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4 comments, last by Jnz86 18 years, 8 months ago
Hi, I have downloaded boost library and compiled it with bjam.(For projects I am use Microsoft Visual C++ 2003). I want to emmbed Python into my app, and i have trouble building dll. When i compile it says "unresolved external ...". The tutorials says i need to include a dependency to other project file(which is in boost/libs/python/build/VisualStudio. But, hell, i want my project to only depend on it's own. So what thing do you include when you build your boost::python projects? it's hard to explain, i hope i explained everything clear...
I link to boost_python-vc71-mt.lib. Remember to also select the multithreaded DLL runtime.
"Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it." — Brian W. Kernighan
Quote:Original post by Fruny
I link to boost_python-vc71-mt.lib. Remember to also select the multithreaded DLL runtime.

I cant find that lib in my boost dir. Do you get it by compiling boost::python libary or from elsewere?
I had to build the dll from the project provided in the boost directory tree. I think I just compiled the project in boost/libs/python/build/VisualStudio and took the outputted dll. Now I just have that dll in my project directory and everything's a go. If it doesn't work I can send you mine if you want.
perfectly_dark: it would be great if you could send me your DLL/example project file to :)
Sh*t, I got it to work! Don't send me anything :)

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