moving groups of vertices

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0 comments, last by BTierens 18 years, 7 months ago
For my project, I currently have a number of weapons in there own space. I want to move them to say the right hand of my model. I have the matrix to move verticies from world space to the bones space. What is the fastesd / best way to move those verticies to the bone space. Currently I just multiply the matrix by each and every vertice of the weapon. I am not worrying about scaling, so would it be better to break the matrix into its translation and x,y,z rotation and just call glTranslate and glRotate? or even using glMultMatrixf. My weapons are not complete at the moment. I would assume they would only be a couple hundred polygons, hopefully around 200 im thinking. I am no 3d artist so that is just a rough estimate. Thanks -THACO
Calling glMultMatrixf and then drawing all the polygons is probably the best solution. The glTranslatef and glRotatef functions generate a matrix and multiply it with the current matrix. Btw, I don't think that you will notice a speed difference between one of these possible solutions.

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