Opening a Browser from an Icon

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5 comments, last by ApochPiQ 18 years, 8 months ago
I know this shouldn't be hard, but I can't figure this out.. What I something like a Executable File, that opens up the default web browser, with no address bar, and no forward/back/stop bar. All I want it to have is the window with the page in it. I thought this would be an easy task, but I still can't find how to do it..(besides the -k command line argument for i.e. but once in that mode I don't know how to get out) Thanks, Kag1
I'm not sure if this'll help much, but a while back I bolted on an HTML help system to a project I made. In order to display the HTML pages "inside" the application I created an instance of the Internet Explorer ActiveX control... the control had options to hide all of the status/menu/tool bars.

Maybe you can look into something along those lines?


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Jack Hoxley <small>[</small><small> Forum FAQ | Revised FAQ | MVP Profile | Developer Journal ]</small>

For what purpose do you want to do this? There may be an alternative solution.

We have been thinking of Alternate Solutions, although this one seemed the best, it's rather hard to explain exactly what we are trying to do, because I would have to explain exactly what the company I work for does, basically we are just trying to hide the url. Is there no way to open up I.E without the Address and Control Bars?
Sounds like some kind of adware/malware deal to me. Seriously, I wouldn't want a program sending my computer to a website that I couldn't see the URL of. Computers and the internet are all about freedom.
{[JohnE, Chief Architect and Senior Programmer, Twilight Dragon Media{[+++{GCC/MinGW}+++{Code::Blocks IDE}+++{wxWidgets Cross-Platform Native UI Framework}+++
No, It's absolutely nothing like malware/adware. Right now we sell CDs, the way the product is set up currently is all the CD does is open a URL. The real estate companies that we sell these CDs to, are simply just posting this website, with the password required to get in on their websites, which we don't like, because then they say they don't need the CDs anymore...So I'm guessing your answer is simply saying that it's not possible..without making a custom program.

And even if it was adware..what would it matter if the url is there's still annoying..
Yes, you will probably need a simple custom program. It's very easy to put together. In VB you can do what you want with one line of code and 10 minutes putting a form together; in C++ / MFC you can do it quite quickly using the CHtmlView base class.

Wielder of the Sacred Wands
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