3H-GDC m.III - Winner: eal!!!

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51 comments, last by Binomine 18 years, 7 months ago


The results are in! 1st eal!!! eal will receive a first release copy of Morning's Wrath by Ethereal Darkness Interactive. (pm me with your mailing information) 2nd H_o_p_s already has a GDNet+ subscription, so he may opt for a 3 month extension or cash. (pm me with your choice) Runners up: snaily and Binomine did an excellent job, but unfortunately receive nothing. The submissions are: Alright, we had a nice showing for the last Three Hour Game Development Contest, let's see what happens this time. Prizes: 1st: A production copy of Morning's Wrath, by independent developer and GameDev.net member EDI. 2nd: 3-month subscription to GDNet+ from capn_midnight Date/Time: This time, instead of Sunday, I will hold it on Saturday. Last time the contest was held at 3PM EST and some people in Europe and Asia felt a little left out. So, help me figure out a time to hold the contest so that those people may compete this time (I reallize, this will probably leave out the people from the first competition). Theme: N/A The past two contests were "Black and White" and "Fire". Rules:
  1. Submissions must meet a predetermined theme (which will be revealed 1 hour before the beginning of the contest)
  2. Any Language (C, Java, C#, Python, &#106avascript, Brainf***, I don't care) or API (SDL, Allegro, PyGame, JOGL, etc) is acceptable, as long as you handle all distribution yourself (Ideally include all assemblies. You *may* link to a direct download, but a download page is UNNACEPTABLE. One click should be all I need to download the components I need). Do not assume the Judges have any particular machine setup.
  3. Game Makers are NOT acceptable.
  4. For more discussion on what is and is not acceptible, see the previous contest's thread.
  5. You may use rendering frame, input manager, math library, or sound manager base code that you have written, but no other code. You must post this code in a source tag in the forum on Thursday night before the competition to keep the playing field even (anyone may use it if they want). The judges reserve the right to veto your use of such code (hence the need for the Thursday night deadline).
  6. Judges will judge on a full binary version of the software. They will not compile the software.
  7. Judging will be conducted by a panel of non-competitors
  8. Judging will be based mostly on overall gameplay and originallity of game design. Graphics will be a minor part, but mainly in the fluidity of the graphics (stuttering, tearing, flickering graphics will be very bad). We understand that content will be light, that graphics will be underdeveloped, that input MIGHT be a bit akward. Gameplay is the key.
  9. prizes are listed above
  10. presumably, winners will post their winning game in the GDNet Showcase.
  11. runners up receive nothing.
  12. we will attempt to pursue full legal action against nefarious ne'er-do-wells (those that would upload destructive code).
Three hours is plenty of time to make a classic arcade game, or something new with simple gameplay. Check out the previous contest to see what was done. Gameplay is what this contest is about. If anyone wants to volunteer as a Judge, please post here and list your machine specs as well as your pertinent software running on your computer. For example, I'm: Processor: Pentium4 2.4GHz Memory: 768MB RDRAM GFX: Radeon 9800 Sound: SB Audigy 2 OS: Windows XP Pro SP2 Other Software: Java 5, .Net 1.1, DX9c [Edited by - capn_midnight on September 19, 2005 11:40:08 PM]

[Formerly "capn_midnight". See some of my projects. Find me on twitter tumblr G+ Github.]

Come on, guys, I can't believe noone is interested. We've got a real prize this time!

[Formerly "capn_midnight". See some of my projects. Find me on twitter tumblr G+ Github.]

I am interested, moreover I hereby submit the following &#106avascript code for reuse by myself and anyone else who wants to subject to the all-mighty capnmidnight not vetoing it:

<script type="text/javascript">// Temporary until I find the true location of these constantsvar KEYCODE_LEFT = 37;var KEYCODE_RIGHT = 39;var KEYCODE_UP = 38;var KEYCODE_DOWN = 40;var KEYCODE_SPACE = 32;var KEYCODE_F = "F".charCodeAt(0);var KEYCODE_E = "E".charCodeAt(0);var keysDown = { };function KeyHandler(ev, isDown){	// If game not started, do nowt.	if (! gameStarted) {		return; 	}	// Handling IE.	if (window.event) {		ev = window.event;	}	switch (ev.keyCode) {		case KEYCODE_LEFT:		case KEYCODE_RIGHT:		case KEYCODE_UP:		case KEYCODE_DOWN:		case KEYCODE_SPACE:		case KEYCODE_F:		case KEYCODE_E:			// Ok			break;		default:			// document.getElementById("debug").innerHTML = ev.keyCode;			return; // Ignore	};		keysDown[ev.keyCode] = isDown;	// ONLY call this if the game is running etc.	if (ev.preventDefault) {		ev.preventDefault();	}	// For IE	ev.cancelBubble = true;}function KeyHandlerUp(ev){	KeyHandler(ev, false);}function KeyHandlerDown(ev){	KeyHandler(ev, true);}function InitEvents(){	document.onkeydown = KeyHandlerDown;	// Some versions of Firefox, may not report keydown while another key is held down.	// Fix this by using keypress as well.	// document.onkeypress = KeyHandlerDown;	document.onkeyup = KeyHandlerUp;}// Util method.function RemoveAllChildren(elem){	var items = elem.childNodes;	for (var i=(items.length -1); i>= 0; i--)	{		elem.removeChild(items.item(i));	}}</script>

I'm interested, although if I win I will need a better version of the second place prize, me already having MW and all.
Is this going to be held this weekend?

I suppose rule 5 is not debatable? I would want to use my base code, but posting that here is not really feasible.
___________________________Buggrit, millennium hand and shrimp!
I might participate. I'll just use pygame, no need for base code. Oh and I have a request: if you're planning on giving us a tileset to use like you mentioned in some other thread, make it one tile per image with descriptive and short names.. I'd hate to be looking up images from some large bitmap with all tiles layed out in there in random positions.
Quote:Original post by capn_midnight
Date/Time: This time, instead of Sunday, I will hold it on Saturday. Last time the contest was held at 3PM EST and some people in Europe and Asia felt a little left out. So, help me figure out a time to hold the contest so that those people may compete this time (I reallize, this will probably leave out the people from the first competition).
I suggest being lazy, 3:00pm in your own time zone.

A quick perl script should be able to email the theme to all who subscribe at 2:00pm their time zone. Submittion should be by PM on gamedev.net and after a 24 hour period, you post the completed games.

I'm going to say 11am for the contest this time. I see one entry for base code and 3, maybe 4 people that want to participate. Any last minute takers? We've got another 5 hours and 45 minutes to submit base code (reference this against my post time for your local time).

[Formerly "capn_midnight". See some of my projects. Find me on twitter tumblr G+ Github.]

I might or might not participate. My basecode will be winforms.
I teleported home one night; With Ron and Sid and Meg; Ron stole Meggie's heart away; And I got Sydney's leg. <> I'm blogging, emo style
I suppose I'll give it a try. I'm not sure if this would be way too much code to start with though. It uses DirectX and has functions to do all the basic things like draw triangles, play sounds, load bitmaps, handle textures, etc.

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