some general directx info please

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1 comment, last by mark-w 18 years, 8 months ago
A few questions: 1) Is there a popular tutorial site for directx similar to nehe's site for opengl? 2) I have a windows application, with 16 separate splitter panes. I was using opengl to display an orthographic view in each viewport. The app starts to react really slowly to resizing the borders or dragging the app around the desktop. I'm wondering if I switch to directx will this possibly run more smoothly (Im only supporting windows and each port just has 1 texture mapped quad inside). Thanks!
1) There are many sites but most are much smaller from what I get from NeHe (never been there). The DX SDK comes with a lot of useful samples though so for many things you will not need a site at all.

2) Probably not. DX and GL are equivalent w.r.t. performance. The problem is elsewhere in the application or your number of viewports is simply to much when taking into account the scene complexity and the PC configuration.


Yes as soon as I setup the gl render contexts the slow down occurrs(even though I'm not drawing anything).

Anyways, I can tackle this part in straight 2D. Can anyone recommend an algorithm for 2D zooming?


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