Problem with Fill Rect

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3 comments, last by Rocko 18 years, 6 months ago
Hi, im new here. I am having some problems with the fill rect function in SDL. If I run the program in fullscreen the screen flashes a lot but if i run it windowed it works just fine. I dont know if the problem is the fill rect function or something else, i would appreciate if you could help me. Thanks.
Try using a double buffer in fullscreen mode, and see if that corrects the problem.

To do this or in the SDL_DOUBLEBUF flag when you make the call to SDL_SetVideoMode. You'll need to call SDL_Flip instead of updating the screen surface though.
Im already using DOUBLEBUFFER. Could it be something else?

Weird if it's bug only in full screen mode but.... make sure SDL_Flip is really called at the very end of the calculation and when you are ready to swap the buffers.
//This is the function we call from the gameloop every cicle:

void CTetris::Draw()
bool bEsPieza;

SDL_Rect rectFondo;
rectFondo.x = (ANCHO_VENTANA / 3) + 18;
rectFondo.y = 85;
rectFondo.w = 191;
rectFondo.h = 388;

SDL_Rect rectLineas;
rectLineas.x = 500;
rectLineas.y = 103;
rectLineas.w = 50;
rectLineas.h = 20;

SDL_FillRect(sfcScreen, &rectFondo, SDL_MapRGB(sfcScreen->format, 0, 0, 0));
for (int i = 0; i < ALTO_TABLERO; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < ANCHO_TABLERO; j++)
bEsPieza = false;
int k = 0;
while (k < 4 && !bEsPieza)
if (p.cuadrado[k].x == j && p.cuadrado[k].y == i)
bEsPieza = true;

if (bEsPieza)
DrawSprite(sfcPiezas, sfcScreen, TAM_PIEZA * (p.tipo - 1), 0, j * TAM_PIEZA+ (ANCHO_VENTANA /3), i * TAM_PIEZA + 93, TAM_PIEZA, TAM_PIEZA);

if (tablero[j] != LIBRE)
DrawSprite(sfcPiezas, sfcScreen, TAM_PIEZA * (tablero[j] - 1), 0, j * TAM_PIEZA+(ANCHO_VENTANA/3), i * TAM_PIEZA + 93, TAM_PIEZA, TAM_PIEZA);

SDL_FillRect(sfcScreen, &rectLineas, SDL_MapRGB(sfcScreen->format, 0, 0, 0));
DrawText( sfcScreen, IntToString(iLineasTotales), 505, 100, 255, 255, 255 );

SDL_Flip( sfcScreen );

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