Do I need to form my own company?

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6 comments, last by CRAZY COCONUT COW 18 years, 7 months ago
1.I got a demo. If I want to deal with publishers(say my game is real good), would it be more advantageous if I form my own company(with my girlfriend as my only employee) with say (C)CCC Inc 2005, or I go self employed with say (c)Crazy Coconut Cow 2005. 2.If I am a foreigner from a country with laws similiar to the US. Will US publishers easily swindle/con/bully me(ITS VERY EXPENSIVE TO HIRE INTERNATIONAL LAWYERS)?
Short answer to your question is yes, it is greatly in your advantage to form a company, but no, you don't want to put you GF as you employee for, at least in the US, this means that your company has to pay a slew of taxes even for one employee.

US People get conned and swindled by US companies all the won't be difffrent. But forming a company is a good first step to protecting yourself; reading up on your local copyright and patent law is another; informing yourself of what business deals exsist between your country and the US will also help. But yes, you are at a disadvantage being a foreign company dealing in the US...


Can somebody elaborate on the advantage of forming a company??
Is it law protection or tax or "dont mess with a company" image or....hmmmm...doesnt a individual lone wolf gets protection???
Might I strongly recommend that you get a copy of The Indie Game Development Survival Guide? I've been thinking about aiming towards selling games in a couple of years and there's a slew of good advice in this book, including the reasons for setting up a company, as well as which company structure is right for you. It's aimed for the U.S. laws, but it should be applicable for most countries.

It also answers some of the other questions you have about publishing as well. It's a really, really good book to have.
I second Trapper Zoid's suggestion.

I just finished reading the book and it absolutely wonderful for someone who wants to make games and sell them.
Your LLC or Corporation is the "legal person" that signs all your contracts (you sign as an officer on the company's behalf). This means no personal liability to you whatever happens with respect to that contract, as long as you do not commit a crime as officer of the company.

A corporation also gives an easy way to reward employees with ownership.

You do not need to have a single employee to register a company or to file taxes.
Ditto on the book suggestion.

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