[.net] OpenGL - TAO - Can't find win32 download?

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10 comments, last by Rob Loach 18 years, 7 months ago
Hey guys :) I can't seem to find any version of TAO for win32, with dll's etc... I can only find the Unix version on their SVN site - tao.tar.gz Would really appreciate if anyone could help me out. Or is the tao.tar.gz fine, but I'm the fool not knowing how to build it? If you would be so kind, please send the newest build to: stora@student.chalmers.se Thx!
They don't distribute the binaries for some reason, they really should though. A while ago, I decided to do my own build along with a build of documentation with NDoc, you can find them here. You'll find in there all the popular Tao Framework binaries along with XML documentation and the Tao.chm which holds all the documentation in HTML Help form. Enjoy!
Rob Loach [Website] [Projects] [Contact]
Weee! :)

Many thanks!
taoframework.com used to be the homepage and it had binary downloads for multiple OSes as well as forums, documentation, and stuff, but the site has disappeared now. I was using a .zip of their December 04 release (yay for backups and not deleting stuff), but now I'll switch to Rob's build.
The site is now at http://mono-project.com/Tao. There is a mailing list as well.
SDL.NET http://cs-sdl.sourceforge.netTao.Sdlhttp://mono-project.com/Tao
It should be noted that in Rob Loachs OpenGl dll compilation the extensions don't work. This is because allthou he has compilated them correctly he need to apply the Post Process on it for getting the extensions to work instead of getting NotImplementedExceptions all the time.
True, they're also not up-to-date. Since then, there has been a major update to Tao.DevIL for the Ilut library as well as SDL_net being added into Tao.Sdl. I started SdlNet.cs a while ago and then just today, Jendave decided to finished it off. You can find the latest source from the Tao Framework SVN repository.

I've just talked with jendave and he plans on publishing official releases of the framework on the Tao website. When these actually go online depends on when he finds out how to upload the binaries to mono [wink].
Rob Loach [Website] [Projects] [Contact]
Oh, I haven't gotten as far as using the extentions yet :)

Though I will be implementing the vertexbuffers and stuff now, so that will
prolly fail.

But, on the SVN repository I can only find the TARBALL to download. I'm not sure
if that is the Unix version or something... but I can't figure out how to compile it on a windows machine.

Would appreciate some info on that :)
I've spent the last 8 hours trying to get a build too, and I think I finally I managed it. But I dont have any place to store the new build for you to download (and test). Anyhow the way I did build it was:

with visual studio 2003 (generate project files with vs2003.bat).
1. build Gl extension loader.
a. manually load the Gl extension project
b. edit the attribute AssemblyKeyFile to point to the key file
Tao.OpenGl.ExtensionLoader.snk in the same directory as the source files.
c. Open Project properties and define STRONG among the build properties for
a release build.
d. Build it.

2. Build OpenGl assembly.
a. manually load the Tao.OpenGl project.
b. remove the reference from Gl extension loader.
c. manually copy the Tao.OpenGl.ExtensionLoader.dll loader assembly
which you previously buildt into the release folder for Tao.Opengl
and add it as reference.
d. Build it (without any key file.)

3. Build the Tao.GlPostProcess executable.
a. manually load the Tao.GlPostProcess .csproj.
b. remove references as Tao.OpenGl and Tao.GlExtension loader.
c. manually copy the Tao.OpenGl.ExtensionLoader.dll and Tao.OpenGl.dll
to the release folder and add them as new references.
d. Open the Project Properties | Configuration Properties | Debugging
and edit the Command line Arguments so that :
- first argument points to tao\src\Tao.OpenGl\bin\Release\Tao.OpenGl.dll
- second argument points to tao\bin\Tao.OpenGl.dll or where you want it.
- third argument points to H:\temp\tao\src\Tao.OpenGl\Tao.OpenGl.snk
- forth argunment should be "Tao.OpenGl.Gl"
- fift argument should be "Tao.OpenGl.ContextGl".
e. Build it and run it.

The run process should print out a lot of "." dots and some numbers pluss twice it should say "Type Created".
So if all went well you should have a new Tao.OpenGl.dll file which needs to be used together with the same as the previous buildt Tao.OpenGl.ExtensionLoader.dll.

NOTE: First I tried to use vs 2005 beta 2 to build the glPostProcess and run it but there are some differences in the way .net 2.0 and .net 1.1 reflection works
so it will fail.(since glPostProcess currently assumes the way type members is sorted or something).

It should be noted that it might be other ways to build it easier but this was how I ended doing it.

And since english is not my native language I hope I made it clear enough how to build it, and I hope you find it usefull.

EDIT: Just found out that the ContextGL class dont work. but if you manually load the address of the function it works. Aka Gl.ext__GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object__glBindBufferARB = Glut.glutGetProcAddress("glBindBufferARB");

This is probably a bug in the Tao framework and not in the build but in any case I will look into into since I don't wanna make my own extension loader.

[Edited by - Sko44 on September 16, 2005 8:08:16 PM]
You could also try this. One .cs file(safe), but only .Net 2.0 .

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