Mouse look function not working correctly

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2 comments, last by dawberj3 18 years, 8 months ago
I have this OpenGL/linux program at the moment to "look" around a scene but it isnt very smooth or accurate. This is part of the passiveMotionFunc:

void mouse(int x,int y)

  if ( y != windowCenterY )
    float yaw = (windowCenterY) - y;

In my render scene function I update the camera:


Is there a better way to do this? Can people post how they achieve smooth "look" around function. Thx [Edited by - dawberj3 on August 15, 2005 6:22:09 AM]
I'm not sure if this is relevant, but your function will fail when the mouse(x,y) function is called multiple times per frame. You should call the glutWarpPointer(windowCenterX,windowCenterY) from the mouse function to be sure your calculation works when mouse(x,y) is called more than once per frame by glut.
Also, to get a consistent response to mouse movement, you should add the x component.


EDIT: guess you found out by yourself :)
Actually ive tweaked it a bit and it seems to be working OK now, but I have a problem that something is altering the "roll" when im flying/looking around. Here is the code that manipulates the view in the Camera class:

void Camera::spinLeft(float angle){    Matrix mRotation;  vector3f vNewDirection;      rotationMatrix(DEG_TO_RAD(angle), vUp[0], vUp[1], vUp[2], mRotation);  vNewDirection[0] = mRotation[0] * vDirection[0] + mRotation[4] * vDirection[1] + mRotation[8] *  vDirection[2];  vNewDirection[1] = mRotation[1] * vDirection[0] + mRotation[5] * vDirection[1] + mRotation[9] *  vDirection[2];  vNewDirection[2] = mRotation[2] * vDirection[0] + mRotation[6] * vDirection[1] + mRotation[10] * vDirection[2];    	      memcpy(vDirection, vNewDirection, sizeof(vector3f));  }void Camera::lookUp(float angle){    Matrix mRotation;  vector3f vCross;  // Cross Product  vCross[0] =  vUp[1]*vDirection[2] - vDirection[1]*vUp[2];  vCross[1] = -vUp[0]*vDirection[2] + vDirection[0]*vUp[2];  vCross[2] =  vUp[0]*vDirection[1] - vDirection[0]*vUp[1];      rotationMatrix(DEG_TO_RAD(-angle), vCross[0], vCross[1], vCross[2], mRotation);  vector3f vNewVect;  // Inline 3x3 matrix multiply for rotation only  vNewVect[0] = mRotation[0] * vDirection[0] + mRotation[4] * vDirection[1] + mRotation[8]  * vDirection[2];	  vNewVect[1] = mRotation[1] * vDirection[0] + mRotation[5] * vDirection[1] + mRotation[9]  * vDirection[2];	  vNewVect[2] = mRotation[2] * vDirection[0] + mRotation[6] * vDirection[1] + mRotation[10] * vDirection[2];	  memcpy(vDirection, vNewVect, sizeof(GLfloat)*3);    // Update pointing up vector  vNewVect[0] = mRotation[0] * vUp[0] + mRotation[4] * vUp[1] + mRotation[8] *  vUp[2];	  vNewVect[1] = mRotation[1] * vUp[0] + mRotation[5] * vUp[1] + mRotation[9] *  vUp[2];	  vNewVect[2] = mRotation[2] * vUp[0] + mRotation[6] * vUp[1] + mRotation[10] * vUp[2];	  memcpy(vUp, vNewVect, sizeof(GLfloat) * 3);  }void Camera::rotationMatrix(float angle, float x, float y, float z, Matrix mMatrix){     float vecLength, sinResult, cosResult, oneMinusCos;  float xx, yy, zz, xy, yz, zx, xs, ys, zs;  // Scale vector  vecLength = (float)sqrt( x*x + y*y + z*z );  // Rotation matrix is normalized  x /= vecLength;  y /= vecLength;  z /= vecLength;  sinResult = (float)sin(angle);  cosResult = (float)cos(angle);  oneMinusCos = 1.0f - cosResult;  xx = x * x;  yy = y * y;  zz = z * z;  xy = x * y;  yz = y * z;  zx = z * x;  xs = x * sinResult;  ys = y * sinResult;  zs = z * sinResult;  mMatrix[0] = (oneMinusCos * xx) + cosResult;  mMatrix[4] = (oneMinusCos * xy) - zs;  mMatrix[8] = (oneMinusCos * zx) + ys;  mMatrix[12] = 0.0f;  mMatrix[1] = (oneMinusCos * xy) + zs;  mMatrix[5] = (oneMinusCos * yy) + cosResult;  mMatrix[9] = (oneMinusCos * yz) - xs;  mMatrix[13] = 0.0f;  mMatrix[2] = (oneMinusCos * zx) - ys;  mMatrix[6] = (oneMinusCos * yz) + xs;  mMatrix[10] = (oneMinusCos * zz) + cosResult;  mMatrix[14] = 0.0f;  mMatrix[3] = 0.0f;  mMatrix[7] = 0.0f;  mMatrix[11] = 0.0f;  mMatrix[15] = 1.0f;}


void mouse(int x,int y){      if ( x != windowCenterX )  {    float difference = (windowCenterX) - x;    camera.spinLeft(difference/2.0);  }    if ( y != windowCenterY )  {    float difference = (windowCenterY) - y;    camera.lookUp(difference/2.0);  }    if ( x == windowCenterX && y == windowCenterY )    return;   glutWarpPointer(windowCenterX,windowCenterY);  }

When the application starts and I look around, it "tilts" the camera (z-axis rotation).

I cant seem to find the problem.

ive narrowed it down to the loopUp/Down function, its to do with the Z vectors.


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