RS 232 programming?

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4 comments, last by mrmrcoleman 18 years, 8 months ago
Hello, I have been working on a vending machine application for the last 18 months and it is now finished although I have a few loose ends to tie up. The biggest of these is that I now have to interface with a coin acceptor through an RS232 port(via a USB->Serial card). I have never done any serial port programming before and I don't really know what I am doing. Here is all I know. 1. The coin acceptor has a 17 pin connector on, of which only 16 are present. 2. This connects to the USB->Serial controller that I have which is installed on my machine. I need two things really, 1. What do I need to know from the manfacturer about the various pins? 2. Could anybody point me in the direction of a good turorial, or just give me a brief overview to get me started? Thanks in advance for any help. Mark
If the coin acceptor is a peripheral device then you will need to know what information it sends back to, you will need to know the interface. If it is simple enough then you could probably just open a port and just sit back waiting for data to come in.

This is some code i wrote for an assignment at uni, it is a chat client that sits on a RS232 COM serial port. If you can rip it apart you will see how com operations works.

#include <stdio.h>#include <sys/types.h>#include <conio.h>#include <ctype.h>#include <windows.h>#include <winbase.h>char LocalUserID;char OnlineUserArray[26];// Some global flags to keep track of various non-state operationsbool PacketToSend				= false;bool LocalUserLoggedIn			= false;bool SendLoggedInMessage		= false;bool SendLogInAcknowledgement   = false;bool SendLoggedOutMessage		= false;bool SendDataMessage			= false;bool SendMessageAcknowledgement = false;bool SendGenericPacket			= false;bool DisplayFullPacketContents  = false;bool ExtendedMessaging			= false;HANDLE		hComPort;DWORD		dwError;char RecipientOfAck;char RecipientOfNextMsg;char MessageToSendArray[10];// A buffer of 10 DPacket copieschar LastDPacketSent[10][16];// Define some global states and a state tracking variable//KeyBoard States#define KEYLOGGEDIN			1#define KEYLOGGEDOUT		2//Transmit States#define TRANSMITTING		1#define	NOTTRANSMITTING		2//Recieve States#define RECIEVING			1#define NOTRECIEVING		2int KeyBoardStateTracker = KEYLOGGEDOUT;int TransmitStateTracker = TRANSMITTING;int RecieveStateTracker  = RECIEVING;bool		DrawOnMenu = true;bool		DrawOffMenu = true;char			InPacket[16];char			OutPacket[16];int				iPacketArrayMember;int InitiatePort(char *device){	COMMTIMEOUTS	noblock;	DCB				dcb;	int				fSuccess;	hComPort=CreateFile(device,GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE,0,NULL,OPEN_EXISTING,0,NULL);	if (hComPort == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)	{		dwError = GetLastError();		printf("INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE()");	}		fSuccess = GetCommTimeouts(hComPort, &noblock);	noblock.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant = 1;	noblock.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier = MAXDWORD;	noblock.ReadIntervalTimeout = MAXDWORD;	fSuccess=SetCommTimeouts(hComPort,&noblock);		fSuccess = GetCommState(hComPort, &dcb);	if(!fSuccess)	{		printf("GetCommState Error!\n");	}	dcb.BaudRate = 9600;	dcb.ByteSize = 7;	dcb.fParity = TRUE;	dcb.Parity = EVENPARITY;	dcb.StopBits = TWOSTOPBITS;	dcb.fRtsControl = RTS_CONTROL_HANDSHAKE;	dcb.fOutxCtsFlow = TRUE;	fSuccess = SetCommState(hComPort, &dcb);		if(!fSuccess)	{		printf("SetCommState Error!\n");	}	return 1;}int ClearPacketArrays(){	for (int count = 0; count < 17; count++)	{		InPacket[count]		= ' ';		OutPacket[count]	= ' ';	}	return 1;}int ReadCom(){	char item;	unsigned long ni;	BOOL fsuccess;	fsuccess = ReadFile(hComPort,&item,1,&ni,NULL);	if (ni == 1) return item;	else return 0;}void DisplayMessageFromPacket(){	printf("\n%c Says : ", InPacket[2]);	if (DisplayFullPacketContents == true)	{		for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)		{			printf("%c", InPacket);		}	} 	else 		for (int i = 4; i < 14; i++)		{			printf("%c", InPacket);		}	printf("\n");}void DisassemblePacket(){	if ( InPacket[3] == 'L')	{		if (LocalUserLoggedIn == true)		{			if (ExtendedMessaging == true)				DisplayMessageFromPacket();			if (InPacket[1] == LocalUserID)			{			}			else			{				int converted;				// convert to ascii value				converted = (int) toupper(InPacket[1]);				// Fill user log in table for appropriate user				OnlineUserArray[(converted-65)] = InPacket[1];				SendLogInAcknowledgement = true;			}		}	}	else if( InPacket[3] == 'R')	{		if (LocalUserLoggedIn == true)		{			if (ExtendedMessaging == true)				DisplayMessageFromPacket();			if (InPacket[1] == LocalUserID)			{			}			else			{				int converted;				// convert to ascii value				converted = (int) toupper(InPacket[1]);				// Fill user log in table for appropriate user				OnlineUserArray[(converted-65)] = InPacket[2];			}		}				}	else if( InPacket[3] == 'X')	{		if (LocalUserLoggedIn == true)		{			if (ExtendedMessaging == true)				DisplayMessageFromPacket();			if (InPacket[1] != LocalUserID)			{				int converted;				// convert to ascii value				converted = (int) toupper(InPacket[1]);				// Fill user log in table for appropriate user				OnlineUserArray[(converted-65)] = '_';			}		}				}	else if( InPacket[3] == 'D')	{		if (LocalUserLoggedIn == true)		{			// Check to see if i'm the recipient			if (InPacket[1] == LocalUserID)			{				// Data payload packet ie a message to be displayed to the screen				// Then send an acknowledgement packet to the author				DisplayMessageFromPacket();				// Set the global variable that will hold the recipient of the acknowledgemnt packet				RecipientOfAck = InPacket[2];				SendMessageAcknowledgement = true;			}			else			{				// Construct a copy of the recieved packet to forward on				OutPacket[0] =	'{';				OutPacket[1] =	InPacket[1];				OutPacket[2] =	InPacket[2];				OutPacket[3] =	InPacket[3];				OutPacket[4] =	InPacket[4];				OutPacket[5] =  InPacket[5];				OutPacket[6] =  InPacket[6];				OutPacket[7] =  InPacket[7];				OutPacket[8] =  InPacket[8];				OutPacket[9] =  InPacket[9];				OutPacket[10] = InPacket[10];				OutPacket[11] = InPacket[11];				OutPacket[12] = InPacket[12];						OutPacket[13] =	InPacket[13]; 				OutPacket[14] = InPacket[14];				OutPacket[15] = '}';				// Tell the transmitting loop to send it on				SendGenericPacket = true;			}		}	}}bool DealWithRecievedCharacter(char iInCharacter, bool *RunFlag){	if (iInCharacter != 0)	{		if (iInCharacter == '{')		{			iPacketArrayMember = 0;			InPacket[iPacketArrayMember] = iInCharacter;			iPacketArrayMember++;		}		else 		{			InPacket[iPacketArrayMember] = iInCharacter;			iPacketArrayMember++;			if (iInCharacter == '}')				return true;		}			}	else	{	}	return false;}int CompilePacketToSend(char PacketType){	if (PacketType == 'L')	{		OutPacket[0] =	'{';		OutPacket[1] =	LocalUserID;		OutPacket[2] =	LocalUserID;		OutPacket[3] =	PacketType;		OutPacket[4] =	'*';		OutPacket[5] =  'O';		OutPacket[6] =  'n';		OutPacket[7] =  'l';		OutPacket[8] =  'i';		OutPacket[9] =  'n';		OutPacket[10] = 'e';		OutPacket[11] = ' ';		OutPacket[12] = ' ';				OutPacket[13] =	' '; 		OutPacket[14] = '#';		OutPacket[15] = '}';	}	else if (PacketType == 'X')	{		OutPacket[0] =	'{';		OutPacket[1] =	LocalUserID;		OutPacket[2] =	LocalUserID;		OutPacket[3] =	PacketType;		OutPacket[4] =	'*';		OutPacket[5] =  'O';		OutPacket[6] =  'f';		OutPacket[7] =  'f';		OutPacket[8] =  'l';		OutPacket[9] =  'i';		OutPacket[10] = 'n';		OutPacket[11] = 'e';		OutPacket[12] = ' ';				OutPacket[13] =	' '; 		OutPacket[14] = '#';		OutPacket[15] = '}';	}	else if (PacketType == 'R')	{		OutPacket[0] =	'{';		OutPacket[1] =	RecipientOfNextMsg;		OutPacket[2] =	LocalUserID;		OutPacket[3] =	PacketType;		OutPacket[4] =	'L';		OutPacket[5] =  'o';		OutPacket[6] =  'g';		OutPacket[7] =  'i';		OutPacket[8] =  'n';		OutPacket[9] =  ' ';		OutPacket[10] = 'A';		OutPacket[11] = 'c';		OutPacket[12] = 'k';				OutPacket[13] =	' ';		OutPacket[14] = '#';		OutPacket[15] = '}';	}	else if (PacketType == 'D')	{		OutPacket[0] =	'{';		OutPacket[1] =	RecipientOfNextMsg;		OutPacket[2] =	LocalUserID;		OutPacket[3] =	PacketType;		OutPacket[4] =	MessageToSendArray[0];		OutPacket[5] =  MessageToSendArray[1];		OutPacket[6] =  MessageToSendArray[2];		OutPacket[7] =  MessageToSendArray[3];		OutPacket[8] =  MessageToSendArray[4];		OutPacket[9] =  MessageToSendArray[5];		OutPacket[10] = MessageToSendArray[6];		OutPacket[11] = MessageToSendArray[7];		OutPacket[12] = MessageToSendArray[8];				OutPacket[13] =	MessageToSendArray[9];		OutPacket[14] = '#';		OutPacket[15] = '}';	}	else if (PacketType == 'Y')	{		OutPacket[0] =	'{';		OutPacket[1] =	InPacket[2];		OutPacket[2] =	LocalUserID;		OutPacket[3] =	PacketType;		OutPacket[4] =	'+';		OutPacket[5] =  ' ';		OutPacket[6] =  'A';		OutPacket[7] =  'C';		OutPacket[8] =  'K';		OutPacket[9] =  ' ';		OutPacket[10] = ' ';		OutPacket[11] = ' ';		OutPacket[12] = ' ';				OutPacket[13] =	' ';		OutPacket[14] = '#';		OutPacket[15] = '}';	}	else if (PacketType == 'N')	{		OutPacket[0] =	'{';		OutPacket[1] =	RecipientOfNextMsg;		OutPacket[2] =	LocalUserID;		OutPacket[3] =	PacketType;		OutPacket[4] =	'-';		OutPacket[5] =  ' ';		OutPacket[6] =  'A';		OutPacket[7] =  'C';		OutPacket[8] =  'K';		OutPacket[9] =  ' ';		OutPacket[10] = ' ';		OutPacket[11] = ' ';		OutPacket[12] = ' ';				OutPacket[13] =	' ';		OutPacket[14] = '#';		OutPacket[15] = '}';	}	return 1;}int SendPacket(){	unsigned long ni;	BOOL fSuccess;	fSuccess = WriteFile(hComPort,OutPacket,16,&ni,NULL);	if (ni == 16 ) 		return 0;	else 		return 1;}void LogIn(){}void LogOut(bool *pRunFlag){	int converted;	converted = (int) LocalUserID;	OnlineUserArray[(converted-65)] = 1;	LocalUserID = ' ';	PacketToSend				= false;	LocalUserLoggedIn			= false;	SendLoggedInMessage			= true;	SendLogInAcknowledgement	= false;	KeyBoardStateTracker = KEYLOGGEDOUT;}	//void GeneralInitiationvoid menuLoggedOut(){	system("cls");	printf("\t=======================================\n");	printf("\t======       Not Logged In       ======\n");	printf("\t=======================================\n");	printf("\t=======================================\n");	printf("\t 1. Log In\n");	printf("\n");	printf("\t 2. Exit\n");	printf("\n");	printf("\n");	printf("\t Enter Choice: ");}void menuLoggedIn(){	system("cls");	printf("\t=======================================\n");	printf("\t======      Logged in as %c       ======\n", LocalUserID);	printf("\t=======================================\n");	printf("\t=======================================\n");	printf("\t 1. Log Out\n");	printf("\n");	printf("\t 2. SendMessage\n");	printf("\n");	printf("\t 3. View Online Contacts\n");	printf("\n");	printf("\t 4. Display Full Packet Contents -");	if (DisplayFullPacketContents == true)	{		printf(" ON\n");	}	else	{		printf(" OFF\n");	}	printf("\n");	printf("\t 5. Use Extended Messaging -");	if (ExtendedMessaging == true)	{		printf(" ON\n");	}	else	{		printf(" OFF\n");	}	printf("\n");	printf("\t 6. Exit\n");	printf("\n");	printf("\n");	printf("\t Enter Choice: ");}int main(){	int			hr;	char		CharacterRead;	bool		RunFlag = 1;	bool		*pRunFlag = &RunFlag;	for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)	{		MessageToSendArray = 'B';	}	for (i = 0; i < 26; i++)	{		OnlineUserArray = '_';	}	// When the app starts  no user will be logged in	if ( ( hr = InitiatePort("COM1") ) == 0 )	{		printf("Initialising The Port FAILED!\n");	}	else	{		printf("Initialising The Port SUCCEEDED!\n");	}	printf("Clearing Packet Arrays...\n");	if ( ( hr = ClearPacketArrays() )== 0 )	{		printf("Clearing Packet Arrays FAILED!\n");	}	else	{		printf("Clearing Packet Arrays SUCCEEDED!\n");	}	// Draw menu	menuLoggedOut();	while(RunFlag)	{		//KEYBOARD		switch (KeyBoardStateTracker)		{			case KEYLOGGEDOUT: //If not logged in locally just track network users and pass on packets			{				// Check of user logging in				if ( kbhit() )				{					// Allocate memory for user selection					char CharacterRead;					while ( ( CharacterRead = getchar() ) == '\n' )					{						menuLoggedOut();					}					if (CharacterRead == '1')					{						//printf("Log In Here: ");						while ( ( CharacterRead = getchar() ) == '\n')						{							menuLoggedOut();							printf("\n\n\t Log In Here: ");						}						int converted;						// convert to ascii value						converted = (int) toupper(CharacterRead);						// Declare that im logged on in my log table						OnlineUserArray[(converted-65)] = toupper(CharacterRead);						// Establish that im logged in						LocalUserLoggedIn = true;						// Set Local User ID to newly signed in user						LocalUserID = toupper(CharacterRead);						// Switch to log in routines						KeyBoardStateTracker = KEYLOGGEDIN;						// Display the logged in menu						menuLoggedIn();						// Dont send again						SendLoggedInMessage = true;					}					else if (CharacterRead == '2')					{						RunFlag = 0;					}				}				break;			}			case KEYLOGGEDIN:			{				if ( kbhit() )				{					// Allocate memory for user selection					char CharacterRead;					while ( ( CharacterRead = getchar() ) == '\n' )					{						menuLoggedIn();					}					if (CharacterRead == '1')					{						int ConvertedValue;						// convert to ascii value						ConvertedValue = (int) toupper(LocalUserID);						// Declare that im logged on in my log table						OnlineUserArray[(ConvertedValue-65)] = 0;						// Establish that im logged in						LocalUserLoggedIn = false;						// Switch to log out routines						KeyBoardStateTracker = KEYLOGGEDOUT;						// Tell the transmitter to send a logged out packet						SendLoggedOutMessage = true;						// Display the logged out menu						menuLoggedOut();					}									else if (CharacterRead == '2')					{						int ItemInMessageArray = 0;						printf("\n\n\t Recipient ID: ");						while ( ( CharacterRead = getchar() ) == '\n' )						{							menuLoggedIn();							printf("\n\n\t Recipient ID: ");						}						RecipientOfNextMsg = CharacterRead;						RecipientOfNextMsg = toupper(RecipientOfNextMsg);												printf("\n\t 10 Char Message: ");						for (ItemInMessageArray; ItemInMessageArray < 10; ItemInMessageArray++)						{							while ( ( CharacterRead = getchar() ) == '\n' )							{								menuLoggedIn();								printf("\n\n\t Recipient ID: %c", RecipientOfNextMsg);								printf("\n\t 10 Char Message: ");							}														MessageToSendArray[ItemInMessageArray] = CharacterRead;						}						SendDataMessage = true;						menuLoggedIn();					}					else if (CharacterRead == '3')					{						printf("\nOnline Contacts: ");						for (i = 0; i <26; i++)						{							//if (OnlineUserArray != '0')							//{								printf("%c", OnlineUserArray);							//}						}					}					else if (CharacterRead == '4')					{						if (DisplayFullPacketContents == true)							DisplayFullPacketContents = false;						else							DisplayFullPacketContents = true;						menuLoggedIn();					}					else if (CharacterRead == '5')					{						if (ExtendedMessaging == true)							ExtendedMessaging = false;						else							ExtendedMessaging = true;						menuLoggedIn();					}					else if (CharacterRead == '6')					{						RunFlag = 0;						int ConvertedValue;						// convert to ascii value						ConvertedValue = (int) toupper(LocalUserID);						// Declare that im logged on in my log table						OnlineUserArray[(ConvertedValue-65)] = 0;						// Establish that im logged in						LocalUserLoggedIn = false;						// Switch to log out routines						KeyBoardStateTracker = KEYLOGGEDOUT;						// Tell the transmitter to send a logged out packet						SendLoggedOutMessage = true;						// Display the logged out menu						menuLoggedOut();					}				}			}		}		switch (TransmitStateTracker)		{			case TRANSMITTING:			{				if (LocalUserLoggedIn == true)				{					if (SendLoggedInMessage == true)					{						// Pass the packet type of L to create a log in packet						CompilePacketToSend('L');						// Transmitt the log in packet						SendPacket();						SendLoggedInMessage = false;					}					else if (SendLogInAcknowledgement == true)					{						// Send Aknowledgement packet back to sender only if the						// sender isnt myself DO THIS BIT LATER						CompilePacketToSend('R');						SendPacket();						SendLogInAcknowledgement = false;					}					else if (SendMessageAcknowledgement == true)					{						CompilePacketToSend('Y');						SendPacket();						SendMessageAcknowledgement = false;					}					else if (SendDataMessage == true)					{						CompilePacketToSend('D');						SendPacket();						SendDataMessage = false;					}					else if (SendGenericPacket == true)					{						SendPacket();						SendGenericPacket = false;					}				}				if (SendLoggedOutMessage == true)				{					CompilePacketToSend('X');					SendPacket();					SendLoggedOutMessage = false;				}				break;			}			case NOTTRANSMITTING:			{			}		}		switch (RecieveStateTracker)		{			case RECIEVING:			{				bool bResult;				CharacterRead = ReadCom();				bResult = DealWithRecievedCharacter(CharacterRead, pRunFlag);				if (bResult == true)				{					DisassemblePacket();				}				break;			}			case NOTRECIEVING:			{			}		}	}	return 0;}

Cheers Groove, I'll check that out.

Another thread on GameDev on the topic of RS232: RS232 Interface?

Not sure if it'll be of any help, but I thought I'd link it.
Ok, I have read lots about serial comms now and a couple of questions arise.

1. Most of the sources I have seen talk about 22/15/9 way connectors, but I have a 17?

2. All sources deal with sending characters to/from the port. In this application it would appear that rather than sending characters I have to read/write the states of individual pins.

If any one has time, the pin assignments are on page 12 of this file:

If anyone knows how to insert this table here, I would be extremely appreciative.

Thanks for any help on this one.

Ok, turns out I was wrong, there is simple instruction set for talking to the interface card. Bingo!

Cheers for the code, Ace, it was a HUGE help. The MSDN docs are not so good.


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