STLport, say what, tutorials?

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2 comments, last by Syranide 18 years, 7 months ago
Ok, so I figured that it would be wise if I finally gave all these packages a try as it's quite tedious once you've written your hashmap for the 10th time. Downloaded, installed, and included STLport in a project... but... Then what... I include <hash_map> which allows me to use STLPORT::hash_map, but where is one supposed to go from there? The "IntelliSense" or whatever it is called in MSVC 7.1 won't give me any hints... and, I really can't find anything on it, no tutorials nor any understandable source code... not even documentation. Anyone that has any hints/tips etc to where one should start? (A better alternative to STLport?)

I believe STLPort is based on the SGI STL library, the documentation for which, can be found here
STLPort is just an alternative implementation of the STL. The data structures work exactly like those in the STL. Try a good reference to the STL, such as .
Aaa, thanks a bunch both, I saw the link to that site in the "documentation", but I never thought as far as they could be "identical" documentation-wise.

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