first game language

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6 comments, last by BKBen7 18 years, 7 months ago
i am just starting programing. and i need to know which i should start with. one thats free or close to ($50 or under). and how hard is programing a fps(first person shooter) game?
lol programming languages are free, i would start with c++ thats what i started with, but thats up to you...and a fps is years and years of hard hard work.
You might want to start with Python. It's powerful and easy to learn.

Programming a FPS is relatively difficult. You'll need to learn quite a bit before getting to the stage where you can do one of those, even if you use a pre-existing 3D engine.
k thanks, but i don't know were to go to find programing languages. i saw some of these things at fry's and it cost like 100 bucks. so were should i go to get the programing launguages?
If you want to start with Python, I already gave you link for that, and if you want to start with C++, Microsoft has released Visual C++ .NET 2003 Professional compiler for free as a download (though it lacks the IDE). You can also use MinGW, a gcc port for Windows. For free IDEs you can try Code::Blocks or DevCpp.
ok i shall do that. thanks everyone. i needed the help.:D
Well first of all, you need what is called a compiler to generate programs from programming code. There are many languages to use (for free):

How to program

How to program

Of course, there are many other great languages out there, but these are my favorites.
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I really reccomend DevCpp, the UI is really great and everything really easy to use.
"Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!"~Patrick Henry

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