3H-GDC m.III - Winner: eal!!!

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51 comments, last by Binomine 18 years, 7 months ago
Aww, I'm not going to have access to a computer on Sunday :(

Ergo, I volunteer to be a judge since one of the judges will end up PMing me for advice, and my decisions will ultimately become identical to the overall standings [lol]

If you want specs:

2.0 GHz
Radeon x300
IE6, MarkR [wink]
unless someone gets more code in within the next 20 minutes, I'm going to say: base code has achieved approvization.

[Formerly "capn_midnight". See some of my projects. Find me on twitter tumblr G+ Github.]

actually, I too have a set of base code, though I won't be competing obviously. It's written in C# for .NET 1.1.

Here is an example usage:
using System;using System.IO;using Game.Common.Utility;using Game.Common.Graphics;using Foot_Race.Screens;namespace Foot_Race{	public class EntryPoint	{		[STAThread]		static void Main() 		{			GameLoop loop = new GameLoop("Foot Race", false, 33);			loop.AddScreen(GameLoop.TITLE, new TitleScreen());			loop.AddScreen(GameLoop.MENU, new MenuScreen());			loop.AddScreen(GameLoop.PLAY, new PlayScreen());			loop.AddScreen(GameLoop.GAME_OVER, new GameOverScreen());			loop.AddScreen(GameLoop.CREDITS, new CreditsScreen());			loop.Start();		}	}}

and a sample of one of the Screen classes

using System;using System.Drawing;namespace Foot_Race.Screens{	/// <summary>	/// Summary description for CreditsScreen.	/// </summary>	public class CreditsScreen : Game.Common.Graphics.IScreenPainter	{		int frameCount;		int goCode;		string text;		Font font;		Brush brush;		public CreditsScreen()		{			text = "Foot Race\n(C) Midnight Express Games, 2005\n\nProgramming: Sean McBeth\nArt: Sean McBeth\nE...Screw it, everything: Sean McBeth";			font = new Font("Arial", 24);			brush = new SolidBrush(Color.White);		}		#region IScreenPainter Members		public System.Drawing.Bitmap BGImage		{			get			{				return null;			}		}		public void AcceptInput(Game.Common.Utility.InputManager im)		{			if(frameCount > 30 && im.AnyKeyHit)			{				goCode = Game.Common.Utility.GameLoop.MENU;			}		}		public int GoCode		{			get			{				return goCode;			}		}		#endregion		#region IPaintable Members		public void Paint(System.Drawing.Graphics g, int w, int h)		{			g.DrawString(text, font, brush, 100, h - frameCount*2);		}		#endregion		#region IAnimated Members		public void Init()		{			frameCount = 0;			goCode = Game.Common.Utility.GameLoop.CREDITS;		}		public void Update(int delTime)		{			++frameCount;		}		#endregion	}}

The Init() method is called whenever a screen is first displayed.
The AcceptInput(InputManager) method is called once per frame. The InputManager class keeps track of the input state for input polling.
The Update(int) method is called once per frame before rendering and is passed the number of milliseconds since the last frame.
The Paint(Graphics, int, int) method is called once per frame. The two ints represent the width and height of the screen.
The GameLoop checks the property GoCode to see if the current screen is done and which screen to progress to (via a number of static integer values in the GameLoop class)
And that's pretty much the basics. Any questions, PM me. You don't have to use the code, the code isn't the theme.

[Formerly "capn_midnight". See some of my projects. Find me on twitter tumblr G+ Github.]

I can't participate because I work on weekends, but I can judge.

Pentium M 1.86 GHz
1GB DDR2 533MHz

Windows XP
.Net 1.1
DX 9
Okay folks, get your last minute volunteers in. The contest starts at GMT1500. Eastern Standard Time is currently GMT-4, so that's 11am.

[Formerly "capn_midnight". See some of my projects. Find me on twitter tumblr G+ Github.]

I may participate if it's not too late, depending on the theme (I have very little imagination [smile]). I'll be starting from scratch (no basecode).
I will particpate, since it's too late to put in basecode, I guess I'll use pygame.

Of course, since I've ne'er used python, I may not have anything to submit...
Yeah, what the heck, I'm in.
Starts in an hour, right?

[Edited by - Snaily on September 17, 2005 9:31:36 AM]
It's 1500 GMT. [smile]
whao! Sorry for the late start. I really over slept. In fact, I was so tired, I almost ran off the road last night. Anyway..., tak an extra 15 minutes to finish your games.

The theme is Crackers. Interpret that as you wish. I can think of at least 4 different meanings to the word "cracker".

[Formerly "capn_midnight". See some of my projects. Find me on twitter tumblr G+ Github.]

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