HLSL Question - Random numbers?

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2 comments, last by sirob 18 years, 8 months ago
Hey all, Just a quickie here: Is it possible to generate a random number inside a shader? I can't seem to find any intrinsic function to do this and I obviously can't set an outside value because that'll set it for the entire pass and not on a per vertex / pixel value. Thanks.

You would have to generate one outside and pass it in.

I obviously can't set an outside value because that'll set it for the entire pass and not on a per vertex / pixel value.

You could (obviously :-) sent an array of outside values.

Furthermore, a small RNG is not so hard to write so might as well include one in your HLSL file.


You could also use a texture with random values if this is for a pixelshader or VS3.0 and up.
Sirob Yes.» - status: Work-O-Rama.

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