is a different beast altogether. Try rendering a few triangles with vsync turned off. If you've got any OpenGL acceleration you're likely to see a few hundred frames per second, and if you haven't, it's likely to be less than 50fps or so.

Also, try removing those SDL_HWPALETTE, SDL_HWSURFACE, and SDL_HWACCEL lines: you probably don't need them and they may be what is confusing the system.
And if you're like me and wish to use SDL_Surfaces and such _with_ OpenGL-support then have a look at glSDL ! I got a nice speedup with this even though it's a rather messy hack :)
swinchen, how did you solve your problem with the source /source bugging. I'm having this problem at the moment and i can't fix it. Yes i cleared all my cache.
It's possible you guys are trying to post too much code. Try to post minimal examples where practical.

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