Win32 API Tutorials

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3 comments, last by CJWard 18 years, 8 months ago
I've been programming with just the console in C++ but now I want to move onto the Win32 API. What are some good ways and tutorials to get started? Thanks.
You could learn C++.NET for visual support for window creation. It's basically a .NET wrapper of Win32/GDI, and it will be much more used in the future due to an increase of productivity. For example, MS Office 2003 is in .NET, and so is MSN Messenger. However, a monkey could program .NET, so it's always good to know Win32 too. I always liked this site for Win32 tutorials:
awesome link

"It's better to regret something you've done than to regret something you haven't done."
Another link is WinProg
A more popular one I think is TheForgers winapi tutorial, it's explains some basic stuff and is one of the sources I used to learn how to program with the windows API.

Andre LaMothes book Windows Game Programming for Dummies I think is the best way to learn the basics of the Windows API.

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