Program to make Stadiums?

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3 comments, last by Fruny 18 years, 7 months ago
Just like the question suggests any1 have any idea of any programs i can use to build baseball stadiums f.e?
That's a pretty vague question. What do you mean by "build stadiums"? Create a baseball stadium model? A baseball stadium level for a FPS? Design a 30 foot high baseball stadium made out of popsicle sticks? A 3D printer input to get a model made out of plastic?
Can you be a bit more specific? As far as your (very general) question goes, you can use pretty much any modeling program to make your model, then import it however you can.

Maybe try out Blender, see if that does what you want.
hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia- the fear of big words
building a baseball stadium model for a simulation baseball game..sorry that i made it so vague
Yes, check this thread in the Visual Arts forum.
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