compile error: can not convert parameter from LPDIRECTXFILEDATA to LPD3DXFILEDATA

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2 comments, last by IFooBar 18 years, 8 months ago
it also has syntax error: identifier 'LPDIRECTXFILEDATA', after I include header file <dxfile.h>, this syntax error disappeared, but there are still: error C2664: 'D3DXLoadMeshFromXof' : cannot convert parameter 1 from 'LPDIRECTXFILEDATA' to 'LPD3DXFILEDATA' Can anyone help me? Thanks very much!

They are different. They point to different interfaces.

thanks, but LPD3DFILEDATA seems to be the updated version of old LPDIRECTFILEDATA.

so I saw from MSDN Library, the LPDIRECTXFILEDATA interface is "deprecated", does it mean we should not use it any more?
Yeah, starting from dx9, the xfile interface has been moved to the d3dx library and is now called ID3DXFileData. So IDirectXFileData doesnt exist as of dx9.

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