IE & FireFox Toolbar Programming

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1 comment, last by SiCrane 18 years, 7 months ago
I've just started looking into writing toolbars for IE and FireFox for a utility I am writing that I think may be of general interest. Is there an easy way to make a toolbar that works with both browsers? Is there an easy way to make a toolbar that will work in FireFox on Win32 vs. FireFox on Linux? Or should I just plan to keep the GUI code separate and have two entirely different code paths?

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Plan on two seperate projects. Firefox toolbars use &#106avascript, xul and xpcom. IE doesn't. Firefox toolbar programming is much easier in my opinion. The &#106avascript and xul portions will not be platform specific. And you can do a lot with just that.<br><br>A few sites I found useful in developing a Firefox toolbar are <a href="">borngeek</a> and <a href="">XULPlanet</a>.<br><br>As for IE, you would have to search around.<br><br>-Halo7
IE/explorer toolbars.

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